Category:External library templates

Contains templates used in the 'Scanner' field to link to another site.

Template Library RISM Siglum Format Notes
A-Gu Universität Graz (Graz, Austria) A-Gu {{A-Gu|#-#####}} enter the number at the end of the URN
A-Wst Wienbibliothek im Rathaus (Vienna, Austria) A-Wst {{A-Wst|######}} enter the number at the end of the item's URL
AAB Anna Amalia Bibliothek (Weimar, Germany) D-WRz {{AAB|P|##-#-###########}} enter the number at the end of the URN
ACCMM Archivo del Cabildo Catedral Metropolitano de Mexico (Mexico City, Mexico) MEX-Mc
AmerU American University (Washington, D.C.) {{AmerU|####}} enter the number at the end of the reference URL
APWML Anne Potter Wilson Music Library, Vanderbilt University Library (Nashville, TN) US-Nau
Bach Digital Digitale Bibliothek der Originalquellen J.S. Bachs
BANQ Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec BANQ {{BANQ|#####/######}} enter the number at the end of the permalink
B-Br Bibliothèque royale de Belgique (Brussels, Belgium) B-Br {{B-Br|#######}} enter the number at the end of the permalink
BDH Biblioteca Digital Hispánica E-Mn {{BDH|bnesearch/detalle/#######}} enter this information found in the permanent link to the bibliographic record
BdT Biblioteca Digitale Trentina (Trento, Italy) I-TRc {{BdT|#######}} enter the number at the end of url, excluding the part after # (Example: For, take 11028.)
BE Biblioteka Elbląska (Elbag, Poland) PL-Ep {{BE|#####}} enter the publication number found on the edition information page
BeethBonn Beethoven-Haus (Bonn, Germany) D-BNba
BeethBonnMS Beethoven-Haus (Bonn, Germany) D-BNba
BEU Biblioteca estense universitaria (Modena, Italy) I-MOe
BLB Badische Landesbibliothek (Karlsruhe, Germany) D-KA {{BLB|#######}} enter the number at the end of the item's URL
BMFL Bibliothèque musicale François-Lang (Asnières-sur-Oise, France) F-ASOlang
BML Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana (Florence, Italy) I-Fl
BnBR Biblioteca Nacional do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) BR-Rn
BNC Biblioteca de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain) E-Bcd
BNF Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Paris, France) F-Pn {{BNF|#####/##########}} enter the part of the URL between '/ark:/' and '.r='
BNFref Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Paris, France) F-Pn {{BNFref|#####/##########|####}} enter the part of the URL after '/ark:/' .
Allows a further, optional "display" target after a second pipe (as shown) - which may be omitted if display is default.
BNM Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (Venice, Italy) I-Vnm
BNN Biblioteca Nazionale "V. Emanuele III" (Naples, Italy) I-Nn
BNP Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (Lisbon, Portugal) P-Ln
Boije Boije's Collection, Music and Theatre Library of Sweden (Stockholm, Sweden) S-Skma
BPL Bergen Public Library (Bergen, Norway) N-Bo
BrahmsLub Brahms-Institut (Lübeck, Germany) D-LÜbi
BrLib British Library GB-Lbl Enter the text that comes after "ref=" in the URL.
BSB Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, Germany) D-Mbs {{BSB|#########}} see Template:BSB for details on usage
BSBa Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, Germany): Münchener Digatilisierungszentrum D-Mbs {{BSBa|########}} Links directly to the asset in a primitive viewer, explicitly on page 1. Enter the unique identifier (the part that comes after 'bsb' in URLs), but not the hyphen and numbers that sometimes come after it.
BSBpl Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, Germany): Münchener Digatilisierungszentrum D-Mbs {{BSBpl|########|#}} Same as BSBa, but allows linking to a specific page using the second argument.
BSBurn Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, Germany): Münchener Digatilisierungszentrum D-Mbs {{BSBurn|########}} Same mechanism as BSBa, but without specifying the page.
BSBview Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, Germany): Münchener Digatilsierungszentrum D-Mbs {{BSBview|########}} Uses the permalink resolver that is sometimes available, which links to a modern viewer. Use the numbers after 'bsb' as in the BSBa template, but including any trailing hyphens and numbers.
BSU Ball State University (Muncie, IN) US-MU {{BSU|####}} input the number at the end of the reference url
BT Bibliothèque de Toulouse (Toulouse, France) F-TLm {{BT|#####/##########_########_#}}
BU Baylor University: Frances G. Spencer Collection of American Popular Sheet Music (Waco, TX) US-WC {{BU|#####}} enter the id number
BV Bibliothèques de Versailles (Versailles, France) F-V
BVA Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucía
BVH Les Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes
BrahmsLub Brahms-Institut (Lübeck, Germany) D-LÜbi
CBNPolona Polish National Library (Warsaw, Poland) PL-Wn This template should be considered deprecated. Use Template:CBNPolonaNew or Template:CBNPolonaP.
CBNPolonaNew Polish National Library (Warsaw, Poland) PL-Wn {{CBNPolonaNew|#########}} enter the academic ID
CBNPolonaP Polish National Library (Warsaw, Poland) PL-Wn {{CBNPolonaP|#########}} enter the unique identifier (UUID) in the URL (after /preview/)
CDN-Hu Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) CDN-Hu {{CDN-Hu}} links to archive catalog home page
ChopinChicago University of Chicago Chopin Early Editions (Chicago, IL) US-Cum {{ChopinChicago|###}}
CH-LAc Lausanne, Switzerland CH-LAc {{CH-LAc}}
Cremona Biblioteca del Dipartimento di musicologia e beni culturali dell'Università di Pavia (Cremona, Italy) I-CRsp {{Cremona|###}}
Curtim Curtis Institute of Music (Philadelphia, PA) US-PHci {{Curtim}}
CZBu Moravská zemská knihovna v Brně (Brno) CZ-Bu {{CZBu|###}} enter the UUID value for the digital score
CZPu Národní knihovna České republiky (Prague) CZ-Pu
D-Bim Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung (Berlin, Germany) D-Bim {{D-Bim|#########}} enter the number found in the PURL
DHR Öttingen-Wallersteinsche Bibliothek D-HR {{DHR|#########-#}}
DIAMM Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music
DKB Det Kongelige Bibliothek (Copenhagen, Denmark) DK-Kk {{DKB|MUS###########}} When viewing the item on REX, copy the text and numbers that come after "docid=" in the URL.
D-Kub Universität Kassel (Kassel, Germany) D-Kub {{D-Kub|###########}} Input the persistent identifier number.
DLÜh Bibliothek der Hansestadt Lübeck (Lübeck, Germany) D-LÜh {{DLÜh|###}} add number appearing after "image/" in the scan URL
D-Mh Hochschule für Musik und Theater München (Munich, Germany) D-Mh {{D-Mh|#########}} enter the number after the dash in the URN
DrakeU Drake University (Des Moines, Iowa) {{DrakeU|#|###}} enter H for Hundling Silent Film Music collection then the item's id number
DU Debrecen University (Debrecen, Hungary) H-DRe {{DU|#######|####}} enter either "notes" or "chamber" from the url, then the text between "?lf=" and ".lst" at the end of the url
Duke Duke University (Durham, NC) US-DMu {{Duke|######_######}} enter the part of the url after "digitalcollections/"
E-Bmi Museu de la Música de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain) E-Bmi {{E-Bmi|xxxxxxx}} enter the part of the url after ""
GaylordURL Washington University (St. Louis, MO) US-SLug
GB-Lcm Royal College of Music (London, United Kingdom) GB-Lcm {{GB-Lcm|###|###}} First parameter is optional; if present, it links to a specific work page (the ID after "biblionumber" in the URL). The second parameter is optional and will override the link's display (defaults to "GB-Lcm").
GDZ Center for Retrospective Digitization (Göttingen, Germany) G-Ds
GUF Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany) D-Fmi {{GUF|#########}} enter the item's URN
Harvard University of Harvard (Cambridge, MA) US-CA {{Harvard|#########}} enter the catalog id number
Hathi HathiTrust {{Hathi|#########}} enter the item's catalog record ID found at the end of its URL
Henselt Henselt Library at European-American University {{Henselt|#########}}
Houghton Houghton Library (Cambridge, MA) US-CAh {{Houghton|#######}} enter the number at the end of the persistent link
HambSUL Hamburg Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek (Hamburg, Germany) D-Hs {{HambSUL|PPN#######}} enter the PPN number at the end of the persistent link
IArch Internet Archive {{IArch|#########}} enter the text after /details/
INc Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella I-Nc {{INc}}
InternetCulturale Internet Culturale {{InternetCulturale|######:#############}} Enter the part of the URL after "Teca:20:", on the information ("Scheda di Dettaglio") page, NOT the image viewer
ITMA Irish Traditional Music Archive / Taisce Cheol Dúchais Éireann (Dublin, Ireland) IRL-Dtm {{ITMA}}
IUharm Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) US-BLl {{IUharm|/.....}} enter as parameters the text after "fullItemID" in the URL
IVsmc Chiesa di S. Maria della Fava I-Vsmc
JagU Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland) PL-Kj {{JagU|#####}} enter the publication number found on the information page under "all available editions"
JHULevy Levy Collection, John Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) US-BAu {{JHULevy|#####}} input the text after '/levy:' at the end of the URL
JuilliardMSS Jullliard Manuscript Collection (New York, NY) US-NYj {{JuilliardMSS|########}} enter the JUILCAT record number
KCA Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen (Antwerp, Belgium) B-Ac {{KCA|#######}} enter the seven digit number found in the bookmark link
KML Kulas Music Library, Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH) US-CLwr {{KML|#####}} enter the five digit number at the end of the permanent URL
K-PDL Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library (Torun, Poland) {{K-PDL|#####}} enter the five digit number at the end of the resource identifier found on the edition description page
LBC Landesbibliothek Coburg (Coburg, Germany) D-Cl {{LBC|######}} enter the pid number found in the bookmark link
LBMV Landesbibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Schwerin, Germany) D-SWl {{LBMV}}
LBW Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg (Neuenstein, Germany) D-NEhz {{LBW|#-######}} enter the number at the end of the permalink
Leeds University of Leeds (Leeds, England) GB-LEbc
Levy Levy Collection, John Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) US-BAu This template should be considered deprecated. Use Template:JHULevy.
LLB Lippische Landesbibliothek (Detmold, Germany) D-DT {{LLB|####}} enter the number at the end of the persistent urn
LOC Library of Congress (Washington, DC) US-Wc This template should be considered deprecated. Use Template:LOCitem.
LOCitem Library of Congress (Washington, DC) US-Wc {{LOCitem|########}} input the text after 'item/' in the URL
Lodz Łódź University Library (Łódź, Poland) PL-LZu {{Lodz|####}}
Loeb Loeb Music Library (Cambridge, MA) US-CAe {{Loeb|#######}} enter the number at the end of the persistent link
MBO Netherlands Radio Music Library (Muziekbibliotheek van de Omroep) (Hilversum, Netherlands) NL-Hlr {{MBO|#####}} enter the work id number
Mibm-Bologna Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica di Bologna (Bologna, Italy) I-Bc {{Mibm-Bologna|#####}}
Milan Conservatorio di Milano (Milan, Italy) I-Mc {{Milan||}} enter the HDL into the second variable
Morgan The Morgan Library (New York, NY) US-NYpm {{Morgan|######}} enter the record id
MTB Musik- och teaterbiblioteket (Stockholm, Sweden) S-SKma formerly SMB (for Statens Musikbibliotek)
Nanki Nanki Music Library (Tokyo, Japan) J-Tn
Nb National Library of Norway (Oslo, Norway) N-Onm {{NB|URN:NBN:##-##_######_######}} enter the string of text in the permanent URL beginning with "URN"
NEC The New England Conservatory (Boston, MA) US-Be {{NEC|##}} enter the id number at the end of the item's URL
NLA National Library of Australia (Canberra, Australia) AUS-CAnl {{NLA|*n########}} or {{NLA||#########}}
NLS National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland) GB-En {{NLS|##}} enter the archive number from the end of the item's URL
NYPODA The New York Philharmonic Orchestra Digital Archives (New York, NY) {{NYPODA|########}} Enter the long alpha-numeric string of text after /artifact/ in the URL
ONB Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Vienna, Austria) A-Wn {{ONB|############}} see Template:ONB for details on usage
Opole Digital Library of Opole {{Opole|#####}} enter the publication number found on the information page under "all available editions"
OSU Ohio State University (Columbus, OH) US-COu {{OSU|#####}} enter the number at the end of the persistent link
PBC Pomeranian Digital Library {{PBC|####}} enter the publication number found on the edition description page
PDL Podlaska Digital Library {{PDL|####}}
PU Princeton University Digital Library (Princeton, NJ) US-PRu {{PU|#########}} enter the last group of characters in the permanent link
RCSM Biblioteca del Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid E-Mc {{RCSM}}
RERO Bibliothèque numérique RERO {{RERO|#####}}
RHUL Royal Holloway University of London (London, England) GB-Lu
RIAM Royal Irish Academy of Music (Dublin, Ireland) IRL-Da
Ricasoli University of Louisville (Louisville, KY): Ricasoli Collection US-LOu
RosDok Rostock University Library (Rostock, Germany) D-ROu {{RosDok|###}} enter the work PPN identifier
RSL Russian State Library (Moscow, Russia) RUS-Mrg {{RSL|###########}} enter the part of the URL between "/ru/rsl" and "?page="
SAK Sibelius-Akatemia (Helsinki, Finland) FIN-Hs {{SAK|#####}}
SBB Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin, Germany) D-B {{SBB|PPN#########}} enter the part of the URL between "PPN=" and "&PHYSID"
Schrank2 Schrank II (Dresden, Germany) D-Dl
SDL Silesian Digital Library {{SDL|#####}} enter the publication number found on the information page under "all available editions"
SibleyScan Sibley Music Library (Rochester, NY) US-R {{SibleyScan|####/#####}} enter the numbers at the end of the handle
SLUB Sächsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (Dresden, Germany) D-Dl {{SLUB|####}} see Template:SLUB for details on usage
SSA Sydney Smith Archive
SUNYBu State University of New York at Buffalo (Buffalo, NY) US-BUu {{SUNYBu|###|##}} see Template:SUNYBu for details on usage
ThULB Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (Jena, Germany) D-Ju {{ThULB|########}} enter the number at the end of the item's URL
TU Temple University (Philadelphia, PA) US-PHtu {{TU|####}} enter the 4-digit number at the end of the reference URL
UAla University of Alabama (University, AL) US-UN {{UAla|_#######_#######}} enter the the part of the url after u0004
UCM Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid, Spain) E-Msi
UD Musik- och teaterbiblioteket (Stockholm, Sweden): Utile Dulci S-SKma
UdS Service de la Documentation de l'Université de Strasbourg (Strasbourg, France) F-Sim
UIowa University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA) US-IO {{UIowa|#####,#####}} enter the part of the reference url after /u?/
UKB Universität der Künste Berlin (Berlin, Germany) D-Bhm {{UKB|###}} enter the text at the end of the persistent urn
ULB Universitäts– und Landesbibliothek (Darmstadt, Germany) D-Ds {{ULB|###-##}}
ULBBonn Universitäts– und Landesbibliothek (Bonn, Germany) D-BNu {{ULBBonn|#:#-#####}} enter the number at the end of the persistent identifier/URN
ULBD Universitäts– und Landesbibliothek (Düsseldorf , Germany) D-DÜl {{ULBD|#####}} enter the persistent identifier (entire text of the urn)
ULBM Universitäts– und Landesbibliothek (Münster, Germany) D-MÜu {{ULBM|#:#-#####}} enter the number with colon and dash at the end of the urn
ULmuslib University of Louisville Music Library (Louisville, KY): Dwight Anderson Music Library US-LOu
UM University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI) US-AAu {{UM|#######.####.###}}
UnC Biblioteca Digital da Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal) P-Cu
UNC-CH University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: 19th Century American Sheet Music Collection (Chapel Hill, NC) US-CHH {{UNC-CH|#####}} use the number from the reference URL from the work's first page
UNC-G University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Greensboro, NC) US-GRB {{UNC-G|#####|####}} variable 1=collection. variable 2=item id.
UNT University of North Texas Digital Library (Denton, TX) US-DN
UnV Biblioteca de la Universitat de València (València, Spain) E-VAu
UO University of Oregon (Eugene, OR) US-EU {{UO|#####}} enter the number at the end of the item's URL
US-BApi Peabody Conservatory of Music (Baltimore, MD) US-BApi {{US-BApi|####/##/###}} enter the portion of the reference URL after "collection/"
US-BO University of Colorado at Boulder, Music Library (Boulder, CO) US-BO {{US-BO|####/####}} enter the ARK identifier that is part of the work's ARK URL
US-NYp New York Public Library for the Performing Arts (New York, NY) US-NYp {{US-NYp|#####}} variable 1=item number in the permalink.
U-SC University of South Carolina (Columbia, MO) US-COS {{U-SC|####}} enter the number after mid
USCL University of Sydney, Conservatorium Library (Sydney, Australia) AUS-Scm {{USCL|####}} enter the record number at the end of the permanent link
US-CLp Cleveland Public Library (Cleveland, OH) US-CLp {{US-CLp|####}} Input the following number from the item's url /id/####/rec
US-MAu University of Wisconsin (Madison, WI) US-MAu {{US-MAu|######}} Input the alphanumeric string after 1711.dl/ in the item's permanent URL.
USNHub Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, New Haven US-NHub {{USNHub|#######}}
US-NORtu Tulane University (New Orleans, LA) US-NORtu {{US-NORtu}}
US-Pu University of Pittsburgh, Music Library (Pittsburgh, PA) US-Pu {{US-Pu|##############}}
USU Utah State University (Salt Lake City, UT) US-SLC {{USU|##}} enter the number at the end of the reference url
UT University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Knoxville, TN) US-KN {{UT|####}} enter the ending number only
UTub Universität Tübingen (Tübingen, Germany) D-Tu {{UTub|####_###}} enter the text at the end of the persistent URL
UVa University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA) US-CHum {{UVa|#######}} enter the number at the end of the URL for the "Item Details" page
UWarsaw Uniwersytet Warszawski (Warsaw, Poland) PL-Wu {{UWarsaw|#####}} enter the publication number found on the information page under "all available editions"
VARS Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) - VARIATIONS Project US-BL {{VARS|#####}}
Vassar Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, New York) US-PO {{Vassar|#####}} enter the number found in the URL after "vassar:"
WDB Wolfenbütteler Digitale Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel, Germany) D-W {{WDB|##-#-##-musica-##}}
WDL Digital Library of Wielkopolska {{WDL|#####}} enter the publication number found on the information page under "all available editions"
WLS Württembergische Landesbibliothek (Stuttgart, Germany) D-Sl {{WLS|abc######}} enter the text and number at the end of the permanent URL
Wroclaw Uniwersytet Wrocławski (Wroclaw, Poland) PL-WRu {{Wroclaw|#####}} enter the publication number found on the information page under "all available editions"
YorkU York University (Toronto, ON) CDN-Ty {{YorkU|#####/#####}} enter the portion of the reference URL after "handle/"
ZBCP ZBC Pomerania {{ZBCP|#####}} enter the publication number found on the information page under "all available editions"
ZCL Knjižnice Grada Zagreba (Zagreb, Croatia) {{ZCL|###}} enter the number after "docid=" in the item's URL

Pages in category "External library templates"

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