This list is manually maintained, therefore some of the available pieces may not yet be linked from this page. For an automatically generated alphabetical list of all available pieces, please see Category:Spendiarov, Aleksandr. A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page. Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.
Op.16 - In Memory Of V. V. Stasov [Памяти В.В. Стасова] (V. Likhachov), Cantata for Mixed Chorus and Piano (1907)
Op.17 -
Op.18 - Concert Waltz [Концертный вальс], for Orchestra (1907)
Op.19 - Preacher Beda, Legend [Легенда «Бэда-проповедник»], for Contralto or Mezzo-Soprano with Orchestra (Y. Polonsky, 1907)
Op.20 - Prélude funèbre /Mourning Prelude [Траурная прелюдия], for Orchestra; written on the occasion of Rimsky-Korsakov’s death (1908, pub.1911 by Belaieff)
Op.21 - 2 Melodeclamations, for Voice and Piano/Orchestra
We Shall Rest [Мы отдохнём: Монолог Сони из пьесы А. Чехова «Дядя Ваня»]
Edelweiss [Эдельвейс: Стихотворение в прозе на текст из пьесы «Дачники» М. Горького]
Op.22 - 4 Romances, for Voice and Piano (1910)
Al-Zamast [Аль-джамаст]
Do Not Weep, O Nightingale (Armenian Song)
From Hafiz [Из Гафиза]
Op.23 - Esquisses de la Crimée (Crimean Sketches [Крымские эскизы]. Second series, 1912)
I. a) "Taksim" [Таксим] (Preludio) attacca
b) "Péchraf" [Пешраф] (Intermezzo)
II. Chant d'amour [Песнь любви]
III. Danse "Baglama" [Пляска "Баглама"]
IV. Lamentation de la fiancée [Плач невесты]
V. La souris [Песня о мышке]
VI. a) Danse "Oïnavà" [Пляска "Ойнава"] attacca
b) Danse "Khaïtarma" [Пляска "Хайтарма"]
Op.24 - Over There, Over There, to the Field of Honor [Туда, туда - на поле чести], for Voice and Orchestra (also for Voice and Piano) (1914) / Песнь армянского дружинника, (слова навеяны эпилогом романа X. Абовяна «Раны Армении»)
Op.25 - 2 Songs of Crimean Tatars [2 песни крымских татар], for Voice and Orchestra, Russian text by author (1915, pub. 1929?)
Lullaby [Колыбельная]
Dance Song [Плясовая]
Op.26 - Brave Warriors. A march based on Kazakh war songs [Разудалые бойцы: Марш на казачьи военные песни], for Orchestra (1915; arr. for Piano by author)
Op.27 - Take, O Armenia [К Армении], Concert Aria (H. Hovhannisyan, Russian text by Balmont) (1915)
Op.27? - Glory To The Great Day Of May [Славься, первый майский день] (text by author), for Mixed Chorus and Piano (1917)
Op.28 -
Op.29 -
Op.30 - Erivan Sketches[Эриванские этюды], for Orchestra (1925)
Almast [Алмаст], opera in 4 acts. Libretto by Sophia Parnok based on Hovhannes Tumanyan's "The Capture of Fort Tmuk" poem. 1918-1928, staged on June 23, 1930. Transl. into Armenian by P. Mikayelian
First Suite from the opera ’Almast’— Persian Shah Nadir and Armenian Prince Tatoul [Надир-шах и Татул]. 1918—1923
Persian March [Персидский марш]
Sunset. The Persian’s Prayer [Молитва персов]
Attack [Атака]
Victorious Return of Tatoul [Победоносное возвращение Татула]
Second Suite from ’Almast’—Feast in Honour of Tatoul [Пир в честь Татула], 1924
Feast. Entrance of the Clown [Застольное веселье, выход шута]
Girls’ Dance [Пляска девушек]
Men's Dance [Пляска мужчин]
Almast's Dance [Пляска Алмаст]
Betrayal [Измена], Symphonic Poem from Almast (1924)
Seven Daughters of the Genie King [Семь дочерей короля джиннов], ballet
Prelude to the "Three Palms", for Orchestra
Concert Overture in D [Концертная увертюра], for Orchestra (pub. 1900)
Waltz, 1892–1893
Menuet, 1895
The Diviner, for Piano 4 Hands, Ed. and annotated by Haig Avakian, Cairo, Dream Press, 2000
Этюд на еврейские темы для малого оркестра (1921)
Romances and Songs
Your Black Eyes Fascinated Me (P. Kozlov), 1888–1889