Polish Music Heritage
This template is used for digitized scans accessible from Polish Music Heritage in Open Access. There are several institutions participating in the project, and the individual scans are linked to using a similar URL structure.
- Supports scan URLs of the following form: https://polish.musicsources.pl/en/lokalizacje/galeria/''item type''/''item identifier''/''page number''
- Template format: {{PMH|1|2|3}}
- Variable 1 is the item identifier part of the URL. Copy and paste this identifier from the appropriate part of the scan URL. This variable is required if you want to link to a specific scan.
- Variable 2 is the item type part of the URL. Only specify a value for this variable if you need to change it from the default, which is druki-muzyczne, or if you need to use Variable 3. Use one of these values to set the appropriate type:
- R – used for rekopisy type (manuscripts)
- D – used for druki-muzyczne type (printed music) — This is the default; only needed when using Variable 3
- K – used for klocki-introligatorskie type (composite volume)
- Variable 3 is optional. Use it to specify the page number in the scan to link to. Defaults to 1, referring to page 1. If setting this variable, Variable 2 must also be set.
Link to scan of printed music
- Target link is: https://polish.musicsources.pl/en/lokalizacje/galeria/druki-muzyczne/15152-blekitny-negr/4
- Note elements from the URL: item identifier is 15152-blekitny-negr (or just 15152), item type is druki-muzyczne, and page number is 4
- Template usage: {{PMH|15152-blekitny-negr|D|4}}
Link to scan of a manuscript
- Target link is: https://polish.musicsources.pl/en/lokalizacje/galeria/rekopisy/6172-preciosa/1
- Note elements from the URL: item identifier is 6172-preciosa (or just 6172), item type is rekopisy, and page number is 1
- Template usage: {{PMH|6172-preciosa|R}}
Link to scan from a composite volume
- Target link is: https://polish.musicsources.pl/en/lokalizacje/galeria/klocki-introligatorskie/691-without-title/5
- Note elements from the URL: item identifier is 691-without-title (or just 691), item type is klocki-introligatorskie, and page number is 5
- Template usage: {{PMH|691|K|5}}