Album für die Jugend, Op.68 (Schumann, Robert)




MP3 file (audio)
MCPP (2019/12/18)

MP3 file (audio)
MCPP (2017/5/5)

MP3 file (audio)
MCPP (2017/5/5)

MP3 file (audio)
MCPP (2017/5/5)

Performer Pages Mississippi College Piano Pedagogy (piano)
Publisher Info. MississippiCollegePianoPedagogy, 2017, 2019.
Javascript is required for this feature.

MP3 file (audio)
Stenov (2019/6/19)

Performer Pages Cantores Carmeli Linz (chorus)
Michael Stenov (director)
Publisher Info. Michael Stenov
Misc. Notes German text "Preise, Zunge, das Geheimnis", Live recording from the Karmelitenkirche Linz 2015
Javascript is required for this feature.

MP3 file (audio)
Luiskaludin (2023/8/22)

MP3 file (audio)
Luiskaludin (2023/8/22)

Performer Pages Luis Kolodin (Piano)
Publisher Info. Luis Kolodin
Javascript is required for this feature.


Javascript not enabled.



For Piano (Knuth)

MP3 file (audio)
Jürgen Knuth (2011/9/6)

MP3 file (audio)
Jürgen Knuth (2011/9/6)

MID file (audio/video)
Reccmo (2012/4/10)

Publisher Info. Altena: Jürgen Knuth
Performers Jürgen Knuth (synthesized audio)
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.
For Flute, Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon (Rondeau)

MP3 file (audio)
Michrond (2012/12/10)

MP3 file (audio)
Michrond (2012/12/10)

MP3 file (audio)
Michrond (2012/12/10)

Publisher Info. Michel Rondeau
Performers MIDI
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Armes Waisenkind (No.6)

For Flute, Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon (Chung)

MP3 file (audio)
Amandachung (2014/9/1)

Publisher Info. Amanda Chung
Performers Geere
Javascript is required for this feature.

* * * [untitled] (No.26)

For Piano (Ryckeghem)

MID file (audio/video)
Reccmo (2012/4/10)

Publisher Info. André Van Ryckeghem
Performers Synthesized MIDI
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Figurierter Choral (No.41)

For Organ (Gouin)

MID file (audio/video)
Keanur (2017/9/10)

Publisher Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2017
Performers MIDI file by Pierre Gouin
Javascript is required for this feature.

Sheet Music



PDF scanned by Konrad Stein
RTM (2013/10/24)

Editor 2nd edition*
Ludwig Richter (1803–1884), title page and vignettes
Publisher. Info. Hamburg: Schuberth, 1849. Plate 1232.
Misc. Notes * "Zweite mit einem Textanhange vermehrte Auflage"
(→Musikalische Haus- und Lebensregeln).
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by US-SLug
Gaylord (2014/6/25)

Editor Karl Klauser (1823–1905)
Engraver Leipzig: C.G. Röder.
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: J. Schuberth, n.d.[1867]. Plate 4359.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Gaylord Library Mirroring Project.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by piupianissimo
Piupianissimo (2013/3/3)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Feldmahler (2006/3/05)

PDF scanned by D-Mbs
Ivdruiz (2009/12/31)

Editor Clara Schumann (1819–1896)
Publisher. Info. Robert Schumanns Werke, Serie VII: Für Pianoforte zu zwei Händen
Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1887. Plate R.S. 67.
Misc. Notes scan: score scanned at 600dpi (High Quality Scanning)
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by US-PRV
Pnorcks (2024/8/17)

PDF scanned by US-PRV
Feduol (2011/2/11)

Editor Alfred Dörffel (1821–1905)
Richard Schmidt (1839–ca.1924)
Publisher. Info. Werke für Pianoforte solo, Band I (pp.4-59)
Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d.[1887]. Plate 7000.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by Unknown
Feduol (2023/12/20)

Editor Gabriel Fauré (1845–1924)
Language French
Translator Franz Liszt (1811–1886), French text
Publisher. Info. Paris: Durand, n.d.[1916]. Plate D. & F. 2950.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by Jacopo Tore
JacopoTore (2017/2/27)

Editor Renzo Lorenzoni (1887–1951)
Publisher. Info. Milan: Ricordi, 1919. Plate E.R. 100.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by P-Ln
Feduol (2025/1/28)

Editor José Vianna da Motta (1868–1948)
Publisher. Info. Lisbon: Sassetti & Ca., n.d.[1923]. Plate 1265.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by
Feduol (2023/12/28)

Editor Harold Bauer (1873–1951)
Publisher. Info. Schirmer's Library of Musical Classics, Vol.90
New York: G. Schirmer, 1946. Plate 41459.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by Jacopo Tore
JacopoTore (2019/10/18)

Editor Renzo Lorenzoni (1887–1951)
Publisher. Info. Milan: Ricordi, n.d. Plate E. R. 668.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by Unknown
Feduol (2023/12/20)

Editor Clara Schumann (1819–1896)
Joachim Draheim (b. 1950)
Publisher. Info. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, No.8436, 1984. Plate Wb. 1701.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here.

In Canada, new editions/re-engravings of public domain works (when not including new original material) should be in the public domain due to failing to meet the threshold of originality. In most European Union countries, these editions (except new original material) are generally protected for no more than 25 years from publication (30 years in Poland), and only if the edition is published after the copyrights of the original creator(s) have expired. In the United States, copyright can only apply to new creative work, and the re-engraving of a public domain piece (not including new additions of creative material) should not qualify for a new copyright, despite copyright claims (which properly would only apply to new material).

You may need to check the publication date and details of the work's first publication in order to determine the work's copyright status, especially for the United States, as the copyright on the original work may not have expired.

More information can be found here.
Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.
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PDF scanned by Unknown
worov (2011/2/7)

Editor Victor Merzhanov (1919–2012)
Publisher. Info. Moscow: Muzyka, n.d.(ca.1988).
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PDF typeset by editor
editor (2011/10/5)

18 more: 2. Soldatenmarsch • 3. Trällerliedchen • 4. Choral “Freue dich, o meine Seele” • 5. Stückchen • 6. Armes Waisenkind • 7. Jägerliedchen • 8. Wilder Reiter • 9. Volksliedchen • 10. Fröhlicher Landmann • 11. Sicilianisch • 12. Knecht Ruprecht • 13. Mai, lieber Mai, bald bist du wieder da! • 14. Kleine Studie • 15. Frühlingsgesang • 16. Erster Verlust • 17. Kleiner Morgenwanderer • 18. Schnitterliedchen • 41. Nordisches Lied

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

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editor (2011/10/5)

Editor Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2006
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection. - Urtext edition.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by
Feduol (2024/8/3)

8 more: 8. Wilder Reiter • 10. Fröhlicher Landmann • 12. Knecht Ruprecht • 16. Erster Verlust • 18. Schnitterliedchen • 23. Reiterstück • 41. Nordisches Lied • 53. Nachklänge aus dem Theater

PDF scanned by
Feduol (2024/8/4)

PDF scanned by
Feduol (2024/8/4)

PDF scanned by
Feduol (2024/8/10)

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Feduol (2024/8/5)

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Feduol (2024/8/4)

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Feduol (2024/8/10)

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Feduol (2024/8/4)

PDF scanned by
Feduol (2024/8/10)

Editor Russell E. Lanning (1916–1958)
Publisher. Info. Music by the Masters. Nos.1, 6, 17-19, 25, 52, 53, 57
New York: Musicord Publications, 1946. Plate EL 2543.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF typeset by editor
Knuth (2010/10/16)

ZIP typeset by editor
Reccmo (2012/4/10)

Editor Jürgen Knuth
Publisher. Info. Altena: Jürgen Knuth
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by F-Pn
Morel (2019/12/16)

Publisher. Info. Album Musica, No.59
Paris: Pierre Lafitte, 1907.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by US-SVu
Feduol (2021/7/7)

Editor Frederic Lillebridge (1857–1934)
Publisher. Info. Classic and Romantic Series, No.10
St. Louis: Art Publication Society, 1913.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Submission Project.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by Unknown
worov (2011/7/16)

Publisher. Info. Unidentified Collection, No.12
Moscow: Muzyka, n.d.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by US-DMu
Feduol (2022/1/26)

Publisher. Info. Traumerei and Little Romance, No.2
Philadelphia: M.D. Swisher, n.d.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Submission Project.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF typeset by editor
Knuth (2010/10/23)

Editor Jürgen Knuth
Publisher. Info. Altena: Jürgen Knuth
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF typeset by editor
Reccmo (2012/4/10)

ZIP typeset by editor
Reccmo (2012/4/10)

Editor André Van Ryckeghem
Publisher. Info. André Van Ryckeghem
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF typeset by editor
Reccmo (2012/4/10)

Publisher. Info. André Van Ryckeghem
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.


Unpublished movements by Robert Schumann

PDF typeset by editor
Klaus Heidtmann (2023/12/28)

7 more: 2. Aus ist der Schmaus • 3. Bärentanz • 4. Canon • 6. Für ganz Kleine • 7. Fugenfragment (A major) • 9. Gukkuk im Versteck • 10. Haschemann

PDF typeset by editor
Klaus Heidtmann (2023/12/28)

PDF typeset by editor
Klaus Heidtmann (2023/12/28)

PDF typeset by editor
Klaus Heidtmann (2023/12/28)

PDF typeset by editor
Klaus Heidtmann (2023/12/28)

PDF typeset by editor
Klaus Heidtmann (2023/12/28)

PDF typeset by editor
Klaus Heidtmann (2023/12/28)

PDF typeset by editor
Klaus Heidtmann (2023/12/28)

Editor Klaus Heidtmann (b. 1952)
Publisher. Info. Klaus Heidtmann, 2023.
Javascript is required for this feature.
A Short Course Through Music History

PDF typeset by editor
Klaus Heidtmann (2023/12/29)

PDF typeset by editor
Klaus Heidtmann (2023/12/29)

PDF typeset by editor
Klaus Heidtmann (2023/12/29)

Editor Klaus Heidtmann (b. 1952)
Publisher. Info. Klaus Heidtmann, 2023.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Arrangements and Transcriptions


For Piano 4 hands (Erney)

PDF scanned by Unknown
HRC (2012/4/5)

Arranger József Erney (1846–1929)
Publisher. Info. Wien: Universal-Edition, n.d.(ca.1902). Plate U.E. 748.
Misc. Notes 300 dpi scan, BW, PDF
Javascript is required for this feature.
For Piano 4 Hands (Kirchner)

PDF scanned by US-R
Morel (2011/9/21)

PDF scanned by US-R
Morel (2011/9/21)

Arranger Theodor Kirchner (1823–1903)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d. Plate 7049.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
Javascript is required for this feature.


For 5 Recorders (Bornstein)

PDF typeset by editor
Gardane (2017/6/13)

Editor Andrea Bornstein
Publisher. Info. Andrea Bornstein
Javascript is required for this feature.
For Flute, Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon (Rondeau)

PDF typeset by arranger
Michrond (2012/12/7)

5 more: Flute • Oboe • Clarinet • Bassoon • Engraving files (Finale & XML)

PDF typeset by arranger
Michrond (2012/12/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Michrond (2012/12/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Michrond (2012/12/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Michrond (2012/12/7)

ZIP typeset by arranger
Michrond (2012/12/7)

Arranger Michel Rondeau
Publisher. Info. Michel Rondeau
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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For 2 Violins, Viola and Cello (McCormick)

PDF typeset by arranger
Donko XI (2011/2/5)

6 more: Violin 1 • Violin 2 • Viola • Violin 3 (Viola) • Cello • Cello 2 (Viola)

PDF typeset by arranger
Donko XI (2011/2/5)

PDF typeset by arranger
Donko XI (2011/2/5)

PDF typeset by arranger
Donko XI (2011/2/5)

PDF typeset by arranger
Donko XI (2011/2/5)

PDF typeset by arranger
Donko XI (2011/2/5)

PDF typeset by arranger
Donko XI (2011/2/5)

Arranger Daniel McCormick
Publisher. Info. Daniel McCormick
Misc. Notes Typeset using Noteworthy Composer
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For 4 Recorders (Bornstein)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/5/31)

13 more: 6. Armes Waisenkind • 7. Jägerliedchen • 8. Wilder Reiter • 9. Volksliedchen • 10. Fröhlicher Landmann • 11. Sizilianisch • 12. Knecht Ruprecht • 13. Mai, lieber Mai, bald bist du wieder da! • 15. Frühlingsgesang • 16. Erster Verlust • 18. Schnitterliedchen • 30. (Untitled) • 43. Silvesterlied

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/5/31)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/5/31)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/5/31)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/5/31)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/5/31)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/5/31)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/5/31)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/5/31)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/6/3)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/6/3)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/6/13)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/6/13)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/6/13)

Arranger Andrea Bornstein
Publisher. Info. Andrea Bornstein
Javascript is required for this feature.
For 2 Recorders and Guitar (Bornstein)

PDF typeset by editor
Gardane (2017/6/13)

Editor Andrea Bornstein
Publisher. Info. Andrea Bornstein
Javascript is required for this feature.
For 3 Recorders (Bornstein)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/5/31)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/5/31)

Arranger Andrea Bornstein
Publisher. Info. Andrea Bornstein
Javascript is required for this feature.
For Horn, Trumpet and Euphonium (Messerschmidt)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2023/2/5)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2023/2/5)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2023/2/5)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2023/2/5)

Arranger Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt (b. 1944)
Publisher. Info. Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt, 2013.
Javascript is required for this feature.
For 2 Violins and Cello (Klengel)
See: Hausmusik, Vol.4 Nos.4, 5, 7, 8 (Nos.9, 25,16,18)
For 2 Recorders (Bornstein)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/5/31)

PDF typeset by arranger
Gardane (2017/5/31)

Arranger Andrea Bornstein
Publisher. Info. Andrea Bornstein
Javascript is required for this feature.
For Flute and Piano (Barge)

PDF scanned by afp0815
Afp0815 (2024/9/23)

PDF scanned by afp0815
Afp0815 (2024/9/23)

Arranger Wilhelm Barge (1836–1925)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Robert Forberg, n.d.[1887]. Plate 3709.
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For Violin and Piano (Althaus)

PDF scanned by afp0815
Afp0815 (2019/6/2)

PDF scanned by afp0815
Afp0815 (2019/6/2)

Arranger Basil Althaus (1865–1910)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Bosworth & Co., n.d. Plate B. & Co. 3698.
Javascript is required for this feature.
For 2 Violins (Hermann)

PDF scanned by D-Mbs
Polona (2023/7/5)

Arranger Friedrich Hermann (1828–1907)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Edition Peters, n.d. Plate 7089.
Misc. Notes color, Included in the category Easy Works for Violin. The v2 part has many double stops
v1: Included in the category Intermediate Works for Violin.
The violin part(s) is in 1st to 3rd position. This teaches the student the importance of 3rd pos, to avoid string crossing and to make a uniform sound, even in the low and middle registers.
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For 2 Violins (Huber)

PDF scanned by H-DRe
WilliamBunting (2012/1/24)

Arranger Károly Huber (1828–1885)
Publisher. Info. Budapest: Harmonia, n.d. Plate H. 299.
Misc. Notes Included in the category Easy Works for Violin.
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For Guitar (Tárrega)

PDF scanned by E-Mn, MC/3763/56
Stefan Apke (2017/10/9)

Arranger Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909)
Publisher. Info. Ildefonso Alier, Madrid.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF typeset by editor
Stefan Apke (2024/10/13)

Arranger Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909)
Editor Stefan Apke
Publisher. Info. Vlotho: Stefan Apke, 2024.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF scanned by E-Mn, MC/3763/46
Stefan Apke (2017/10/9)

Arranger Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909)
Publisher. Info. Vidal Llimona y Boceta, Barcelona.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF typeset by editor
Stefan Apke (2024/10/14)

Arranger Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909)
Editor Stefan Apke
Publisher. Info. Vlotho: Stefan Apke, 2024.
Javascript is required for this feature.

PDF typeset by editor
Tonypanache (2010/2/25)

PDF typeset by editor
Tonypanache (2010/3/19)

Arranger Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909)
Editor Tony Wilkinson
Publisher. Info. Tony Wilkinson
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For Harp (Snoer)

PDF scanned by US-PRV
Zeyarshwe (2018/1/9)

Arranger Johannes Snoer (1868–1936)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Carl Rühle, n.d.(ca.1900). Plate C. 4908 R.
Misc. Notes Published as Volume 2 of Harfen-Klänge, Sammlung klassischer Stücke für Harfe.

From the International Harp Archives at Brigham Young University
(as digitally mirrored at

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For Organ (Best)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Keanur (2017/9/9)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Keanur (2017/9/9)

Arranger William Thomas Best (1826–1897)
Publisher. Info. Arrangements from the Scores of the Great Masters, Vol.4 (pp.938-39, 935-37)
London: Novello, Ewer & Co., n.d. Plate 2229.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Melody (No.1)

For Flute and Piano

PDF scanned by Unknown
JacopoTore (2020/4/20)

Arranger Unidentified
Editor Mathieu Crickboom (1871–1947)
Publisher. Info. Bruxelles: Schott, 1923. Plate S.F. 5859.
Misc. Notes from the collection "Melodies and Recital Pieces"
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For Organ (Gouin)

PDF typeset by Arranger
Keanur (2024/9/13)

Arranger Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2007
Javascript is required for this feature.
For Violin and Piano (Moffat)
See: Bayley and Ferguson's Violin Album (No.49)

Soldatenmarsch (No.2)

For Orchestra (Marigo)

PDF typeset by arranger
Mimarigo (2024/3/23)

MXL typeset by arranger
Mimarigo (2024/3/23)

Arranger Miguel Marigo (b. 1955)
Publisher. Info. Miguel Marigo
Javascript is required for this feature.
For Horn, Trumpet and Euphonium (Messerschmidt)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2023/1/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2023/1/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2023/1/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2023/1/7)

Arranger Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt (b. 1944)
Publisher. Info. Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt, 2018.
Javascript is required for this feature.
For Guitar (Llobet)

PDF scanned by E-Bmi
Town explorer (2023/4/24)

Arranger Miguel Llobet (1878–1938)
Publisher. Info. Holograph manuscript, 1900.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Ein Choral (No.4)

For Orchestra (Marigo)

PDF typeset by arranger
Mimarigo (2024/3/23)

MXL typeset by arranger
Mimarigo (2024/3/23)

Arranger Miguel Marigo (b. 1955)
Publisher. Info. Miguel Marigo, 2024.
Javascript is required for this feature.
For Mixed Chorus (Stenov)

PDF typeset by arranger
Stenov (2019/6/19)

Arranger Michael Stenov
Publisher. Info. Michael Stenov
Misc. Notes Adapted for the German text "Preise, Zunge, das Geheimnis" by Michael Stenov.
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For Organ (Gouin)

PDF typeset by arranger
Keanur (2024/9/13)

Arranger Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2007
Misc. Notes Might be used as a prelude to No.41 Figurierter Choral
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Stückchen (No.5)

For Guitar (Llobet)

PDF scanned by E-Bmi
Town explorer (2023/4/24)

Arranger Miguel Llobet
Publisher. Info. Manuscript, n.d.(ca.1900).
Javascript is required for this feature.
For Guitar (Bajzek)

PDF typeset by arranger
Wbajzek (2011/2/10)

Arranger William Bajzek
Publisher. Info. William Bajzek
Javascript is required for this feature.

Armes Waisenkind (No.6)

For Flute, Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon (Chung)

PDF typeset by arranger
Amandachung (2014/8/7)

4 more: Flute • Oboe • Clarinet (B♭) • Bassoon

PDF typeset by arranger
Amandachung (2014/8/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Amandachung (2014/8/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Amandachung (2014/8/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Amandachung (2014/8/7)

Arranger Amanda Chung
Publisher. Info. Amanda Chung
Javascript is required for this feature.
For Horn, Trumpet and Euphonium (Messerschmidt)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/4/15)

Arranger Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt (b. 1944)
Publisher. Info. Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt, 2019.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Jägerliedchen (No.7)

For Horn, Trumpet and Euphonium (Messerschmidt)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/6/4)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/6/4)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/6/4)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/6/4)

Arranger Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt (b. 1944)
Publisher. Info. Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt, 2019.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Wilder Reiter (No.8)

For Orchestra (Marigo)

PDF typeset by arranger
Mimarigo (2024/3/23)

MXL typeset by arranger
Mimarigo (2024/3/23)

Arranger Miguel Marigo (b. 1955)
Publisher. Info. Miguel Marigo
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Fröhlicher Landmann, von der Arbeit zurückkehrend (No.10)

For Orchestra (Marigo)

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Mimarigo (2024/3/23)

MXL typeset by arranger
Mimarigo (2024/3/23)

Arranger Miguel Marigo (b. 1955)
Publisher. Info. Miguel Marigo
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For Horn, Trumpet and Euphonium (Messerschmidt)

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Messerman (2021/5/5)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/5/5)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/5/5)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/5/5)

Arranger Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt (b. 1944)
Publisher. Info. Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt, 2017.
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For Voice and Piano (Diack)

PDF scanned by Phillip21
Phillip21 (2019/12/1)

Arranger John Michael Diack (1869–1946)
Publisher. Info. The Lyric Collection of Choral Music, No.1718.
London: Paterson's Publications Ltd., 1936. Plate L.C. 1718.
Misc. Notes From uploader's collection. For solo voice or unison chorus.
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For Flute and Piano (Heidtmann)

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Klaus Heidtmann (2024/2/2)

Arranger Klaus Heidtmann (b. 1952)
Publisher. Info. Klaus Heidtmann, 2024.
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For Cello and Piano (Grützmacher)

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Generoso (2010/6/17)

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Music Addict (2018/5/9)

PDF scanned by US-R
Music Addict (2018/5/9)

Arranger Friedrich Grützmacher (1832–1903)
Publisher. Info. Ausgewählte Compositionen für Violoncell und Pianoforte (No.9)
Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d.(ca.1887). Plate 7061.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project. The middle of this piece comes from No.2.
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For Cello and Piano (Booth)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Stephez12 (2012/11/26)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Music Addict (2018/5/9)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Music Addict (2018/5/9)

Arranger Karl Edmund Otto von Booth (1842–1923)
Publisher. Info. Album célèbre, Vol.3
London: Enoch & Sons, No.466, n.d.[1883]. Plate V465.6.
Misc. Notes The middle of this piece comes from No.9.
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For 2 Cellos (Mattei)

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TMattei (2017/11/9)

Arranger Tiziano Mattei
Publisher. Info. Tiziano Mattei
Misc. Notes 1 pupil part (1st pos., very easy), teacher part
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For Piano 4 hands
See: Pianoforte-Album, Band II (No.11 or 12)
For Guitar (Cimadevilla)

PDF scanned by E-Mn
Town explorer (2022/11/12)

Arranger Francisco Cimadevilla (1861–1931)
Publisher. Info. Madrid: Faustino Fuentes, n.d.[1919]. Plate 1887.
Misc. Notes Excerpt from 'España; Nuevo Método'
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Knecht Ruprecht (No.12)

For Orchestra (Marigo)

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Mimarigo (2024/3/20)

MXL typeset by arranger
Mimarigo (2024/3/20)

Arranger Miguel Marigo (b. 1955)
Publisher. Info. Miguel Marigo
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For Horn, Trumpet and Euphonium (Messerschmidt)

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Messerman (2021/6/8)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/6/8)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/6/8)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/6/8)

Arranger Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt (b. 1944)
Publisher. Info. Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt, 2019.
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Mai, lieber Mai, Bald bist du wieder da! (No.13)

For Organ
See: The Organist's Manual by George Cooper Jr. (Issue 8, No.1)

Kleine Studie (No.14)

For Violin or Cello and Piano (Laparra)

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Icactus (2012/4/17)

PDF scanned by US-R
Icactus (2012/4/17)

PDF scanned by US-R
Icactus (2012/4/17)

Editor Édouard Laparra (1877–1912)
Publisher. Info. Paris: J. Hamelle, n.d [1905]. Plate J. 5945 H.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
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Erster Verlust (No.16)

For Horn, Trumpet and Euphonium (Messerschmidt)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/4/29)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/4/29)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/4/29)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/4/29)

Arranger Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt (b. 1944)
Publisher. Info. Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt, 2020.
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For Guitar (Llobet)

PDF scanned by International G...
Town explorer (2023/4/24)

Arranger Miguel Llobet (1878–1938)
Publisher. Info. Manuscript
Misc. Notes from C. C. Easley Microfilm Scores Collection
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Kleine Romanze (No.19)

For Orchestra (Marigo)

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Mimarigo (2024/3/23)

MXL typeset by arranger
Mimarigo (2024/3/25)

Arranger Miguel Marigo (b. 1955)
Publisher. Info. Miguel Marigo
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Kanonisches Liedchen (No.27)

For 2 Violins, Viola and Cello (Nesyba)

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Stefan55 (2019/12/11)

4 more: Violin 1 • Violin 2 • Viola • Cello

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Stefan55 (2019/12/11)

PDF typeset by arranger
Stefan55 (2019/12/11)

PDF typeset by arranger
Stefan55 (2019/12/11)

PDF typeset by arranger
Stefan55 (2019/12/11)

Arranger Stefan Nesyba (b. 1955)
Publisher. Info. Stefan Nesyba, 2013.
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Erinnerung (No.28)

For Violin and Piano (Moffat)

PDF scanned by RUS-Mrg
Schalltrichter (2013/1/19)

PDF scanned by RUS-Mrg
Music Addict (2018/5/9)

PDF scanned by RUS-Mrg
Music Addict (2018/5/9)

Arranger Alfred Moffat (1866–1950)
Publisher. Info. Alte Meister für Junge Spieler, No.12
Mainz: Schott, 1910. Plate 28636.
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Fremder Mann (No.29)

For Orchestra (Marigo)

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Mimarigo (2024/3/23)

MXL typeset by arranger
Mimarigo (2024/3/25)

Arranger Miguel Marigo (b. 1955)
Publisher. Info. Miguel Marigo
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For Double Bass and Piano (Láska)

PDF scanned by D-SWl
Thingy Person (2018/10/13)

PDF scanned by D-SWl
Thingy Person (2018/10/13)

Arranger Gustav Láska (1847–1928)
Publisher. Info. Bremen: A.E. Fischer, n.d. Plate 3327.
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* * * (No.30)

For 2 Violins, Viola and Cello (Nesyba)

PDF typeset by arranger
Stefan55 (2019/12/11)

4 more: Viola • Violin 1 • Violin 2 • Cello

PDF typeset by arranger
Stefan55 (2019/12/11)

PDF typeset by arranger
Stefan55 (2019/12/11)

PDF typeset by arranger
Stefan55 (2019/12/11)

PDF typeset by arranger
Stefan55 (2019/12/11)

Arranger Stefan Nesyba (b. 1955)
Publisher. Info. Stefan Nesyba, 2013.
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For 2 Violins, Viola and Cello (Sitt)
See: Quartett-Album, Vol.2 (No.8)

Thema (No.34)

For 2 Violins, Viola and Cello (Nesyba)

PDF typeset by arranger
Stefan55 (2019/12/11)

4 more: Violin 1 • Violin 2 • Viola • Cello

PDF typeset by arranger
Stefan55 (2019/12/11)

PDF typeset by arranger
Stefan55 (2019/12/11)

PDF typeset by arranger
Stefan55 (2019/12/11)

PDF typeset by arranger
Stefan55 (2019/12/11)

Arranger Stefan Nesyba (b. 1955)
Publisher. Info. Stefan Nesyba, 2013.
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For Organ
See: The Organist's Manual by George Cooper Jr. (Issue 8, No.3)

Nordisches Lied (No.40)

For Strings (Howard)

PDF scanned by JDH
JDH (2012/12/3)

Arranger John Howard
Publisher. Info. John Howard
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PDF typeset by arranger
TMattei (2017/11/13)

Arranger John Howard (b. 1947)
Publisher. Info. Tiziano Mattei, 2017.
Misc. Notes Typeset based on arranger's manuscript, some differences in bowings between parts have been uniformed. Double Bass part added with notes below low E transposed an octave higher.
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Figurierter Choral (No.41)

For Guitar (Cimadevilla)

PDF scanned by E-Mn
Town explorer (2022/11/12)

Arranger Francisco Cimadevilla (1861–1938)
Publisher. Info. Madrid: Faustino Fuentes, n.d.[1919]. Plate 1887.
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For Organ (Gouin)

PDF typeset by Arranger
Arranger (2024/9/12)

Arranger Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2007
Misc. Notes Choral on Superius, transposed in G major to be combined with no.4 Choral.
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PDF typeset by arranger
Arranger (2017/9/10)

Arranger Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2017
Misc. Notes Choral on Tenor (pedals). Original key.
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For Organ (Best)
See: The Organist's Manual by George Cooper Jr. (Issue 8, No.4)

Silvesterlied (No.42)

For Horn, Trumpet and Euphonium (Messerschmidt)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2023/2/2)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2023/2/2)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2023/2/2)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2023/2/2)

Arranger Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt (b. 1944)
Publisher. Info. Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt, 2019.
Misc. Notes Sylvesterlied
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General Information

Work Title Album für die Jugend ; Album for the Young
Alternative. Title 43 Clavierstücke für die Jugend
Name Translations Album pour la jeunesse; Album for the Young; Album per la gioventù; Album für die Jugend; 子供のためのアルバム; Album pentru tineret; Álbum para la juventud
Name Aliases Albumo por la junularo
Authorities WorldCat; Wikipedia; VIAF: 180998377; LCCN: n80138509; GND: 300144415; BNF: 139190266; BNE: XX2225504
Composer Schumann, Robert
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. Op.68
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IRS 4
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 43 pieces:
Erste Abteilung (für Kleinere)
1. Melodie
2. Soldatenmarsch
3. Trällerliedchen
4. Ein Choral
5. Stückchen
6. Armes Waisenkind
7. Jägerliedchen
8. Wilder Reiter
9. Volksliedchen
10. Fröhlicher Landmann, von der Arbeit zurückkehrend
11. Sicilianisch
12. Knecht Ruprecht
13. Mai, lieber Mai, Bald bist du wieder da!
14. Kleine Studie
15. Frühlingsgesang
16. Erster Verlus
17. Kleiner Morgenwanderer
18. Schnitterliedchen
Zweite Abteilung (für Erwachsenere)
19. Kleine Romanze
20. Ländliches Lied
21. [Untitled]
22. Rundgesang
23. Reiterstück
24. Ernteliedchen
25. Nachklänge aus dem Theater
26. [Untitled]
27. Kanonisches Liedchen
28. Erinnerung (4 November 1847)
29. Fremder Mann
30. [Untitled]
31. Kriegslied
32. Sheherazade
33. Weinlesezeit − Fröhliche Zeit!
34. Thema
35. Mignon
36. Lied italienischer Marinari
37. Matrosenlied
38. Winterzeit I
39. Winterzeit II
40. Kleine Fuge
41. Nordisches Lied (Gruß an G)
42. Figurierter Choral
43. Silvesterlied
Appendix with additional material
Musikalische Haus- und Lebensregeln
Der Gesamtbestand umfasst 74 Regeln, von denen 68 in die zweite Auflage als „Textanhang“ aufgenommen wurden.
Nicht publizierte Sätze Schumanns
1. Auf der Gondel
2. Aus ist der Schmaus
3. Bärentanz
4. Canon
5. Choralbearbeitung (Fragment)
6. Für ganz Kleine
7. Fugenfragment (A major)
8. Fugengfragment (G minor)
9. Gukkuk im Versteck
10. Haschemann
11. ***
12. Kleiner Kanon (Fragment)
13. Kleiner Walzer
14. Lagune in Venedig
15. Linke Hand soll sich auch zeigen
16. Preludio
17. Puppenschlaflied
18. Rebus
Ein kleiner Lehrgang durch die Musikgeschichte
19. Ein Thema von G.F. Händel
20. Ein Stückchen von J.S. Bach (Tempo di Menuetto)
21. Ein Stück aus Chr.W. Glucks Oper Orpheo ed Euridice
22. Ein Stück aus einer der beiden Iphigenie-Opern von Chr.W. Gluck
23. Ein Stück aus einer Symphonie von J. Haydn
24. Ein Stückchen von Mozart (aus Don Giovanni)
25. Andante von L. van Beethoven
26. Ein Trinklied von C.M. von Weber
27. Eine berühmte Melodie von L.v.Beethoven
28. Ein Stück aus der Oper Jessonda von L. Spohr
29. Ein Ländler von F. Schubert
30. Ein Stück von F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1848
First Publication. 1849
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation piano
Extra Information There also exists some unused sketches for Op.68 as well.

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See Also
List of Intermediate Piano Repertoire