- Across the Fields to Anne, Op.30 (Clough-Leighter, Henry)
- L'Addio (Anzoletti, Marco)
- Alice Brand, Op.76 (Parker, Horatio)
- Alice in Wonderland (Page, Nathaniel Clifford)
- Alla Vita Eterna (Trovato, Angelo Maria)
- Alter Christus (Tinel, Jef)
- 3 Animal Songs, Op.23 (Robertson, Ernest John)
- Around the Winter Fire (Gaul, Alfred Robert)
- Ashes of Roses (Harris, Victor)
- Ashes of Roses (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)
- Aubade athénienne (Hahn, Reynaldo)
- Aubade (Ireland, John)
- Auf dem Wochenmarkt, Op.114 (Kreymann, Louis)
- The Call (Andrews, Mark)
- 12 Canonische Gesänge, Op.163 (Reinecke, Carl)
- Chanson de grand'père (Rostand, Alexis)
- La chanson des rouges gorges (Weckerlin, Jean-Baptiste)
- 2 Chansons de Bilitis (Gallet, Luciano)
- Chansons de Shakespeare, Op.28 (Chausson, Ernest)
- 70 Chansons Enfantines Traditionnelles Françaises (Mourey, Colette)
- Chant nuptial, Op.15 (Chausson, Ernest)
- La charité (Bordèse, Luigi)
- Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda, Op.26 (Holst, Gustav)
- 3 Chorgesänge, Op.48 (Kromolicki, Joseph)
- 2 Choruses (Netzel, Laura)
- 4 Choruses (Chadwick, George Whitefield)
- 2 Choruses, Op.8 (Sokolov, Nikolay)
- 2 Choruses, Op.10 (Ilyinsky, Aleksandr)
- 2 Choruses, Op.12 (Sokolov, Nikolay)
- 2 Choruses, Op.13 (Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay)
- 6 Choruses, Op.14 (Chesnokov, Pavel)
- 6 Choruses, Op.15 (Rachmaninoff, Sergei)
- 13 Choruses, Op.85 (Cui, César)
- 3 Choruses, Op.151 (Saint-Saëns, Camille)
- Chœur des frileuses (Delibes, Léo)
- 3 Chœurs religieux (Rossini, Gioacchino)
- Come, we that Love the Lord (Barnes, Edward Shippen)
- Coronach, D.836 (Schubert, Franz)
- La couronne blanche (Lacôme d'Estalenx, Paul)
- Crux!, S.35 (Liszt, Franz)
- The Cuckoo (Johnson, William Noel)
- A Daisy Song (Vibbard, Harry Leonard)
- De Muggen dansen (Saldiën, Jacques)
- Despedida a la Virgen (López Almagro, Antonio)
- Destiny (Huhn, Bruno)
- Dirge and Hymeneal, H.124 (Holst, Gustav)
- The Doll's Wedding (Henschel, George)
- A Dream of Christmas, H.139 (Holst, Gustav)
- A Dream of Summer (Busch, Carl)
- Dreams in Twilight (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)
- 9 Dreistimmige Frauenchöre, Op.88 (Huber, Hans)
- Du mouron pour les p'tits oiseaux (Missa, Edmond)
- 3 Duetti (Dubois, Théodore)
- Duo d'étoiles, Op.68 (Chaminade, Cécile)
- 2 Eastern Pictures (Holst, Gustav)
- Les écoliers (Dassier, Alfred)
- Eden Spirits (Wood, Charles)
- Eine Wiener Damencapelle in der Mädchenpension, Op.29 (Stieber, Paul)
- Elfin Song (Chadwick, George Whitefield)
- Emlékünnep (Gáty, Zoltán)
- Encinctured with a Twine of Leaves (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)
- Epithalame, Op.75 (Bonis, Mel)
- L'été, Op.58 (Boisdeffre, René de)
- Evening (Smart, Henry Thomas)
- Ever of Thee (Denza, Luigi)
- Faint not, fear not, God is near thee (Smart, Henry Thomas)
- Fair Daffodils (Bauer, Marion)
- The Fairies of the Hills (Ensign, James L.)
- Fairy Day, Op.131 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)
- Fairy Song (Dyson, George)
- Fays of the Floating Islands (Bliss, Paul)
- The Fishermaidens (Smart, Henry Thomas)
- 2 Frauenchöre, Op.60 (Le Beau, Luise Adolpha)
- 3 Frauenchöre, Op.153 (Wilm, Nicolai von)
- 3 Frühlingslieder, Op.35 (Bargiel, Woldemar)
- 3 Frühlingslieder, Op.39 (Bargiel, Woldemar)
- Frühlingslied (Keller, Ludwig)
- Gather ye Rosebuds (Andrews, Mark)
- 2 Gesänge, Op.23 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)
- 9 Gesänge, Op.80 (Lachner, Franz Paul)
- 3 Gesänge, Op.105 (Lachner, Franz Paul)
- Getsemani (Trovato, Angelo Maria)
- Golden Rain (Alcock, Walter Galpin)
- Good Night (King, Oliver)
- Gott in der Natur, D.757 (Schubert, Franz)
- A Group of Lyrics, Op.36 (Smith, David Stanley)
| H cont.
- Harvest Home (Whittaker, William Gillies)
- He came all so still (Shepherd, Arthur)
- Heinzelmännchen (Meissner, Herbert)
- Hélène, Op.7 (Chausson, Ernest)
- Höbärgning (Gyllenhammar, Patrik)
- Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead, Schleifer 204 (Gilchrist, William Wallace)
- The Honour of May (Dunhill, Thomas)
- The Hunt (Huhn, Bruno)
- Hymn młodzieży Polskiego Czerwonego Krzyża (Friemann, Witold)
- Hymn, Op.35 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)
- Hymne de l'enfant à son réveil, S.19 (Liszt, Franz)
- I Know A Baby (White, Felix Harold)
- I Know a Bank (Horn, Charles Edward)
- I Know a Maiden Fair to See (Fickenscher, Arthur)
- In March (Sweeting, Edward Thomas)
- In morte di una giovinetta (Bonazzi, Giuseppe)
- In the Garden (Miles, C. Austin)
- In the Ingle-Nook (Nevin, Gordon Balch)
- Ingeborgs Klage, JWV 114 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)
- Invitation à louer Dieu, H 143 (Berlioz, Hector)
- Kantata (Ferek, Roman)
- Kantata (Signio, Marian)
- Karfreitag, Op.84 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)
- Klage um Ali Bey, D.140 (Schubert, Franz)
- 7 Kleine zwei- und dreistimmige Gesänge, Op.6 (Bruch, Max)
- Knights of the Cross (Shelley, Harry Rowe)
- Kväll (Tegnér, Alice)
- Kvennaslagur (Sigfús Einarsson)
- Lady Anne (Forsyth, Cecil)
- The Lady of Shalott (Bendall, Wilfred)
- The Lamb (Chadwick, George Whitefield)
- Das Leben, D.269 (Schubert, Franz)
- A Legend of Bregenz (Bendall, Wilfred)
- La légende de Bethléem (Bordèse, Luigi)
- Légendes norvégiennes (Georges, Alexandre)
- 6 Leichte Duette, Op.444 (Abt, Franz)
- 3 Leichte Terzetten, Op.145 (Lachner, Franz Paul)
- Let All the World in Every Corner Sing (Willan, Healey)
- Lied der Meermädchen (Fröhlich, Friedrich Theodor)
- 12 Lieder and Romances, Op.44 (Brahms, Johannes)
- Lieder und Chöre, Op.186 (Abt, Franz)
- 2 Lieder, Op.7 (Gall, Jan Karol)
- 2 Lieder, Op.12 (Noskowski, Zygmunt)
- Light (Busch, Carl)
- The Lord Is My Shepherd (Lemond, Ray)
- The Lord My Shepherd Is (Barnes, Edward Shippen)
- Love's Lullaby (Stetson, Augusta Emma)
- Luck, the Rover (Johnson, Bernard)
- Lullaby (Mildenberg, Albert)
- Maitag, Op.64 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)
- Mankind's Own Song (Huss, Henry Holden)
- March (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)
- Maria i törneskog (Tegnér, Alice)
- 3 Marienlieder, Op.169 (Peters, Rob)
- Mary Had a Little Lamb (Diack, John Michael)
- Marzenia o wiośnie (Dembiński, Bolesław)
- A May Song (Busch, Carl)
- May Song (Geibel, Adam)
- May-Day Song (Hall, King)
- 3 Mehrstimmige Lieder, Op.37 (Vierling, Georg)
- Mellican Man (Bergh, Arthur)
- 20 Mélodies (Massé, Victor)
- Merry are the Bells (Beck-Slinn, Edgar)
- The Message (Huhn, Bruno)
- Miss Nancy's Gown (Chadwick, George Whitefield)
- Mon petit cœur soupire (Saar, Louis Victor)
- A Morning in May (Elliot, Charles S.)
- Le moulin, Op.191 (Bonis, Mel)
- The Mound-Builders (Bliss, Paul)
- Mountain Stars (Bird, Peter)
- Msza (mała) na trzy głosy żeńskie (Powiadowski, Władysław)
- Music, When Soft Voices Die (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)
- Pâques joyeuses, Op.198 (Renard, Casimir)
- 5 Part Songs for Female Voices (Mosenthal, Joseph)
- Part-Songs, Op.12 (Lambord, Benjamin)
- Peter Pan, Op.101 (Beach, Amy Marcy)
- Petite messe (Alary, Giulio)
- 2 Pieces for Female Choir (Tinel, Jef)
- 3 Pieśni ludowe polskie, Op.10 (Noskowski, Zygmunt)
- Pieśni z Witoloraudy (Moniuszko, Stanisław)
- Pigerne inde i Skoven, CNW 204 (Nielsen, Carl)
- Le poème des fleurs (Massenet, Jules)
- 3 Poems by Tyutchev, Op.18 (Catoire, Georgy)
- Porwijmy instrumenta (Kowalewski, Jakub)
- Pregúntale a las Estrellas (Harris, Victor)
- Le printemps, Op.165 (Saint-Saëns, Camille)