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This page is only for complete editions and multiple selections from the collection here. For arrangements, new editions, etc. see (or create) separate pages for individual works linked in the General Information section below. |
Performer Pages
Phillip Serna (Viola da Gamba)
Publisher Info.
Phillip W. Serna, 2009
Misc. Notes
From a Lenten Organ Recital with Organist Cathryn Wilkinson, March 1, 2009 in Baker Memorial Methodist Church in Saint Charles, IL. Based in the Chicago area, Dr. Serna works to bring the early western string instrument family known as the viola da gamba into many area schools – demonstrating solo literature from the Renaissance, Baroque and early Classical periods for treble viol, tenor viol, bass viol & violone. For more information, visit here and here.
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Sheet Music
Scores and Parts
⇒ 5 more: Lectionen Nos.1-5 • Lectionen Nos.6-10 • Lectionen Nos.11-15 • Lectionen Nos.16-20 • Lectionen Nos.21-25
First edition
Publisher. Info.
Hamburg: Telemann, 1728[-29].
Misc. Notes
Individual movements of several pieces are split among different "Lectionen" - see listing in the Index 500 dpi greyscale scans, deskewed and cropped to consistent size. A very low resolution scan (<72 dpi) can be downloaded directly from F-Pn
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First edition
Publisher. Info.
Hamburg: [Telemann], 1728.
Misc. Notes
#330767: 600dpi monochrome conversion, mostly of the copy in D-Dl, except for the prefatory material and p.60-61, which are from the copy in F-Pn. #115329: Beginning of Lection 6 (pp.60-61) missing, most likely due to a scanning error rather than a fault in the copy held at Dresden. Only the first 2 pages of the index are present, and the title-page and introduction are also missing. Schrank II coll.
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General Information
Work Title
Der getreue Music-Meister
Alternative. Title
Name Translations
忠実な音楽の師; Der getreue Musik-Meister
Telemann, Georg Philipp
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No.
None [force assignment]
70 songs / pieces, in 25 Lectionen
- Vocal pieces with continuo:
- Lieder und Arien
- Instrumental pieces with continuo:
- Recorder Sonata, TWV 41:F2
- Oboe Sonata, TWV 41:a3
- Sonata in Canon, TWV 41:B3
- Napolitana, TWV 41:B4
- Sinfonie à la françoise, TWV 41:h2
- Air trompette, TWV 41:C1
- Recorder Sonata, TWV 41:C2
- Polonaise, TWV 41:D4
- Pastourelle, TWV 41:D5
- Cello Sonata, TWV 41:D6
- L'hiver, TWV 41:d1
- Niaise, TWV 41:E2
- Pastorale, TWV 41:E3
- Bassoon Sonata, TWV 41:f1
- Capriccio, TWV 41:G5
- Viola da Gamba Sonata, TWV 41:G6
- Suite for Oboe and Continuo, TWV 41:g4
- Sonata da chiesa, TWV 41:g5
- Trio Sonata, TWV 42:C1
- Instrumental pieces without continuo
- Partia à Cembalo solo, TWV 32:1
- Ouverture burlesque, TWV 32:2
- Marche et Retraite, TWV 35:1
- La Poste, TWV 35:2
- Duet for 2 Flutes, TWV 40:107
- Intrada-Suite for 2 Violins 'Gulliver's Travels', TWV 40:108
- Carillon à 2 Chalumeaux, TWV 40:109
- Menuet for 2 Horns, TWV 40:110
- Sonata for Flute and Violin, TWV 40:111
- Sonata for Viola da Gamba, TWV 40:1
- Works by other composers:
- Bizaria und Giga (Anonymous [= Francesco Antonio Bonporti])
- Görner: Passacaille
- Görner: Trouble-Fête
- Haltmeier: Fantasia fürs Clavier
- Pièce pour le clavessin by Hinrich Conrad Kreising
- Suite in D major by Hinrich Conrad Kreising
- Suite in B-flat major by Christian Pezold
- Gique sans basse by Johann Georg Pisendel
First Publication.
1728-29 - Hamburg: Composer
German, French, Italian
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
Extra Information
Collection of various compositions by Telemann and other composers, published by Telemann in 25 "Lectionen" between 1728-1729. These were intended as a sort of home music lesson, and were more aimed at the amateur market than the works in Essercizii musici.
Navigation etc.
Content detailed :
- Pages 1, 5. Recorder Sonata, TWV 41:F2
- pp.2-3. Sage mir doch nichts von Liebe, Aria aus der Oper Eginhard, gesungen von Me. Keiser, Poesie von Mr. Wendt. Soprano, violin, continuo.
- 3, 4, 7, 8, 12. Partia à Cembalo solo, TWV 32:1
- 4. Polonaise, TWV 41:D4
- 6-7. Nimm dein Herz nur wieder an, Aria aus Eginhard, gesungen von Mlle. Monjo der jüngeren, Poesie von Mr. Wendt. Soprano, violin, continuo.
- 8. L'hiver, TWV 41:d1
- 8. Etliche Contrapunctische Veränderungen des ersten Tackts der Telemannischen Sonatinen. (2 violins)
- 9, 10, 15, 20, 22-23, 27. Ouverture-Suite for Oboe and Continuo, TWV 41:g4 (violin or oboe, continuo)
- 10-11. Es glänzet die Unschuld, Aria aus Sancio, gesungen von Mlle. Keiser, Poesie von Herrn König. Soprano, violin, continuo.
- 12, 13, 18, 19. Duet for 2 Flutes, TWV 40:107 (2 recorders or flutes or violas da gamba)
- 14-15. So oft du deinen Schatz wirst küssen, Aria aus Sancio, gesungen von Mlle. Monjo der älteren, Poesie von Herrn König. Soprano, violin, continuo.
- 16. Pastourelle, TWV 41:D5
- 16. Jan Dismas Zelenka: Vide, Domine, et considera laborem meum, Circul-Canon mit 14 Verkehrungen
- 17. Capriccio, TWV 41:G5 (flute, continuo)
- 18. Das Frauenzimmer verstimmt sich immer, Aria, Poesie von Prof. Richey. Soprano, continuo (optional colla parte treble instrument)
- 20, 21, 28. Cello Sonata, TWV 41:D6
- 22. Vergiss dich selbst, mein schönster Engel!, Aria aus Eginhard, gesungen von Mr. Riemschneider dem älteren. Soprano, continuo
- 23. Air Trompette, TWV 41:C1
- 24. Marche et Retraite, TWV 35:1 pour Monsieur le Capitaine Weber. Harpsichord
- 24. Einige plötzliche Eintritte in entfernete Accords
- 25, 31, 39. Suite in D major by Hinrich Conrad Kreising
- 26-27, 30. Süße Worte! wehrte Zeilen!, Aria aus Sancio, gesungen von Mme Keiser, Poesie von Herrn König. Soprano, violin, continuo.
- 27. Niaise, TWV 41:E2 (pour divers instrumens, dancée par Mlle. Kelp)
- 29, 32, 36, 40, 44. Intrada-Suite for 2 Violins 'Gulliver's Travels', TWV 40:108
- 30. Thema zur Fuga, nebst 5 eingeschickten Auflösungen
- 32. Carillon à 2 Chalumeaux, TWV 40:109 (recorder or flute)
- 32. Menuet for 2 Horns, TWV 40:110
- 33. Sonata for Viola (di Braccio) and Continuo in B-flat major. (or flute and viola da gamba or braccio; or recorder and viola)
- 34. Jean Desfontaines: Cher souvenir / Komm süßer Schlaf. Soprano, continuo
- 35. Fantasia fürs clavier by Carl Johann Friedrich Haltmeier
- 36. Flauto Pastorale, o altri stromenti. Piece in E major
- 38-39. Più del fiume dà diletto ruscelletto / Einem eingezognen Leben sich ergeben, Aria aus der Opera Aesopus, gesungen von Mlle. Monjo der jüngeren. Voice, recorder (or oboe or violin), continuo
- 39. Canon perpetuus aus der Fuga p.30
- 40. Napolitana, TWV 41:B4 (oboe d'amore or other instrument, continuo)
- Etc... to page 100.