Original works by this person are generally still subject to copyright. Submissions of copyrighted works are allowed only with the permission of the copyright holder. In the US, all works published in 1929 and earlier in the public domain; works first published afterwards may be protected by copyright (with some exceptions). See public domain and the licensing policy for more information. |
'''I would absolutely love to see any performances of any of my scores. If you make a video playing a Jones-Stubbs piece, please link it to me and I would be eternally grateful to see hear and hear it. Thanks so much for any interest.'''
Lorin Jones-Stubbs (1987-)
Composer of avant-garde, modernist, and neo-romantic styles.
My main musical influences are Igor Stravinsky, Leo Ornstein, Frederic Chopin, Domenico Scarlatti, M K Ciurlionis, George Antheil and Ludwig Van Beethoven.
I studied Music Composition and Professional Practice at Coventry University.
Recently I have began to compose a lot more frequently, and new compositions I will accompany with a playable score.
Old compositions of mine were written on old laptops and computers, that I have since lost all the files they contained, so these older pieces are left unscored.
Op.1 - 23 (2004 - 2009)
Op.24 - 36 (2024)
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