- Ah vous dirai-je maman (Bernet, Atie)
- Aires for a Flute and a Bass (Demoivre, Daniel)
- Album für Klavier (Corelli, Arcangelo)
- Allegretto Grazioso and Gigue (Hummel, Johann Nepomuk)
- Ancient Irish Music (Joyce, Patrick Weston)
- Apollo's Banquet, Newly Reviv'd (Playford, Henry)
- Apollo's Banquet (Playford, John)
- Arie per il balletto à cavallo (Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich)
- Arie, correnti, sarabande, gighe e allemande, Op.4 (Bononcini, Giovanni Maria)
- Arie, Gighe, Balletti, Correnti, Allemande e Sarabande, Op.1 (Antonii, Pietro degli)
- Armstrong's Minor Jig (Armstrong, Thomas J.)
- Auserlesene Lauten-Stücke (Kellner, David)
- Ayres in 3 Parts (Bononcini, Giovanni)
- Balletti e correnti gighe, e sarabande da camera, Op.3 (Antonii, Giovanni Battista degli)
- Balletti, correnti e arie diverse, Op.3 (Antonii, Pietro degli)
- Balletti, Correnti, Gighe e Sarabande, Op.1 (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)
- Balletti, Correnti, Gighe, Allemande, e Sarabande, Op.4 (Vitali, Giovanni Battista)
- Balletti, Correnti, Gighe, Sarabande, Op.3 (Colombi, Giuseppe)
- Balletti, Correnti, Sarabande e Gighe, Op.1 (Albergati, Pirro Capacelli Conte)
- 12 Balletti, Op.1 (Pizzoni, Fra Elzeario)
- 12 Balletti, Op.2 (Marino, Carlo Antonio)
- The Banjoist's Budget (Baur, Albert)
- The Bardic Museum (Jones, Edward)
- Boquet of Melodies for Banjo (Dobson, George Clifton)
- The Boston Collection of Instrumental Music (Various)
- Boston Flute Instruction Book (Keith, Charles H.)
- Briggs' Banjo Instructor (Briggs, Thomas F.)
- Cabinet der Lauten (Le Sage de Richée, Franz Philipp)
- Cameron's Selection of Violin Music (Cameron, George)
- Canon and Gigue in D major, P.37 (Pachelbel, Johann)
- Canone e giga (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- Capricci armonici da chiesa e da camera, Op.4 (Viviani, Giovanni Buonaventura)
- The Cassino (Anonymous)
- Ceol na nGaedheal (Hardebeck, Carl G.)
- Chinese Suite in Baroque Form No.1 (Zhang, Shuwen)
- A Choice Collection of Ayres (Various)
- Christmas Jig (Pixner, Wendy)
- Clarke, Woodall and Skelton's Manuscript Tunebook (Various)
- Clavecinistes italiens et allemands des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (Various)
- A Collection of Airs, Reels and Strathspeys (Gow Jr., Niel)
- A Collection of Favorite Irish Airs (Holden, Smollet)
- A Collection of Favourite Scots Tunes with Variations (MacLean, Charles)
- A Collection of Irish Airs and Jiggs with Variations (Murphy, John)
- Collection of Irish Music (Hudson, Henry Philerin)
- A Collection of Jigs and Reels (Hardebeck, Carl G.)
- A Collection of New Reels, Strathspeys, Jigs, Waltzes etc. (Robertson, Daniel)
- A Collection of New Songs (Matteis, Nicola)
- A Collection of Scots Measures (McGlashan, Alexander)
- A Collection of Strathspey Reels and Country Dances (Bowie, John)
- A Collection of Strathspey Reels (Shepherd, William)
- A Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (Gow, Niel)
- A Collection of Strathspey Reels, Jigs etc. (Stewart, Charles)
- A Collection of Strathspeys, Reels and Jigs (Porteous, James)
- A Collection of Strathspeys, Reels, Jigs etc. (Mackintosh, Abraham)
- The Compleat Country Dancing-Master (Walsh, John)
- A Complete Tutor for the Great Highland Bagpipe (MacKay, William)
- Continuatio exercitii musici (Beck, Johann Hector)
- Corelli-Album (Corelli, Arcangelo)
- Country Dances & Strathspey Reels (Campbell, William)
- 24 Country Dances for the Year 1804 (Preston, Thomas @publisher^)
- 120 Country Dances, Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes, etc. (Westrop, Thomas)
- A Curious Collection of Scots Tunes (Oswald, James)
- D. C. Everest's minor Jig (Stewart, Samuel Swain)
- The Dance Music of Ireland (Levey, Richard Michael)
- The Dance Music of Ireland (O'Neill, Francis)
- 20 Dances (Graupner, Christoph)
- 28 Dances, D-DS Mus.ms.17 (Strobel, Valentin)
- 5 Danses (Bergon, Paul)
- The Delightful Pocket Companion for the Flute (Bremner, Robert)
- Delitiae musicales oder Lust Music (Pezel, Johann Christoph)
- Delitiae Testudinis (Reusner, Esaias)
- The Deuks Dang O'er My Daddie (Anonymous)
- The Directory for Ball Music (Anonymous)
- Doctor Bull's my selfe. A Gigge, FVB 189 (Bull, John)
- Douceur Gigue, Op.11 (Harder, Knox W.)
- Dulseanne Park (Lanza, Francesco Giuseppe)
- Fancies and Fugues on a Jig of Purcell (Bachlund, Gary)
- Fancy Jig (Pettee, William)
- A Favorite Collection of Irish Tunes (Carolan, Turlough)
- Favorite Country Dances for 1796 (Cooke, Bartholomew)
- Favorite Country Dances for 1797 (Cooke, Bartholomew)
- 18 Favorite Irish Melodies arranged for the Guitar (Schultz, Leonard)
- The Favorite Straight Jig (Anonymous)
- The Favourite Dances of 1810 (Gow, Nathaniel)
- Fiddler's Jig, HC 771 (Cowell, Henry)
- Folke-Sange og Melodier (Berggreen, Andreas Peter)
- A Fourth Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (Gow, Niel)
- Fugue in G major, BWV 577 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Fünfstimmige blasende Music (Pezel, Johann Christoph)
| G cont.
- Giga in F minor (Praeger, Ferdinand)
- Giga per Grand'Organo (Matthey, Ulisse)
- Giga Vivace (Maasmann, Alexander)
- Giga, Op.2 No.1 (Masotti, Celestina)
- Giga (Galuppi, Baldassare)
- Giga (Martucci, Giuseppe)
- Giga (Matthey, Ulisse)
- Giga (Papini, Guido)
- A Gigge, FVB 190 (Bull, John)
- A Gigge, FVB 267 (Farnaby, Giles)
- Gigue - Lentement (Anonymous)
- Gigue Album (Brown, Arthur Henry)
- Gigue américaine (Redon, Ernest)
- Gigue bretonne (Bachmann, Georges)
- Gigue dans le genre ancien, Op.77 (Pfeiffer, Georges Jean)
- La Gigue du Duc de Cumberland (Anonymous)
- Gigue écossaise (Benedict, Julius)
- Gigue et air de ballet, Op.24 (Alkan, Charles-Valentin)
- Gigue favorite (Neustedt, Charles)
- Gigue française, Op.70 (D., Henry)
- Gigue in A minor (La Pierre, Monsieur de)
- Gigue in B minor (Matyas, Thomas Alexander)
- Gigue in B-flat major, HWV 413 (Handel, George Frideric)
- Gigue in B-flat minor (Graun, Karl Heinrich)
- Gigue in C major, HWV 589 (Handel, George Frideric)
- Gigue in C major, HWV 599 (Handel, George Frideric)
- Gigue in C major (Viger, François)
- Gigue in C minor (Cotton, Aaron Alexander)
- Gigue in D minor (Reinecke, Carl)
- Gigue in F minor, BWV 845 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Gigue in F minor, Op.4 (Kuzmin, Vasiliy)
- Gigue in G major, BWV Anh.81 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Gigue in G major, K.574 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Gigue La Somptueuse (Campion, François)
- Gigue No.1 (Berkahn, Samuel James)
- Gigue No.1 (Cooper, Valiha Nicéphore)
- Gigue No.1 (Pogudin, Michael)
- Gigue No.2 (Cooper, Valiha Nicéphore)
- Gigue on St. Theodulph (Sisti, Alessandro Gianfranco)
- Gigue pour flûte et piano (Hüe, Georges)
- Gigue, f.3 (Le Cocq, François)
- Gigue, f.51 (Le Cocq, François)
- Gigue, f.54 II (Le Cocq, François)
- Gigue, f.84 (Derosier, Nicolas)
- Gigue, f.99 (Derosier, Nicolas)
- Gigue, f.105 (Pérez de Zavala, Miguel)
- Gigue, f.109 (Pérez de Zavala, Miguel)
- Gigue, GWV 125 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Gigue, HWV 492 (Handel, George Frideric)
- Gigue, Op.6 (Coedès-Mongin, André)
- Gigue, Op.23 (Vollweiler, Charles)
- Gigue, Op.29 (Bargiel, Woldemar)
- Gigue, Op.43 (Chaminade, Cécile)
- Gigue, WP 6.64 (Pezel, Johann Christoph)
- 3 Giguen, Op.36 (Kiel, Friedrich)
- 3 Gigues in C major (Sysmoebius, Z Q)
- 4 Gigues (Mattheson, Johann)
- 2 Gigues, Schrank II/34/49 (Anonymous)
- 2 Gigues, WoO 4 (Brahms, Johannes)
- Gigue (Anonymous)
- Gigue (Boden, Andrew David)
- Gigue (Danbé, Jules)
- Gigue (Finlay McAuliffe, Kass)
- Gigue (Kirchner, Fritz)
- Gigue (Mondry, Nathan Adam)
- Gigue (Thomé, Francis)
- Gigue (Wood, Charles)
- Gow's Repository of the Dance Music of Scotland (Gow, Niel)
- Grand Gigue in D minor, Op.31 (Hässler, Johann Wilhelm)
- Hamilton's Universal Tune-Book (Various)
- Harding's All-Round Collection of Jigs, Reels and Country Dances (Various)
- Harmonic Hodgepodge (Gibson, Ashlin Tyler)
- The Harpsichord Master (Walsh, John)
- 7 Harpsichord Pieces from the Bauyn Manuscript (Froberger, Johann Jacob)
- 7 Harpsichord Pieces from the Bauyn Manuscript (Hardel, Jacques)
- 11 Harpsichord Pieces from the Bauyn Manuscript (Richard, Étienne)
- 6 Harpsichord Suites, Op.1 (Baustetter, Johann Conrad)
- The Hibernia Collection (O'Flannagan, Patrick)
- Horace Weston's Old Time Jig (Weston, Horace)
- Hunting the Hare (Anonymous)
- Jacks Alive (Anonymous)
- Jig in F-sharp major (Wagner, Joe)
- Jig in G minor, ZT 686 (Purcell, Henry)
- Jig, for Beatrice (Kelly, Frederick Septimus)
- Jig, T 479 (Byrd, William)
- Jiga Inglesa (Sanz, Gaspar)
- Jigg in A major (Pepusch, John Christopher)
- Jigg in G major (Edmund, William)
- Jigg (Finger, Gottfried)
- Jig (Cutting, Francis)
- Johnny Cock thy Beaver (Anonymous)