Thomas Lovell Beddoes
(30 June 1803 — 26 January 1849)
Name in Other Languages: Томас Беддоус, 토머스 러벌 베도스
Aliases: Беддоус Томас, Беддос Томас, Томас Беддос, Beddoes, Thomas Lovell
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 17345086, LCCN: n50006944, ISNI: 0000000110416139, GND: 118654667, SUDOC: 028096061, BNF: 126844664, MusicBrainz: 6897858e-2e90-4b12-a28a-00cdfad69cc9, NLA: 35016354, NKC: mub2018995218, IATH: w62f7zzq
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Nephew of author Maria Edgeworth (his parents were Thomas Beddoes, a friend of Coleridge, and Anna (Edgeworth) Beddoes, Maria's sister.)