- A Collection of Marches, Waltzes, Minuets & Airs (Corri, Natale)
- A Plain and Easy Introduction to Practical Music (Morley, Thomas)
- Abregé des Concerts choisis (Farinel, Michel)
- Absalon bygged borg ved havn (Lembcke, Gustav)
- Airs de cour et de differents autheurs (Ballard, Pierre)
- Airs de differents autheurs (Ballard III, Robert)
- Airs à III, IV, V et VI parties (Le Jeune, Claude)
- Airs à une, II. III. et IV. parties avec la basse-continue (Lambert, Michel)
- Album de danses 1913 (Various)
- All'ultimo bisogno (Cavaccio, Giovanni)
- Alte Geigen Stücke (Moffat, Alfred)
- Amusement periodique pour la Guitarre (Bortolazzi, Bartolomeo)
- Anna Maria's Partbook (Vivaldi, Antonio)
- Beauties for the Guitar, Op.20 (Schultz, Leonard)
- Beauties for the Guitar, Op.33 (Schultz, Leonard)
- Beckers Taschenbuch (Various)
- Biblioteca di rartià musicali (Chilesotti, Oscar)
- Bicinia gallica, latina, germanica, Tomus 2 (Rhau, Georg)
- Brunetes (Ballard, Christophe)
- Cantates et airs de différents auteurs (Clérambault, Louis-Nicolas)
- Cantates françaises sur des sujets tirés de l’Écriture, Livre 1 (Jacquet de La Guerre, Elisabeth)
- Cantates françaises sur des sujets tirés de l’écriture, Livre 2 (Jacquet de La Guerre, Elisabeth)
- Cantates françoises à voix seule (Colin de Blamont, François)
- Cantiones sacrae de festis praecipuis totius anni (Praetorius, Hieronymus)
- Cantiones sacrae, Op.1 (Hacquart, Carolus)
- Cantiones trium vocum (Aagesen, Truid)
- Cantiques spirituels (Courbes, Charles de)
- Cançoner Selecte (Schumann, Robert)
- Centuriae harmonias sacras (Dulichius, Philipp)
- Chamber Music Hypostasis (Nichifor, Serban)
- Chansons musicales esleves de plusieurs livres (Attaingnant, Pierre)
- Choix des plus jolies Valses de Strauss et de Labitzki, Op.68 (Carcassi, Matteo)
- Choruses, opus unknown (Abt, Franz)
- Christmas Joys in Verse and Song (Saenger, Gustav)
- Church Music, GB-Lcm MS 1045-1051 (Barnard, John)
- Chóry męskie (Maszyński, Piotr)
- Codex Chantilly (Various)
- Composizioni di diversi autori per la N.D. Maria Venier (Various)
- Concerti (Gabrieli, Andrea)
- Concertirende Trios, Op.14 (Reinhard, August)
- Danserye - Basse Dances (Susato, Tielman)
- Der erste Vortrag des jungen Violinisten, Op.88 (Kron, Louis)
- Der getreue Music-Meister (Telemann, Georg Philipp)
- Dettingen Te Deum, Utrecht Te Deum and Utrecht Jubilate (Handel, George Frideric)
- Dionysies I-IX (Nichifor, Serban)
- Divine lodi musicali, Libro 3 (Riccio, Giovanni Battista)
- Domination of Black (Vermeersch, Peter)
- Duo concertant pour Guitare et Violoncelle ou Violon (Plouvier, Pierre Joseph)
- Durand/Plates
| I cont.
- L'arte musicale in Italia (Torchi, Luigi)
- La Bosses Hornpipe (Anonymous)
- La Chasse de Dussek pour la Guitarre à sept cordes (Aksyonov, Semyon)
- La Paduana (Giuliani, Mauro)
- Lautentabulatur 'Præambula', D-BSstb C 39 2° (Various)
- Le Delizie dell'Italia, Op.59 (Schultz, Leonard)
- Le Guitariste au Salon (Bayer, Eduard)
- Les Classiques de cor (Vuillermoz, Louis-Edouard)
- Les grands maîtres de l'art musical (Zöllner, Heinrich)
- Les maîtres du violon (Crickboom, Mathieu)
- Les plus belles fanfares de chasse (Boursier de la Roche, Charles)
- Les premiers pas du jeune violoniste (Herman, Adolphe)
- Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (Moultrie, Gerard)
- Lezione 10 (Carulli, Ferdinando)
- Lezioni di contrappunto (Angelini, Baldassarre)
- Libro de música de Vihuela (Pisador, Diego)
- Lieder der Deutschen mit Melodien (Winter, Georg Ludwig)
- Lieder, Arien und Duette beym Klavier (André, Johann)
- List of works by Adolphe Herman
- List of works by Alban Förster
- List of works by Aleksandr Goldenweiser
- List of works by Aleksandr Kuznetsov
- List of works by Alessandro Casorti
- List of works by Alessandro Longo
- List of works by Alexander Brand
- List of works by Alexander Fesca
- List of works by Alexander Ritter
- List of works by Alexandre Cellier
- List of works by Alexis Hollaender
- List of works by Alfred von Sponer
- List of works by Algernon Ashton
- List of works by Aloys Schmitt
- List of works by Andreas Ehrhardt
- List of works by Andreas Johann Lorenz Oechsner
- List of works by Anton Bernard Fürstenau
- List of works by Anton Strelezki
- List of works by Antonín Kammel
- List of works by Armand Zsadányi
- List of works by Arnold Krug
- List of works by Arnold Trowell
- List of works by Arnoldo Sartorio
- List of works by Arthur Seybold
- List of works by August Casorti
- List of works by August Lindner
- List of works by August Winding
- List of works by Basil Harwood
- List of works by Benoit Hollander
- List of works by Bernhard Molique
- List of works by Bénoni Lagye
- List of works by Camillo Schumann
- List of works by Camillo Sivori
- List of works by Carl Arnold
- List of works by Carl August Hänsel
- List of works by Carl Baermann
- List of works by Carl Banck
- List of works by Carl Courvoisier
- List of works by Carl Georg Peter Grädener
- List of works by Carl Grimm
- List of works by Carl Gänschals
- List of works by Carl Joseph Brambach
- List of works by Carl Prohaska
- List of works by Carl Wilhelm Henning
- List of works by Charles Callahan Perkins
- List of works by Charles-Joseph Muldermans
- List of works by Christian Frehde
- List of works by Christian Rummel
- List of works by Christoph Willibald Gluck
- List of works by Clemens Schultze-Biesantz
- List of works by Cornelius Rübner
- List of works by Cyrill Kistler
- List of works by Célestin Tingry
- List of works by Dezsö Lederer
- List of works by Diederich Krug
- List of works by Edgar Tinel
- List of works by Edmondstoune Duncan
- List of works by Edmund Uhl
- List of works by Edmund Winterle
- List of works by Eduard Franck
- List of works by Eduard Hamel
- List of works by Eduard Herrmann
- List of works by Eduard Köllner
- List of works by Eduard Walter
- List of works by Egon Kornauth
- List of works by Emil Krause
- List of works by Emil Kross
- List of works by Emil Młynarski
- List of works by Emile Thomas
- List of works by Erik Meyer-Helmund