Hi, and welcome to IMSLP! Thank you for your Nietzche scores! Could you please provide publisher information, so that the copyright review team can verify the copyright status of these scores more easily?--Snailey Yell at me Email me 09:34, 2 December 2008 (EST)
Hi again, Siebenkas. Just dropping you a quick reminder about the Kœchlin catalogue d'œuvres you mentioned. Since there doesn't seem to be too much that is eligible in Canada (or the US) for upload, the sooner I could get a definitive list, the sooner I can acquire and post his works. Thanks again! Daphnis 01:42, 21 July 2009 (UTC)
Hello again. Another friendly reminder about the catalogue. Thanks. Daphnis 17:29, 22 August 2009 (UTC)