- À cœur perdu (Robert, Gabriel)
- À la claire fontaine (Descarries, Auguste)
- A! heim A! heim (Secunda, Sholom)
- Abel (Kreutzer, Rodolphe)
- Abendlied (Violet, Emil)
- Der Abendstern (Oldenburg, Peter Georg von)
- Abide with Me (Turner, Bradbury)
- Abril (Menezes, Cupertino de)
- Abschied von der Mutter (Bäcker, F.)
- Ach, dass ich Wassers gnug hätte (Bach, Johann Christoph)
- Ach, wie ist's möglich dann (Folk Songs, German)
- Aci, Galatea e Polifemo, HWV 72 (Handel, George Frideric)
- Adeus Joanna (Caninha)
- The Adieu (Getze, Jacob Alfred)
- Adio Carissima (Cawker, Lenore H.)
- Adios (Carrasco, Alfredo)
- Adown in the Valley (Sanderson, James)
- Afghanistan (Wilander, William)
- After All (Webster, Howard)
- After Nine (Harris, Charles Kassell)
- After the Ball (Harris, Charles Kassell)
- Aghadoe (Chadwick, George Whitefield)
- Agnete hun stander paa Højelofts Bro (Anonymous)
- Ah se perdo il caro oggetto (Naumann, Johann Gottlieb)
- Ah si vous saviez (Jacques, Alain M.)
- Ah! La Belle Menotte (Luckstone, Isidore)
- Ah! One by One (Danks, Hart Pease)
- Ai que coração (Folk Songs, Brazilian)
- Aint You Awful! (Skelly, Joseph Paul)
- Airs d'opéras-comiques (Various)
- Akahi (Kaʻai, Ernest Kaleihoku)
- Al Jeriko så vor Herre (Hartmann, Johan Peter Emilius)
- Al Verdens Skaber mild og blid (Anonymous)
- Albany (Cannon, Hughie)
- Album for Mandssang, Op.30 (Grieg, Edvard)
- Album für die Jugend, Op.68 (Schumann, Robert)
- All for the Love of a Girl (Harris, Charles Kassell)
- All I Wants Is Ma Chickens (Deas, Lawrence)
- The Alleghany Mountains Near My Home (Frick, Anthony C.)
- Allégorie (Charpentier, Gustave)
- Alles schweige! (Anonymous)
- Aloha Oe (Liliuokalani)
- 30 Altdeutsche Volksmelodien (Saran, August)
- Always in the Way (Harris, Charles Kassell)
- Always (Kroll, H.)
- Amarilli, mia bella (Caccini, Giulio)
- The Amateur's Musical Library (Jarvis, Charles)
- L'amor contrastato, R.1.76 (Paisiello, Giovanni)
- L'amor funesto, A 286 (Donizetti, Gaetano)
- Amor perchè m’accendi (Mosca, Giuseppe)
- Amor Proteus, Op.13 (Eberwein, Traugott Maximilian)
- L'amour chante (Robert, Gabriel)
- Amour étrange (Simon, François)
- L'Amour piqué par une abeille (Clérambault, Louis-Nicolas)
- L'amour s'éveille (Danglas, Jeanne)
- Amphion Anglicus (Blow, John)
- An die Freiheit (Groos, Karl)
- An Indian Soldier's Request (Copeland, Leon)
- Angel of Life (Callcott, John Wall)
- Angelo (Cui, César)
- Angélus (Saint-Saëns, Camille)
- Ännchen von Tharau (Silcher, Friedrich)
- Annie Laurie (Anonymous)
- Antigone (Saint-Saëns, Camille)
- Appalachee Ann (Haug, Lucy B.)
- Après l'ondée (Berger, Rodolphe)
- Aragonesa (Lacôme d'Estalenx, Paul)
- Are You the O'Reilly? (Emmett, P.)
- Ariane, Op.53 (Guilmant, Alexandre)
- Arias Antiguas del Nuevo Mundo (Sans, Juan Francisco)
- 12 Arias by Old Italian Masters (Various)
- Arie Antiche (Parisotti, Alessandro)
- Arie scelte dalle opere (Cavalli, Francesco)
- Arien-Album (Dörffel, Alfred)
- Ariette a voce sola, Op.6 (Strozzi, Barbara)
- L'Arlésienne Suite No.2 (Bizet, Georges)
- Arrazoar (Folk Songs, Brazilian)
- Árvore-da-Felicidade (Mattos, Fernando)
- As bahianas (Aragão, José de Souza)
- As Through the Park I Go (Lingard, William Horace)
- As We Sang and Played Together (Harris, Charles Kassell)
- As You Like It (Arne, Thomas Augustine)
- Asbestos Daddy (Poston, J. Lawrence)
- Atrevidinha (Nazareth, Ernesto)
- Atta Boy Rag (Soloman, Sam)
- L'attente (Saint-Saëns, Camille)
- Au bord de l'eau (Jacques, Alain M.)
- Au fil de la vie (Robert, Gabriel)
- Aubade printanière, Op.37 (Lacombe, Paul)
- Aubade (Jacques, Alain M.)
- L'aube naît (Jacques, Alain M.)
- Auf dem Strom, D.943 (Schubert, Franz)
- Auf der Alma (Folk Songs, German)
- Auld lang syne (Folk Songs, Scottish)
- Aura Lea (Poulton, George R.)
- Aureng-Zebe, Z.573 (Purcell, Henry)
- 30 Ausgewählte Arien aus Opern und Oratorien (Handel, George Frideric)
- Avalon (Jolson, Al)
| A cont.
- Avant que tu ne t'en ailles (Jacques, Alain M.)
- Ave Maria after J.S. Bach (Mourey, Colette)
- Ave Maria for Soprano and Organ (Nichifor, Serban)
- Ave Maria in C major (Nichifor, Serban)
- Ave Maria, CG 89 (Gounod, Charles)
- Ave Maria, D.839 (Schubert, Franz)
- Ave María (De Nito, José)
- Ave Maria (Smareglia, Antonio)
- Ave Maria (Smart, Henry Thomas)
- Ave Sanctissima (Smith, Robert Archibald)
- Ave verum (Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista)
- Avril (Delibes, Léo)
- Awake, Beloved for Our Wedding Morn (Manning, Clarice)
- Away Down East (Hutchinson Family Singers)
- Ayres, Book 2 (Corkine, William)
- Baby Clothes (Gladstone, Edna)
- Bachianas brasileiras No.5, W389-391 (Villa-Lobos, Heitor)
- Balagin, Op.6 (Gnesin, Mikhail)
- La ballade de la revenante (Jacques, Alain M.)
- Ballade du cœur qui a tant battu (Sauter, Louis)
- Bambalelê (Folk Songs, Brazilian)
- Bambino (Nazareth, Ernesto)
- The Banks of Allan Water (Nelson, Sydney)
- Bar Kochba (Goldfaden, Abraham)
- The Battle Song of Liberty (Cobb, George L.)
- Bay a Broom (Lee, Alexander)
- Beat It While Your Shoes Are Good (Williams, Clarence)
- Beato l'uom che dietro a'rei consigli, S.601 (Marcello, Benedetto)
- The Beauties of Purcell (Purcell, Henry)
- Beautiful Bells (Hays, William Shakespeare)
- Beautiful Isle (Drake, James G.)
- The Beautiful Pathway (Tours, Berthold)
- Beethovens Lieder von Goethe, S.468 (Liszt, Franz)
- Before and after Taken (Horwitz, Charles)
- The Beggar Girl (Davy, John)
- Begl' occhi mercè (Tenaglia, Antonio Francesco)
- Behold me standing at the Door (Knapp, Phoebe Palmer)
- Believe Me, If All those Endearing Young Charms (Irish Folk Music)
- Bella bocca (Pasquini, Bernardo)
- Bella Nympha de minh'Alma (Gomes, Carlos)
- Bella porta di rubini (Falconieri, Andrea)
- The Belle of 14th Street (Murphy, J. B.)
- Bells across the Meadows (Ketèlbey, Albert William)
- Bem-te-vi (Mattos, Fernando)
- Bendemeer's Stream (Gatty, Alfred Scott)
- Benedictus (Adonay, Marcelo)
- Benjamin, ich hab nichts anzuziehn (Beneš, Jara)
- Berceuse, Op.47 (Gottschalk, Louis Moreau)
- Berceuse, Op.57 (Chopin, Frédéric)
- Berceuses du chat, K022 (Stravinsky, Igor)
- Bessie (Rudisill, Bess)
- Best, Sweetest Bess (Sutton Jr., H. P.)
- Bethany (Mason, Lowell)
- Betsey Bright Eyes (Adams, Robert J.)
- Better than Gold (Harris, Charles Kassell)
- Biblioteca di rartià musicali (Chilesotti, Oscar)
- Bird-Cherry Tree (Folk Songs, Russian)
- Bist du bei mir, BWV 508 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Die blaue Mazur (Lehár, Franz)
- Bleib' bei mir, Op.72 (Abt, Franz)
- Blessed be thou, O Lord God of Israel (Kent, James)
- The Blue Juniata (Sullivan, Marion Dix)
- The Bluebells of Scotland (Jordan, Dora)
- Boléro, M.81 (Ravel, Maurice)
- Le bonheur est dans le pré (Jacques, Alain M.)
- Bonjour mon cœur (Jacques, Alain M.)
- The Bonnie Wee Wife (Guest, Jane Mary)
- 2 Bookes of Ayres (Campion, Thomas)
- Born at Sea, and a Sailor (Graham, Charles)
- Børnenes Jul, Op.36 (Gade, Niels)
- Le bouleau (Vonck, Isabelle)
- The Bowery Grenadiers (Kelly, J. W.)
- The Bowery (Gaunt, Percy)
- The Boys Who Fight for You (Hyatt, Ralph)
- Brasilianische Volkslieder und Indianische Melodien (Spix, Johann Baptist von)
- The Bridge of Sighs (Hutchinson Family Singers)
- Bring Back My Mammy (Crutcher, Léon Allen)
- Bugle Call (Anonymous)
- C'est à Séville (Grelinger, Charles)
- Cachorrinho (Folk Songs, Brazilian)
- The Cake-Walk of the Day (Stanford, Tony)
- Camille (Delmas, Marc)
- Can Hearts So Soon Forget (Harris, Charles Kassell)
- 12 Canciones con acompañamiento de guitarra (Moretti, Federico)
- 2 Canciones mexicanas (Ponce, Manuel)
- Canções do Douro (Camacho, João Carlos)
- Canções populares brasileiras (Gallet, Luciano)
- Caninde ioune (Folk Songs, Brazilian)
- Canoinha (Mattos, Fernando)
- Cansons de la Terra (Various)
- Cantate a una voce (Marcello, Benedetto)
- Cantate e canzonette, Op.12 (Legrenzi, Giovanni)
- Cantates françoises (Campra, André)
- Canto a Sevilla, Op.37 (Turina, Joaquín)
- Canto de Amor (López Almagro, Antonio)
- Il Canto degli Italiani (Novaro, Michele)
- 100 Cantos populares asturianos (Hurtado, José)
- Cape Ann (Hutchinson Family Singers)
- Capstan Chanteys (Sharp, Cecil)
- Captain Jinks (Maclagan, T.)