Title-page Details
Title-page transcription
- A Set of 10 Miscellaneous Fugues, with Two Introductions & one Voluntary. for the Organ or the Piano Forte; Three, of these Fugues are Composed by Handel, Three, by Joseph Diettenhofer, and Four, with the Voluntary, by the late Celebrated John Sebastian Bach, Organist, Composer, & Conductor of the Music at the Cathedral at Leipzig in Germany. Chiefly intended for the Use of Organists.</span>
13 pieces (10 fugues, 2 introductions, 1 voluntary)
- Diettenhofer: Fugue I in F major
Fugue the 1st of four subjects by Handel adapted from the voices of his Alexanders Feast with the pedals necessary
- Diettenhofer: Fugue II in B minor
This is called a Fugata originally composed for two parts by Handel; and now with an addition of a third part
- Diettenhofer: Voluntary in C minor
A short Voluntary on the Diapason
- Handel: Fugata III in C minor
- Diettenhofer: Fugue IV in G major 'Non nobis Domine'
Taken from a Fugue of four voices by Diettenhofer, and adapted by him for the organ: the Voluntary In G major in Johann Ernst Eberlin's book of Fugues Part the 2d. before Fugue the 3d., may likewise be play'd before this Fugue.
- Diettenhofer: Fugue V in D major
A fugue taken from a Quartetto of violin parts; and now adapted with alterations by him, for the organ. The Voluntary in D major, in Eberlin's Book of Fugues & Voluntaries Part the 2d., before Fugue the 1st., may also be Play'd before this Fugue.
- Diettenhofer: Introduction in C major
When Sappho tun'd the raptur'd Strain &c. A Glee, first composed by Mr. Danby for three voices, but afterwards composed for four voices with additions & alterations; & also adapted now for the organ with the Introduction, & Fugue following by Diettenhofer.
- Diettenhofer: Fugue VI in C major
- J.S. Bach: Fugue VII in D minor
In D, with the 3d. minore and of three subjects
- J.S. Bach: Fugue VIII in C major
- J.S. Bach: Fugue IX in C♯ minor
- J.S. Bach: Voluntary (Prelude) in B minor, with the Fugue following.
- Diettenhofer: Fugue X in B minor