Contains templates used in the 'Scanner' field to link to another site.
Template | Library | RISM Siglum | Format | Notes |
A-Gu | Universität Graz (Graz, Austria) | A-Gu | {{A-Gu|#-#####}} | enter the number at the end of the URN |
A-Wst | Wienbibliothek im Rathaus (Vienna, Austria) | A-Wst | {{A-Wst|######}} | enter the number at the end of the item's URL |
AAB | Anna Amalia Bibliothek (Weimar, Germany) | D-WRz | {{AAB|P|##-#-###########}} | enter the number at the end of the URN |
ACCMM | Archivo del Cabildo Catedral Metropolitano de Mexico (Mexico City, Mexico) | MEX-Mc | ||
AmerU | American University (Washington, D.C.) | {{AmerU|####}} | enter the number at the end of the reference URL | |
APWML | Anne Potter Wilson Music Library, Vanderbilt University Library (Nashville, TN) | US-Nau | ||
Bach Digital | Digitale Bibliothek der Originalquellen J.S. Bachs | |||
BANQ | Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec | CDN-Mn | {{BANQ|#####/######}} | enter the number at the end of the permalink |
B-Br | Bibliothèque royale de Belgique (Brussels, Belgium) | B-Br | {{B-Br|#######}} | enter the number at the end of the permalink |
BDH | Biblioteca Digital Hispánica | E-Mn | {{BDH|bnesearch/detalle/#######}} | enter this information found in the permanent link to the bibliographic record |
BdT | Biblioteca Digitale Trentina (Trento, Italy) | I-TRc | {{BdT|#######}} | enter the number at the end of url, excluding the part after # (Example: For, take 11028.) |
BE | Biblioteka Elbląska (Elbag, Poland) | PL-Ep | {{BE|#####}} | enter the publication number found on the edition information page |
BeethBonn | Beethoven-Haus (Bonn, Germany) | D-BNba | ||
BeethBonnMS | Beethoven-Haus (Bonn, Germany) | D-BNba | ||
BEU | Biblioteca estense universitaria (Modena, Italy) | I-MOe | ||
BLB | Badische Landesbibliothek (Karlsruhe, Germany) | D-KA | {{BLB|#######}} | enter the number at the end of the item's URL |
BMFL | Bibliothèque musicale François-Lang (Asnières-sur-Oise, France) | F-ASOlang | ||
BML | Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana (Florence, Italy) | I-Fl | ||
BnBR | Biblioteca Nacional do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) | BR-Rn | ||
BNC | Biblioteca de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain) | E-Bcd | ||
BNF | Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Paris, France) | F-Pn | {{BNF|#####/##########}} | enter the part of the URL between '/ark:/' and '.r=' |
BNFref | Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Paris, France) | F-Pn | {{BNFref|#####/##########|####}} | enter the part of the URL after '/ark:/' . Allows a further, optional "display" target after a second pipe (as shown) - which may be omitted if display is default. |
BNM | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (Venice, Italy) | I-Vnm | ||
BNN | Biblioteca Nazionale "V. Emanuele III" (Naples, Italy) | I-Nn | ||
BNP | Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (Lisbon, Portugal) | P-Ln | ||
Boije | Boije's Collection, Music and Theatre Library of Sweden (Stockholm, Sweden) | S-Skma | ||
BPL | Bergen Public Library (Bergen, Norway) | N-Bo | ||
BrahmsLub | Brahms-Institut (Lübeck, Germany) | D-LÜbi | ||
BrLib | British Library | GB-Lbl | Enter the text that comes after "ref=" in the URL. | |
BSB | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, Germany) | D-Mbs | {{BSB|#########}} | see Template:BSB for details on usage |
BSBa | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, Germany): Münchener Digatilisierungszentrum | D-Mbs | {{BSBa|########}} | Links directly to the asset in a primitive viewer, explicitly on page 1. Enter the unique identifier (the part that comes after 'bsb' in URLs), but not the hyphen and numbers that sometimes come after it. |
BSBpl | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, Germany): Münchener Digatilisierungszentrum | D-Mbs | {{BSBpl|########|#}} | Same as BSBa, but allows linking to a specific page using the second argument. |
BSBurn | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, Germany): Münchener Digatilisierungszentrum | D-Mbs | {{BSBurn|########}} | Same mechanism as BSBa, but without specifying the page. |
BSBview | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, Germany): Münchener Digatilsierungszentrum | D-Mbs | {{BSBview|########}} | Uses the permalink resolver that is sometimes available, which links to a modern viewer. Use the numbers after 'bsb' as in the BSBa template, but including any trailing hyphens and numbers. |
BSU | Ball State University (Muncie, IN) | US-MU | {{BSU|####}} | input the number at the end of the reference url |
BT | Bibliothèque de Toulouse (Toulouse, France) | F-TLm | {{BT|#####/##########_########_#}} | |
BU | Baylor University: Frances G. Spencer Collection of American Popular Sheet Music (Waco, TX) | US-WC | {{BU|#####}} | enter the id number |
BV | Bibliothèques de Versailles (Versailles, France) | F-V | ||
BVA | Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucía | |||
BVH | Les Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes | |||
BrahmsLub | Brahms-Institut (Lübeck, Germany) | D-LÜbi | ||
CBNPolona | Polish National Library (Warsaw, Poland) | PL-Wn | This template should be considered deprecated. Use Template:CBNPolonaNew or Template:CBNPolonaP. | |
CBNPolonaNew | Polish National Library (Warsaw, Poland) | PL-Wn | {{CBNPolonaNew|#########}} | enter the academic ID |
CBNPolonaP | Polish National Library (Warsaw, Poland) | PL-Wn | {{CBNPolonaP|#########}} | enter the unique identifier (UUID) in the URL (after /preview/) |
CDN-Hu | Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) | CDN-Hu | {{CDN-Hu}} | links to archive catalog home page |
ChopinChicago | University of Chicago Chopin Early Editions (Chicago, IL) | US-Cum | {{ChopinChicago|###}} | |
CH-LAc | Lausanne, Switzerland | CH-LAc | {{CH-LAc}} | |
Cremona | Biblioteca del Dipartimento di musicologia e beni culturali dell'Università di Pavia (Cremona, Italy) | I-CRsp | {{Cremona|###}} | |
Curtim | Curtis Institute of Music (Philadelphia, PA) | US-PHci | {{Curtim}} | |
CZBu | Moravská zemská knihovna v Brně (Brno) | CZ-Bu | {{CZBu|###}} | enter the UUID value for the digital score |
CZPu | Národní knihovna České republiky (Prague) | CZ-Pu | ||
D-Bim | Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung (Berlin, Germany) | D-Bim | {{D-Bim|#########}} | enter the number found in the PURL |
DHR | Öttingen-Wallersteinsche Bibliothek | D-HR | {{DHR|#########-#}} | |
DIAMM | Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music | |||
DKB | Det Kongelige Bibliothek (Copenhagen, Denmark) | DK-Kk | {{DKB|MUS###########}} | When viewing the item on REX, copy the text and numbers that come after "docid=" in the URL. |
D-Kub | Universität Kassel (Kassel, Germany) | D-Kub | {{D-Kub|###########}} | Input the persistent identifier number. |
DLÜh | Bibliothek der Hansestadt Lübeck (Lübeck, Germany) | D-LÜh | {{DLÜh|###}} | add number appearing after "image/" in the scan URL |
D-Mh | Hochschule für Musik und Theater München (Munich, Germany) | D-Mh | {{D-Mh|#########}} | enter the number after the dash in the URN |
DrakeU | Drake University (Des Moines, Iowa) | {{DrakeU|#|###}} | enter H for Hundling Silent Film Music collection then the item's id number | |
DU | Debrecen University (Debrecen, Hungary) | H-DRe | {{DU|#######|####}} | enter either "notes" or "chamber" from the url, then the text between "?lf=" and ".lst" at the end of the url |
Duke | Duke University (Durham, NC) | US-DMu | {{Duke|######_######}} | enter the part of the url after "digitalcollections/" |
E-Bmi | Museu de la Música de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain) | E-Bmi | {{E-Bmi|xxxxxxx}} | enter the part of the url after "" |
Fides | Federation of the Polish Church Libraries "Fides" | {{Fides|#####}} | enter the publication number from the URL | |
GaylordURL | Washington University (St. Louis, MO) | US-SLug | ||
GB-Lcm | Royal College of Music (London, United Kingdom) | GB-Lcm | {{GB-Lcm|###|###}} | First parameter is optional; if present, it links to a specific work page (the ID after "biblionumber" in the URL). The second parameter is optional and will override the link's display (defaults to "GB-Lcm"). |
GDZ | Center for Retrospective Digitization (Göttingen, Germany) | G-Ds | ||
GUF | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany) | D-Fmi | {{GUF|#########}} | enter the item's URN |
Harvard | University of Harvard (Cambridge, MA) | US-CA | {{Harvard|#########}} | enter the catalog id number |
Hathi | HathiTrust | {{Hathi|#########}} | enter the item's catalog record ID found at the end of its URL | |
Henselt | Henselt Library at European-American University | {{Henselt|#########}} | ||
Houghton | Houghton Library (Cambridge, MA) | US-CAh | {{Houghton|#######}} | enter the number at the end of the persistent link |
HambSUL | Hamburg Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek (Hamburg, Germany) | D-Hs | {{HambSUL|PPN#######}} | enter the PPN number at the end of the persistent link |
IArch | Internet Archive | {{IArch|#########}} | enter the text after /details/ | |
INc | Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella | I-Nc | {{INc}} | |
InternetCulturale | Internet Culturale | {{InternetCulturale|######:#############}} | Enter the part of the URL after "Teca:20:", on the information ("Scheda di Dettaglio") page, NOT the image viewer | |
ITMA | Irish Traditional Music Archive / Taisce Cheol Dúchais Éireann (Dublin, Ireland) | IRL-Dtm | {{ITMA}} | |
IUharm | Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) | US-BLl | {{IUharm|/.....}} | enter as parameters the text after "fullItemID" in the URL |
IVsmc | Chiesa di S. Maria della Fava | I-Vsmc | ||
JagU | Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland) | PL-Kj | {{JagU|#####}} | enter the publication number found on the information page under "all available editions" |
JHULevy | Levy Collection, John Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) | US-BAu | {{JHULevy|#####}} | input the text after '/levy:' at the end of the URL |
JuilliardMSS | Jullliard Manuscript Collection (New York, NY) | US-NYj | {{JuilliardMSS|########}} | enter the JUILCAT record number |
KCA | Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen (Antwerp, Belgium) | B-Ac | {{KCA|#######}} | enter the seven digit number found in the bookmark link |
KML | Kulas Music Library, Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH) | US-CLwr | {{KML|#####}} | enter the five digit number at the end of the permanent URL |
K-PDL | Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library (Torun, Poland) | {{K-PDL|#####}} | enter the five digit number at the end of the resource identifier found on the edition description page | |
LBC | Landesbibliothek Coburg (Coburg, Germany) | D-Cl | {{LBC|######}} | enter the pid number found in the bookmark link |
LBMV | Landesbibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Schwerin, Germany) | D-SWl | {{LBMV}} | |
LBW | Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg (Neuenstein, Germany) | D-NEhz | {{LBW|#-######}} | enter the number at the end of the permalink |
Leeds | University of Leeds (Leeds, England) | GB-LEbc | ||
Levy | Levy Collection, John Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) | US-BAu | This template should be considered deprecated. Use Template:JHULevy. | |
LLB | Lippische Landesbibliothek (Detmold, Germany) | D-DT | {{LLB|####}} | enter the number at the end of the persistent urn |
LOC | Library of Congress (Washington, DC) | US-Wc | This template should be considered deprecated. Use Template:LOCitem. | |
LOCitem | Library of Congress (Washington, DC) | US-Wc | {{LOCitem|########}} | input the text after 'item/' in the URL |
Lodz | Łódź University Library (Łódź, Poland) | PL-LZu | {{Lodz|####}} | |
Loeb | Loeb Music Library (Cambridge, MA) | US-CAe | {{Loeb|#######}} | enter the number at the end of the persistent link |
MBO | Netherlands Radio Music Library (Muziekbibliotheek van de Omroep) (Hilversum, Netherlands) | NL-Hlr | {{MBO|#####}} | enter the work id number |
Mibm-Bologna | Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica di Bologna (Bologna, Italy) | I-Bc | {{Mibm-Bologna|#####}} | |
Milan | Conservatorio di Milano (Milan, Italy) | I-Mc | {{Milan||}} | enter the HDL into the second variable |
Morgan | The Morgan Library (New York, NY) | US-NYpm | {{Morgan|######}} | enter the record id |
MTB | Musik- och teaterbiblioteket (Stockholm, Sweden) | S-Skma | formerly SMB (for Statens Musikbibliotek) | |
Nanki | Nanki Music Library (Tokyo, Japan) | J-Tn | ||
Nb | National Library of Norway (Oslo, Norway) | N-Onm | {{NB|URN:NBN:##-##_######_######}} | enter the string of text in the permanent URL beginning with "URN" |
NEC | The New England Conservatory (Boston, MA) | US-Be | {{NEC|##}} | enter the id number at the end of the item's URL |
NLA | National Library of Australia (Canberra, Australia) | AUS-CAnl | {{NLA|*n########}} or {{NLA||#########}} | |
NLS | National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland) | GB-En | {{NLS|##}} | enter the archive number from the end of the item's URL |
NYPODA | The New York Philharmonic Orchestra Digital Archives (New York, NY) | {{NYPODA|########}} | Enter the long alpha-numeric string of text after /artifact/ in the URL | |
ONB | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Vienna, Austria) | A-Wn | {{ONB|############}} | see Template:ONB for details on usage |
Opole | Digital Library of Opole | {{Opole|#####}} | enter the publication number found on the information page under "all available editions" | |
OSU | Ohio State University (Columbus, OH) | US-COu | {{OSU|#####}} | enter the number at the end of the persistent link |
PBC | Pomeranian Digital Library | {{PBC|####}} | enter the publication number found on the edition description page | |
PDL | Podlaska Digital Library | {{PDL|####}} | ||
PMH | Polish Music Heritage in Open Access | {{PMH|#####}} | enter the item identifier from the URL for linking to scans of printed editions; see Template:PMH for detailed usage | |
PU | Princeton University Digital Library (Princeton, NJ) | US-PRu | {{PU|#########}} | enter the last group of characters in the permanent link |
RCSM | Biblioteca del Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid | E-Mc | {{RCSM}} | |
RERO | Bibliothèque numérique RERO | {{RERO|#####}} | ||
RHUL | Royal Holloway University of London (London, England) | GB-Lu | ||
RIAM | Royal Irish Academy of Music (Dublin, Ireland) | IRL-Da | ||
Ricasoli | University of Louisville (Louisville, KY): Ricasoli Collection | US-LOu | ||
RosDok | Rostock University Library (Rostock, Germany) | D-ROu | {{RosDok|###}} | enter the work PPN identifier |
RSL | Russian State Library (Moscow, Russia) | RUS-Mrg | {{RSL|###########}} | enter the part of the URL between "/ru/rsl" and "?page=" |
SAK | Sibelius-Akatemia (Helsinki, Finland) | FIN-Hs | {{SAK|#####}} | |
SBB | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin, Germany) | D-B | {{SBB|PPN#########}} | enter the part of the URL between "PPN=" and "&PHYSID" |
Schrank2 | Schrank II (Dresden, Germany) | D-Dl | ||
SDL | Silesian Digital Library | {{SDL|#####}} | enter the publication number found on the information page under "all available editions" | |
SibleyScan | Sibley Music Library (Rochester, NY) | US-R | {{SibleyScan|####/#####}} | enter the numbers at the end of the handle |
SLUB | Sächsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (Dresden, Germany) | D-Dl | {{SLUB|####}} | see Template:SLUB for details on usage |
SSA | Sydney Smith Archive | |||
SUNYBu | State University of New York at Buffalo (Buffalo, NY) | US-BUu | {{SUNYBu|###|##}} | see Template:SUNYBu for details on usage |
ThULB | Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (Jena, Germany) | D-Ju | {{ThULB|########}} | enter the number at the end of the item's URL |
TU | Temple University (Philadelphia, PA) | US-PHtu | {{TU|####}} | enter the 4-digit number at the end of the reference URL |
UAla | University of Alabama (University, AL) | US-UN | {{UAla|_#######_#######}} | enter the the part of the url after u0004 |
UCM | Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid, Spain) | E-Msi | ||
UD | Musik- och teaterbiblioteket (Stockholm, Sweden): Utile Dulci | S-Skma | ||
UdS | Service de la Documentation de l'Université de Strasbourg (Strasbourg, France) | F-Sim | ||
UIowa | University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA) | US-IO | {{UIowa|#####,#####}} | enter the part of the reference url after /u?/ |
UKB | Universität der Künste Berlin (Berlin, Germany) | D-Bhm | {{UKB|###}} | enter the text at the end of the persistent urn |
ULB | Universitäts– und Landesbibliothek (Darmstadt, Germany) | D-Ds | {{ULB|###-##}} | |
ULBBonn | Universitäts– und Landesbibliothek (Bonn, Germany) | D-BNu | {{ULBBonn|#:#-#####}} | enter the number at the end of the persistent identifier/URN |
ULBD | Universitäts– und Landesbibliothek (Düsseldorf , Germany) | D-DÜl | {{ULBD|#####}} | enter the persistent identifier (entire text of the urn) |
ULBM | Universitäts– und Landesbibliothek (Münster, Germany) | D-MÜu | {{ULBM|#:#-#####}} | enter the number with colon and dash at the end of the urn |
ULmuslib | University of Louisville Music Library (Louisville, KY): Dwight Anderson Music Library | US-LOu | ||
UM | University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI) | US-AAu | {{UM|#######.####.###}} | |
UnC | Biblioteca Digital da Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal) | P-Cu | ||
UNC-CH | University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: 19th Century American Sheet Music Collection (Chapel Hill, NC) | US-CHH | {{UNC-CH|#####}} | use the number from the reference URL from the work's first page |
UNC-G | University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Greensboro, NC) | US-GRB | {{UNC-G|#####|####}} | variable 1=collection. variable 2=item id. |
UNT | University of North Texas Digital Library (Denton, TX) | US-DN | ||
UnV | Biblioteca de la Universitat de València (València, Spain) | E-VAu | ||
UO | University of Oregon (Eugene, OR) | US-EU | {{UO|#####}} | enter the number at the end of the item's URL |
US-BApi | Peabody Conservatory of Music (Baltimore, MD) | US-BApi | {{US-BApi|####/##/###}} | enter the portion of the reference URL after "collection/" |
US-BO | University of Colorado at Boulder, Music Library (Boulder, CO) | US-BO | {{US-BO|####/####}} | enter the ARK identifier that is part of the work's ARK URL |
US-NYp | New York Public Library for the Performing Arts (New York, NY) | US-NYp | {{US-NYp|#####}} | variable 1=item number in the permalink. |
U-SC | University of South Carolina (Columbia, MO) | US-COS | {{U-SC|####}} | enter the number after mid |
USCL | University of Sydney, Conservatorium Library (Sydney, Australia) | AUS-Scm | {{USCL|####}} | enter the record number at the end of the permanent link |
US-CLp | Cleveland Public Library (Cleveland, OH) | US-CLp | {{US-CLp|####}} | Input the following number from the item's url /id/####/rec |
US-MAu | University of Wisconsin (Madison, WI) | US-MAu | {{US-MAu|######}} | Input the alphanumeric string after 1711.dl/ in the item's permanent URL. |
USNHub | Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, New Haven | US-NHub | {{USNHub|#######}} | |
US-NORtu | Tulane University (New Orleans, LA) | US-NORtu | {{US-NORtu}} | |
US-Pu | University of Pittsburgh, Music Library (Pittsburgh, PA) | US-Pu | {{US-Pu|##############}} | |
USU | Utah State University (Salt Lake City, UT) | US-SLC | {{USU|##}} | enter the number at the end of the reference url |
UT | University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Knoxville, TN) | US-KN | {{UT|####}} | enter the ending number only |
UTub | Universität Tübingen (Tübingen, Germany) | D-Tu | {{UTub|####_###}} | enter the text at the end of the persistent URL |
UVa | University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA) | US-CHum | {{UVa|#######}} | enter the number at the end of the URL for the "Item Details" page |
UWarsaw | Uniwersytet Warszawski (Warsaw, Poland) | PL-Wu | {{UWarsaw|#####}} | enter the publication number found on the information page under "all available editions" |
VARS | Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) - VARIATIONS Project | US-BL | {{VARS|#####}} | |
Vassar | Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, New York) | US-PO | {{Vassar|#####}} | enter the number found in the URL after "vassar:" |
WDB | Wolfenbütteler Digitale Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel, Germany) | D-W | {{WDB|##-#-##-musica-##}} | |
WDL | Digital Library of Wielkopolska | {{WDL|#####}} | enter the publication number found on the information page under "all available editions" | |
WLS | Württembergische Landesbibliothek (Stuttgart, Germany) | D-Sl | {{WLS|abc######}} | enter the text and number at the end of the permanent URL |
Wroclaw | Uniwersytet Wrocławski (Wroclaw, Poland) | PL-WRu | {{Wroclaw|#####}} | enter the publication number found on the information page under "all available editions" |
WTM | Biblioteka, Muzeum i Archiwum Warszawskiego Towarzystwa Muzycznego im. Stanisława Moniuszki (Warsaw, Poland) | PL-Wtm | {{WTM|#####}} | enter the item identifier from the URL for linking to scans of printed editions; see Template:WTM for detailed usage |
YorkU | York University (Toronto, ON) | CDN-Ty | {{YorkU|#####/#####}} | enter the portion of the reference URL after "handle/" |
ZBCP | ZBC Pomerania | {{ZBCP|#####}} | enter the publication number found on the information page under "all available editions" | |
ZCL | Knjižnice Grada Zagreba (Zagreb, Croatia) | {{ZCL|###}} | enter the number after "docid=" in the item's URL |
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 241 total.