List of works by Charles Grobe

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  • Many of Grobe's works were published in collections. Some of these actually grew over time. The Buds & Blossoms collection started with a published set of six pieces which then grew to 30 which then grew to 60 and finally reached 100 individual compositions. Between the publication of the set of 30 and the set of 60 a Second Series of Buds & Blossoms appeared that contained at least numbers 31 to 41. Needless to say this causes some confusion in the work list as one composition could be listed under any of the five Buds & Blossoms collections. The Melodies of the Day collection underwent a similar growth. To add further confusion there are many works within collections that are published under their own opus number. There are also works published within collections that had no opus number assigned. Furthermore, only a few of Grobe's collections were published with an opus number for the entire set but some collections have an opus number on the collection's title page which is in fact the opus assigned to the first work in the collection. For example, op.550 appears on the cover page for the Hawthorn Leaves collection but it is the opus number assigned to the first item in that collection - What is Home without a Mother, with variations.
  • Due to the ten-year gap from 1860 to 1870 in the Music for the Nation collection Grobe's opus numbers from around 1200 to nearly 1900 are mostly missing from this work list.
  • Since the major sources consulted were digital collections probably 95% of the items listed on the first version of this work list are available in a digital format.
  • I have not included works the titles of which can be found on cover pages for the various collections but for which publication information could not be obtained since there would be no way to determine the work's opus number or if it even had one assigned.


Works with opus number


  • Op.21 - L'Amitié, Variations Brillantes sur un theme de l'opera "La Fille Du Regiment" composée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1844).
  • Op.40 - La Liberté, Variations Brillantes Sur un Chant National Espagnol Composée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1845).
  • Op.42 - Les Bords du Hudson, Variations Brillantes sur le theme favori "A Life on the Ocean Wave" composées par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1846). Reprinted as "revised and improved by L.A." (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1884).
  • Op.43 - United States Grand Waltz (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1845). Among the few(?) works (as of 2012) by Grobe to have received a commercial recording (in this case on a 1995 CD.)
  • Op.47 - Les amoureux, Variations Brillantes sur le theme favori "Love Not" Composée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846). (This very early Lee & Walker publication has Plate number 59.)
  • Op.48 - Salut a Baltimore. Variations Brillantes Sur un thême Espagnol Composées pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1846).
  • Op.51 - Les affectionnés, Brilliant Variations on the Admired Scottish Melody "What's a' the Steer Kimmer?" (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846).
  • Op.58 - La Bal des Fées, Valse Brillante sue les motifs Italiennes Composée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: Frederick D. Benteen, 1846).
  • Op.60 - Heures D'Amour. Variations faciles et brillantes, sur le Chant favori "Good Bye" Composées pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1846).
  • Op.73 - Heures de Loisir. Variations Sur le Chant favori "Flow Gently Sweet Afton" Composees pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1846).
  • Op.74 - Salut á Philadelphie. Variations Brillantes Sur un thême favori de Weigl "Leonore" Composées pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: George Willig Jr., 1848).
  • Op.80 - An Evening with Lover. Valse sur des motifs les plus favoris (Baltimore: Frederick D. Benteen, 1846).
  • Op.90 - Amusement de salon. Valse Sur des Motifs de l'Opera "Il Bravo" (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1847).
  • Op.96 - La Saison de Saratoga. Valse Brillante sur des motifs de l'opera "Czaar and Zimmerman" Composée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: George Willig Jr., 1847).
  • Op.98 - La perle d'or (The Golden Pearl), Valse Brillante d'aprés des themes de l'opera "Der Wildschütz" Composée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1847).
  • Op.99 - Galop Brillant sur des themes de l'opera Les Martyrs composée pour le piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: Geo. Willig Jr., 1847). Alternate title Hommage aux belles de Baltimore. Galop Brillant.
  • Op.100 - Les Patriots. Variations Brilliantes Sur le Chant Nationale "Colubia the Gem of the Ocean" (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1847).
  • Op.101 - The Battle of Buena Vista. A Descriptive Fantasie for the Piano. (Baltimore: George Willig, 1847).
  • Op.102 - Les charmes de l'amitié, Variations Brillantes sur un theme favori de Wallace "The False Friend" composées pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1847).
  • Op.103 - Galop Brillant sur des themes de l'opera Le roi d'Yvett composée pour le piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1847). Alternate title Hommage aux belles de Philadelphia. Galop Brillant.
  • Op.109 - Les fleurs du Plaisir, Variations brillantes sur un theme Suisse composées pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1847).
  • Op.111 - The Ravel Polka, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1847). Alternate title Amusement Des Amateurs. Variations Brillantes Sur un theme favori de M. Keller "The Ravel Polka" Composée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe.
  • Op.113 - Variations brillantes pour le Piano sur "Vive la Canadienne" (Reprinted. Hamburg: Cranz, 1884). (Ditson, by 1859 - McGill Library Catalog claims 1858. Also known as Les bords du St.Lawrence. Published with opus 1130 on their (McGill) copy but corrected as per Pazdirek. Dedication: To the hero of Kars, General Sir W. Fenwick Williams Bart. K.C.B., Commander of the Forces in British North America. Ditson Plate 4696.)
  • Op.114 - Les idéales, Variations Amusantes sur la Polka Favorite de Jenny Lind composées pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1848).
  • Op.115 - Salut á New York. Variations Brillantes Sur le thême favori "The Evergreen Waltz" Composées pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: George Willig, Jr., 1848).
  • Op.124 - Oh! Susanna, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1849). No.1 in the collection Salut à Washington, or Gems of the South. Six Favorite Melodies with Variations for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe, op.124-130.
  • Op.125 - Dearest Mae, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1849). No.2 in the collection Salut à Washington, or Gems of the South. Six Favorite Melodies with Variations for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe, op.124-130.
  • Op.126 - Uncle Ned, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1849). No.3 in the collection Salut à Washington, or Gems of the South. Six Favorite Melodies with Variations for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe, op.124-130.
  • Op.127 - Mary Blane, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1849). No.4 in the collection Salut à Washington, or Gems of the South. Six Favorite Melodies with Variations for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe, op.124-130.
  • Op.128 - Rosa Lee, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1849). No.5 in the collection Salut à Washington, or Gems of the South. Six Favorite Melodies with Variations for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe, op.124-130.
  • Op.129 - Virginia Rose Bud, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1849). No.6 in the collection Salut à Washington, or Gems of the South. Six Favorite Melodies with Variations for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe, op.124-130.
  • Op.131 - Les Plaisirs de la Pension. Variations Amusantes et non difficiles pour le Piano sur un Air Suisse composées par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1849).
  • Op.137 - Les Bords du Delaware, Variations Brillantes sur un motif Allemand composées pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Edward L. Walker, 1849).
  • Op.140 - Play of Life Polka, Arranged for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe (Baltimore: Geo. Willig Jr., 1849).
  • Op.141 - Cornucopia of Pleasure. Brilliant variations of Maretzek's Celebrated Rondo Finale in "Linda di Chamounix" (Philadelphia: Edward L. Walker, 1850).
  • Op.142 - Gage d'Amitie. Variations Brillantes sur le theme favori The Elfen Waltz (Baltimore: G. Willig, Jr., 1849). Alternate title from first page Elfin Waltz, with variations.
  • Op.144 - "Jeannette and Jeannot" varié pour le piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1850).
  • Op.145 - Les Troubadours, Variations brillantes sur "Les Clochettes" Polka favorite de Labitzki (probably Joseph Labitzky) composées pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850).
  • Op.147 - Betty Polka, with variations (Betty Polka composée par C. Lenschow et Variée pour le Pianoforte par Charles Grobe) (Baltimore: G. Willig, Jr., 1850).
  • Op.148 - La Solitude. Variations Brillantes sur un thême favori de Buckhoven "The Serenade March" Composées pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850).
  • Op.149 - E pluribus unum, with brilliant variations (Baltimore: W. C. Peters, 1850).
  • Op.150 - Valse Favorite de "Lucia di Lammermoor" Variée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1850).
  • Op.151 - Ben Bolt, Chant Favori de Kneass Varié Pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: W. C. Peters, 1850).
  • Op.152 - La Reine du Bal, Valse Brillante sur des motifs de l'opera "Le Prophète" Composée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: G. Willig, Jr., 1850).
  • Op.155 - We Stood Beside the Window. Chant favori de W.C. Peters varié pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: W. C. Peters, 1850).
  • Op.157 - Oh! Lemuel!, Chant favori varié (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1850).
  • Op.160 - The Celebrated Bachelors Polka. Variations Brilliante (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850).
  • Op.161 - Sounds from home, No.1 Julie (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1850). No.1 from Recollections of the Germania. Variations on "Sounds from Home" in 4 Parts arranged for the piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.162 - Sounds from home, No.2 Mollie (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1850). No.2 from Recollections of the Germania. Variations on "Sounds from Home" in 4 Parts arranged for the piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.163 - Sounds from home, No.3 Amanda (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1850). No.3 from Recollections of the Germania. Variations on "Sounds from Home" in 4 Parts arranged for the piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.164 - Sounds from home, No.4 Almira (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1850). No.4 from Recollections of the Germania. Variations on "Sounds from Home" in 4 Parts arranged for the piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.166 - Louisiana Belle, Chant Favori Varié pour le Piano (Baltimore: W. C. Peters, 1850).
  • Op.169 - Home Affections. Variations Brillantes sur le thême favori de I.T. Stoddard "The Song She Loved to Sing" composée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: G. Willig, Jr., 1850). Alternate title The Song She Loved to Sing, with variations.
  • Op.180 - The Dream, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850). No.1 in the collection Lindiana: A Choice Selection of Jenny Lind Songs with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.181 - Song of the regiment (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1855). No.2 in the collection Lindiana: A Choice Selection of Jenny Lind Songs with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Chas. Grobe. Date isn't on cover page or first page of music so not sure from where source got date.
  • Op.182 - The Song of the Drum, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1851). No.3 in the collection Lindiana: A Choice Selection of Jenny Lind Songs with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.183 - Rataplan, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1851). No.4 in the collection Lindiana: A Choice Selection of Jenny Lind Songs with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.185 - The Child of the Regiment (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1851). No.6 in the collection Lindiana: A Choice Selection of Jenny Lind Songs with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.189 - Cheer up my own Jeannette, varié pour le piano (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1850).
  • Op.190 - No, Ne'er can Thy Home be Mine, variations (Philadelphia: Couenhoven and Duffy, 1850). Alternate title No Ne'er can Thy Home be Mine, varié pour le Piano par Charles Grobe.
  • Op.194 - New-England! New-England! Chant favori varié pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1850). Original theme by J.T. Stoddard.
  • Op.198 - Life is but a Strife, Varié pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1851).
  • Op.200 - Souvenir de Jenny Lind. Variations Brillantes sur le thême favori "Bird Song" composées pour le Piano par Charles Grobe. (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1851). (Based on No.1 of 4 Gesänge, Op.74, by Wilhelm Taubert published 1850, Ich muss nun einmal singen!)
  • Op.201 - Roll on Silver Moon, or, The Silver Moon, with variations (Baltimore: G. Willig, Jr., 1851). Alternate title Roll on Silver Moon. Chant favori Varié pour le Piano par Charles Grobe.
  • Op.204 - 'Farewell if ever fondest prayer" with variations (St. Louis: Balmer and Weber, 1851). Alternate title Farewell if Ever Fondest Prayer. Motif Allemand Varié Pour le Piano par Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.206 - Brilliant Variations on Hope and the Rose - Chant favori de Stephen Glover varié pour le piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1851). Alternate title Hope and the Rose, with brilliant variations.
  • Op.207 - Home Sweet Home, variations (Philadelphia: Couenhoven and Duffy, 1850). No.1 in the collection Melodies of the People. New Variations on Old Tunes Composed for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.209 - Oft in the Stilly Night (Philadelphia: Couenhoven, Scull and Co., 1853). No.3 in the collection Melodies of the People. New Variations on Old Tunes Composed for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.210 - Twilight Dews (Philadelphia: Couenhoven, Scull and Co., 1852. Reprinted. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1880). No.4 in the collection Melodies of the People. New Variations on Old Tunes Composed for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe
  • Op.211 - Mary of Argyle, with variations (Philadelphia: Couenhoven, Scull and Co., 1852). No.5 in the collection Melodies of the People. New Variations on Old Tunes Composed for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.212 - Tis midnight hour, with variations (Philadelphia: Couenhoven and Duffy, 1851). No.6 in the collection Melodies of the People. New Variations on Old Tunes Composed for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.219 - Yes! the Die is Cast" Pestal chant favori varié pour le piano (Baltimore: George Willig, 1851).
  • Op.220 - Charity (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1851). No.1 in the collection Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Six Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Charles Grobe. This collection listed as covering Opus numbers 220 to 225. 1857 reprint at Library of Congress apparently has opus number 120?
  • Op.221 - Evening Song to a Virgin (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1851). No.2 in the collection Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Six Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.222 - The Wings of a Dove (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1851?). No.3 in the collection Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Six Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Charles Grobe. (Cover has 1851, but plate number suggests ca.1854. Covers often have misleading date, and this may be a later work.)
  • Op.226 - Little Red Riding Hood, with variations (Baltimore: G. Willig, Jr., 1851). No.1 in the collection Grobe's Flower Garden. A choice collection of popular melodies with Brilliant Variations composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.227 - Be Watchful and Beware, with variations (Baltimore: G. Willig, Jr., 1851). No.2 in the collection Grobe's Flower Garden. A choice collection of popular melodies with Brilliant Variations composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.228 - Rose Atherton, with variations (Baltimore: G. Willig, Jr., 1851). No.3 in the collection Grobe's Flower Garden. A choice collection of popular melodies with Brilliant Variations composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.228 - The Indian Hunter, with variation (Baltimore: G. Willig, Jr., 1851). No.4 in the collection Grobe's Flower Garden. A choice collection of popular melodies with Brilliant Variations composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.230 - Poor Bessy was a Sailor's Wife, with variations (Baltimore: G. Willig, Jr., 1851). No.5 in the collection Grobe's Flower Garden. A choice collection of popular melodies with Brilliant Variations composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.231 - Will You Love Me then as Now!, with variation (Baltimore: G. Willig, Jr., 1851). No.6 in the collection Grobe's Flower Garden. A choice collection of popular melodies with Brilliant Variations composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.232 - The Bloomer Quick Step (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1851).
  • Op.247 - Le Rêve d'Amour, Variations Brillantes sur un theme favori de Pfeifer Henrietta Polka Composée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1852).
  • Op.248 - Leap-Year Polka (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1852).
  • Op.253 - Fillmore Grand Waltz Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1852).
  • Op.254 - Peace Troubled Soul, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1853). No.10 in the collection Buds & Blossoms. 30 Sacred Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.283 - Camptown Races, with variations (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen and Co., 1852). No.1 in the collection The "Vox Populi" A tip-top Selection of Popular Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.287 - The "Vox Populi" A tip-top Selection of Popular Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charles Grobe. Apparently, the entire set of four pieces was published under this opus.
  • Op.300 - Salut á Pittsburg. Variations Brillantes sur le theme favori de S.C. Foster "Molly! Do you love me?" Composées pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: Miller and Beacham, 1853).


  • Op.301 - Oh Boys Carry Me Long, The Beautiful Plantation Melody by Stephen C. Foster Arranged with Variations for the Piano Forte by Chas. Grobe (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1853).
  • Op.302 - Ring, Ring the Banjo, variations (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1853). Alternate title Ring the Banjo. Ethiopian Melody by S.C. Foster Arranged with Variations for the Piano Forte by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.321 - I'll Throw Myself Away, with variations (New York: William Hall and Son, 1853). No.1 in the collection Grobe's Fountain of Pleasure. A "Ne Plus Extra" Selection of Favorite Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charle Grobe.
  • Op.322 - Nancy Till. The Admired Ethiopian Melody Arranged with variations for the Piano Forte by Ch. Grobe (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1853. Reprinted, 1880).
  • Op.322 - Tilda Horn, with brilliant variations (New York: William Hall and Son, 1853). No.2 in the collection Grobe's Fountain of Pleasure. A "Ne Plus Extra" Selection of Favorite Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charle Grobe. Both Nancy Till and Tilda Horn appear to be different compositions published with the same opus number.
  • Op.325 - We Met by Chance, with variations (Cincinnati: W. C. Peters and Sons, 1854). No.1 in the collection Happy Thoughts, 4 Favorite Melodies with Brilliant Variations Composed by Charles Grobe. (collection may be Op.325)
  • Op.330 - Grobe's Musical Mirror, 6 Popular Airs with Brilliant Variations Composed by Charles Grobe. Consisting of six pieces each, apparently, assigned its own opus.
  • Op.336 - Pearls of Melody, Arranged in Brilliant Style by Charles Grobe (Cincinnati: W. C. Peters and Sons, 1854). Conists of the following 12 pieces:
  1. Mrs. Partington's Favorite Polka
  2. Lily of the West Waltz
  3. Uncle Sam's Grand March
  4. Flying Dutchman's Quick Step
  5. Ne Plus Extra Schottische
  6. Oak Bowery Gallop
  7. Mariner Polka
  8. Cascade Polka
  9. Fanny Fern's Schottische
  10. Archers Quick Step
  11. Greenwood Polka
  12. Harbinger Gallop
  • Op.350 - Les Bords du Mississippi. Variations Brilliantes Sur le Theme Favori de M. Strakosch "Un Carnival à Naples" Polka Composée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (New York: William Hall and Son, 1853. Repinted. New York: William Hall & Son, 1881). Alternate title "La Carnaval à Naples" Polka, with Brilliant Variations.
  • Op.352 - "Variations on Jeannette and Jeannot -- The Gothamite quick step" (found in a collection of music belonging to Charles Drexel)
  • Op.367 - Massa's in the Cold Ground with Variations, The Beautiful Plantation Melody by Stephen C. Foster arranged for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1853).
  • Op.368 - Bords du Susquehanna. Variations Brillantes sur le theme favori "I Have Something Sweet to Tell You" Composees pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Jas. Couenhoven, 1853). Alternate title I Have Something Sweet to Tell You, with variations.
  • Op.382 - Fare Thee Well Kitty Dear, with variations (New York: William Hall and Son, 1853). No.3 in the collection Grobe's Fountain of Pleasure. A "Ne Plus Extra" Selection of Favorite Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charle Grobe.
  • Op.384 - Les naiades, variations brillantes sur le theme favori, Shells of Ocean (Philadelphia: J. E. Gould, 1853. Reprinted. New Orleans: A.E. Blackmar & Bro., 186?. Published in compilation entitled Blackmar & Bro's Parlor Gems by Favorite Authors). Alternate title on first page of music Shells of the Ocean, with variations.
  • Op.385 - Les Bords d'Ohio. Variations Brillantes sur le theme favori de S.C. Foster "My Old Kentucky Home" composées pour le piano par Ch. Grobe (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1853). Alternate title My Old Kentucky Home Good Night, with variations.
  • Op.386 - Hail Columbia Happy Land, with brilliant variation (Philadelphia: Jas. Couenhoven, 1853). No.2 in the collection Melodies of the People. New Variations on Old Tunes Composed for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe, Op.207.
  • Op.389 - Jordan is a Hard Road to Travel, with variations (Philadelphia: J. E. Gould, 1853).
  • Op.390 - Woman's Eyes. Brilliant variations on the popular plantation melody "Farewell My Lilly Dear" by S.C. Foster. Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1854).
  • Op.397 - Peasant Maiden's Lament, with variations (Cincinnati: W. C. Peters and Sons, 1854). No.1 in the collection Grobe's Musical Mirror, 6 Popular Airs with Brilliant Variations Composed by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.398 - The Widow of Nain, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1854). No.14 in the collection Buds & Blossoms. 30 Sacred Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.399 - La Brindisi, Drinking Song from "Lucrezia Borgia", with brilliant variations (New York: William Hall and Son, 1854). No.4 in the collection Grobe's Fountain of Pleasure. A "Ne Plus Extra" Selection of Favorite Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charle Grobe.
  • Op.402 - The Gallants, Brilliant Variations on Jullien's Celebrated Katy-Did Polka (New York: Wm. Hall and Son, 1854).
  • Op.403 - Adeste Fideles with Variations (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1854). No.15 in the collection Buds & Blossoms. 30 Sacred Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.412 - Auld Lang Syne with Brilliant Variations (Philadelphia: Jas. Couenhoven, 1854). No.7 in the collection Melodies of the People. 2nd Sett. New Variations on Old Tunes Composed for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.414 - Washington's March, with brilliant variations (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1843).
  • Op.415 - Variations on Arkansas Traveller (Cincinnati: W.C. Peters & Sons, 1854). No.2 in the collection Grobe's Musical Mirror.
  • Op.417 - Grand Russian March, with brilliant variations (Baltimore: Henry McCaffrey, 1854).
  • Op.419 - "Lady mine! Lady mine!" with brilliant variations (Baltimore: Miller and Beacham, 1854). On the cover page: Solitude Sweetened.
  • Op.421 - Switzer's Farewell, with brilliant variations (Cincinnati: W. C. Peters and Sons, 1854). No.2 in the collection Happy Thoughts.
  • Op.425 - Enchanting Dreams, brilliant variations on Gertrude's dream waltz (Philadelphia: J. E. Gould, 1854).
  • Op.445 - Prayer from "Il Moïse in Egitto" (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1857). No.21 in the collection Buds and Blossoms: 100 Sacred Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano.
  • Op.454 - Speed the Plough, with variations (Cincinnati: W. C. Peters and Sons, 1854). No.3 in the collection Grobe's Musical Mirror.
  • Op.456 - Natalie, the Maid of the Mill, with variations (Cincinnati: W. C. Peters and Sons, 1854). No.4 in the collection Grobe's Musical Mirror.
  • Op.472 - Clara Polka, with easy but brilliant variations (Philadelphia: Edward L. Walker, 1855).
  • Op.485 - The Polish Maiden's Song, with easy variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1854. Reprinted. Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1885). No.1 in the collection Grobe's World of Music.
  • Op.490 - The Star-spangled Banner, with brilliant variations (Baltimore: Miller and Beacham, 1854). Alternate title: The Stars and Stripes forever. Brilliant Variations on the Star-spangled Banner.
  • Op.494 - The Heavens are Telling the Glory of God Varied (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1854). No.31 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.495 - When the Autumn Leaves are Falling" Rondino (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1854. Reprinted. Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1885). No.2 in the collection Grobe's World of Music.
  • Op.500 - Antioch, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1854). No.32 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.507 - When the Swallows Homeward Fly with Variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.4 in the collection Grobe's World of Music.
  • Op.508 - Stars of Hope, Stars of Hope. Brilliant Variations on Beethoven's Celebrated Clara or Last Waltz (Baltimore: Geo. Willig, Jr., 1855).
  • Op.509 - Grobe's Dream, Dec. 25th 1854 (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.5 in the collection Grobe's World of Music.
  • Op.512 - The Changes of the Bells (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.33 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.515 - Maggie by My Side, with variations (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1855). No.7 in the collection The Beautiful Melodies Composed by Stephen C. Foster arranged with Variations for the Pianoforte by Charles Grobe. Reprinted (New York: Pond, Wm. A. & Co., 1883).
  • Op.520 - With Verdure Clad (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.34 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms: A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.527 - Vital Spark of Heavenly Flame (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.35 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms: A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.529 - Oh, had I Jubal's Lyre! (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.36 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms: A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.533 - Airs from Mozart's 12th Mass (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1855). No.53 in the collection Buds and Blossoms. 60 Sacred Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charles Grobe. (Actually based on a mass once attributed to Mozart but now agreed to be by Wenzel Müller.)
  • Op.535 - The Cavalier, with brilliant variations (Philadelphia: Edward L. Walker, 1855). On cover page: A Tribute to a Friend.
  • Op.548 - Prayer from "The Freischutz" (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.37 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.550 - What is Home without a Mother, with variations (Philadelphia: Winner and Shuster, 1855). No.1 in the collection Hawthorn Leaves. Brilliant Variations on Alice Hawthorne's Beautiful Melodies for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.552 - Air from Joseph and his brethren, varied (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1855). No.38 in the collection Buds and Blossoms. 60 Sacred Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.556 - Eve's Lamentation (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.41 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.557 - Before Jehovah's Awful Throne (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.40 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.558 - Woolcott's Popular Melody Bell-Brandon with brilliant variations (St. Louis: Balmer and Weber, 1856). On cover page: Elysian Dreams.
  • Op.560 - How Sweet are the Roses, with variations (Philadelphia: Winner and Shuster, 1855). No.3 in the collection Hawthorn Leaves. Brilliant Variations on Alice Hawthorne's Beautiful Melodies for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.562 - Wareham, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.42 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.563 - Whitsunday, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.43 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.564 - Morning Glory. Brilliant Variations on Deliciosa or Leonore Polka (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). Alternate title Deliciosa, or Leonore Polka, with brilliant variations.
  • Op.567 - The Marv'lous Work Beholds Amaz'd (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.44 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.569 - Soldier's Joy, with brilliant variations (New York: William Hall and Son, 1855). No.5 in the collection Grobe's Fountain of Pleasure. A "Ne Plus Extra" Selection of Favorite Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charle Grobe.
  • Op.571 - Ruth and Naomi (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.45 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.572 - Fleeting Joys. A Collection of Beautiful Pieces Arranged for the Piano by Charles Grove. Consisting of six pieces:
No.1: Flora Polka (New York: Dressler and Clayton, 1855).
No.2: Contentment Schottisch (New York: Dressler and Clayton, 1855).
No.3: Courtier's Gallop (New York: William Dressler, 1856).
No.4: Questioning Eye Waltz (New York: William Dressler, 1856).
No.5: Dandy Quick Step.
No.6: Hunting March.
  • Op.573 - Indiana, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.46 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.576 - Grateful Notes (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.47 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.578 - Saxony, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.48 in the collection Second Series of Buds & Blossoms. A Collection of Popular Sacred Melodies Varied for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.579 - Gentle Eva, with brilliant variations (Cincinnati: W. C. Peters and Sons, 1855). No.6 in the collection Grobe's Musical Mirror, 6 Popular Airs with Brilliant Variations Composed by Charles Grobe, Op.330.
  • Op.582 - The Song of the Farmer, with variations (Philadelphia: Winner and Shuster, 1855). No.4 in the collection Hawthorn Leaves. Brilliant Variations on Alice Hawthorne's Beautiful Melodies for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.584 - Olga Waltz, with brilliant variations (Cincinnati: W. C. Peters and Sons, 1855). No.3 in the collection Happy Thoughts, 4 Favorite Melodies with Brilliant Variations Composed by Charles Grobe, Op.325.
  • Op.586 - Aurora Waltz, with brilliant variations (Cincinnati: W. C. Peters and Sons, 1855). No.4 in the collection Happy Thoughts, 4 Favorite Melodies with Brilliant Variations Composed by Charles Grobe, Op.325.
  • Op.588 - Mercy's Dream, with variations (Philadelphia: Winner and Shuster, 1855). No.5 in the collection Hawthorn Leaves. Brilliant Variations on Alice Hawthorne's Beautiful Melodies for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.591 - Merry Heart. Brilliant Variations on the popular Melody "I'll Hang My Harp on a Willow Tree" for the Piano by Chas. Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). Alternate title I'll Hang My Harp on a willow Tree, with brilliant variations.
  • Op.592 - Fisher's Hornpipe, with brilliant variations (New York: William Hall and Son, 1855). No.6 in the collection Grobe's Fountain of Pleasure. A "Ne Plus Extra" Selection of Favorite Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charle Grobe.
  • Op.593 - Rory O'Moore, with brilliant variations (Philadelphia: Edward L. Walker, 1855). No.8 in the collection Melodies of the People: 2nd Sett. New Variations on Old Tunes.
  • Op.597 - Do They Miss Me at Home, with variation and finale (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1855). No.1 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.599 - Araby's daughter, with variation and finale (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.36 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.600 - Child's Wish, with variation and finale (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.14 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.


  • Op.603 - Listen to the Mocking Bird, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1856). No.19 in the collection Hawthorn Leaves. Brilliant Variations on Alice Hawthorne's Beautiful Melodies for the Piano by Charles Grobe, Op.550.
  • Op.604 - Salut a la France, with brilliant variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.7 in the collection Lindiana: A Choice Selection of Jenny Lind Songs with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.605 - Sebastopol. Polka Militaire (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1855).
  • Op.606 - The Fall of Sebastopol: A Descriptive Fantaisie (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1855. Reprinted, 1883).
  • Op.608 - Roy's Wife of Aldivalloch, with variation and finale (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856. Reprinted, 1884). No.2 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.609 - Ricci's Favorite Waltz, with variation and finale (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.3 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.611 - The Family Bible, with variation (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.52 in the collection Buds and Blossoms: 60 Sacred Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.612 - The Mountain Maid's Invitation, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.8 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.613 - |La Donna e mobile" with variations Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.18 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano.
  • Op.615 - Hinton, with variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.50 in the collection Buds and Blossoms: 60 Sacred Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.618 - The Star of Home, with brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.15 in the collection Gems from the German. Original song by Canthal.
  • Op.622 - On Yonder Rock Reclining from "Fra Diavolo", with brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.1 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.628 - Dawn Waltz, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.5 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.629 - Come Rest in this Bosom, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.6 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.634 - Silver lake waltz, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.46 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.635 - The Gipsey Polka, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.12 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.638 - Com'é Bello, with brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.2 Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.639 - Blue Eyed Mary, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.62 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.658 - A Little More Cider, varied (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.10 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.661 - Cheer, Boys Cheer, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.27 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.662 - Villikins and his Dinah, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.34 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.666 - The College Hornpipe, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.42 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.667 - Hull's Victory, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.55 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.669 - "La Marseillaise" with brilliant variations (Baltimore: Miller and Beacham, 1856).
  • Op.670 - Virginia Reel, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.54 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.673 - Jeptha's Daughter, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.49 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.677 - Bobbin' Around, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.66 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.678 - Dearest Spot on Earth to Me is Home, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.70 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.680 - Pop Goes the Weasel, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.67 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.682 - Saint Patrick's day; With variations (Boston: Ditson, Oliver, 1856. Reprinted, 1884). No.69 in the collection Melodies of the Day, A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano-Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.686 - Rest Spirit, Rest, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.51 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.690 - Gipsy Countess" with brilliant variations (Baltimore: Miller & Beacham, 1856). No.1 in the collection Perpetual Feast, Brilliant Variations on Glover's Beautiful Melodies for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.691 - Buy a Broom, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856. Reprinted, 1884). No.61 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.697 - Linden Waltz, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.21 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs, with Easy and Pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.698 - Duke of Reichstadt's waltz, varied (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.13 Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.699 - Ossian's Serenade, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.19 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.700 - Are we almost there, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co, 1855). No. 16 in the collection Melodies of the Day.
  • Op.701 - Affection Waltz, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.22 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs, with Easy and Pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.703 - The Miller's Maid, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.41 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.704 - O dolce concento, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.33 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs, with Easy and Pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.705 - The May Queen, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.45 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs, with Easy and Pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.726 - Fond Moments of My Childhood, with brilliant variations (Philadelphia: William H. Shuster, 1856). No.14 in the collection Hawthorn Leaves. Brilliant Variations on Alice Hawthorne's Beautiful Melodies for the Piano by Charles Grobe, Op.550.
  • Op.730 - Salut à St. Louis, Sentimental or Rose Waltz with brilliant variations (St. Louis: Balmer and Weber, 1857).
  • Op.731 - The Willow Song, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.39 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.733 - Lilly Dale, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). On cover page: Les Bords du Merrimack.
  • Op.734 - Di tanti palpiti, with brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.26 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.735 - "Non piu mesta" from "La Cenerentola" with brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.25 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.736 - Come Brave the Sea with Me Love, with brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.15 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.737 - Do They Miss Me at Home!, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857. Reprinted, 1885). On the cover page: Les Bords du Connecticut.
  • Op.739 - White cockade, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.15 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.740 - Home! My Own Dear Mountain Home! with brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.14 in the collection Gems from the German. Original song by Krebs.
  • Op.742 - My Normandy, with Variations. (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.25 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.750 - "Come away love" (An Alexis) with brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). From the collection Gems from the German: varied or transcribed by Ch. Grobe. Original song by Himmel.
  • Op.751 - "Still so Gently" from "Somnambula," with brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.12 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano.
  • Op.752 - Mozart's Favorite Waltz, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.20 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.753 - The Downfall of Paris, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.32 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs, with Easy and Pleasing Variations.
  • Op.754 - I Love the Merry Sunshine, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.47 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.755 - Give Me a Cot in the Valley I love, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.18 Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.756 - I Remember how My Childhood Fleeted by, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.7 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.762 - I'd Offer Thee This Hand, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.29 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.763 - "Di pescatore ignobile" from "Lucrezia Borgia," with brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.5 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano.
  • Op.765 - "In che a dio" from "Lucia di Lammermoor," with brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.24 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano.
  • Op.767 - Ossian's serenade, with brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856).
  • Op.768 - "In Light Tripping Measure" from "Cinderella," with brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1856). No.14 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano.
  • Op.779 - Scenes of Delight. Brilliant Variations on The Hand Organ Polka (Philadelphia: Beck and Lawton, 1856). Alternate title from first page The Hand Organ Polka, with Variations and Finale.
  • Op.799 - The Grave of Bonapart, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.26 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.800 - Thou Hast Learned to Love Another, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.23 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.804 - The Last Link is Broken, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.24 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.805 - John Anderson My Jo, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.30 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.806 - Highland Mary, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.31 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.807 - The Coquette Polka, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.35 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.808 - My Lodging is on the Cold Ground, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857. Reprinted. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1885). No.37 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.809 - Willie's on the Dark Blue Sea" with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1855/1857?). No.38 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.810 - Come Sit Thee Down, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.40 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.811 - Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.44 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.813 - Mary's Tears, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.50 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.815 - Money Musk, with variation. (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.56 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.816 - Harmonius Blacksmith, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857. Reprinted, 1885). No.57 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.817 - The Campbells are comin, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857. Reprinted, 1885). No.58 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.818 - Bonnie Doon, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.60 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.819 - The Irish Washerwoman, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.63 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.820 - The Carrier Dove, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.53 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.821 - Bounding Billows, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.64 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.822 - Glenmary Waltz (Voices of Spring), with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.65 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.837 - Camille Polka (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1857).
  • Op.838 - Oh! Summer Night, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.16 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.840 - Our Flag is There, with brilliant variations (Baltimore: Miller and Beacham, 1857).
  • Op.841 - Harmonious Sounds. Brilliant Variations on "Come Dearest the Daylight is Gone" (Baltimore: Miller and Beacham, 1857). Alternate title Come Dearest the Daylight is Gone, with brilliant variations.
  • Op.845 - Eternal Spring" Brilliant Variations on the beautiful Spanish Ballad Juanita (Baltimore: Miller and Beacham, 1857). Reprinted (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1885).
  • Op.851 - Wild Ashe Deer (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1857. Reprinted. Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1885). No.8 in the collection Grobe's World of Music.
  • Op.855 - Beethoven's Dream with brilliant variation and finale (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1857). No.1 in the collection Beauties of Beethoven. A selection of admired airs with Brilliant Variations by Ch. Grobe. This opus number appears on the cover page for the entire collection but also on the first page for No.1. Other numbers in the collection are published under other opus numbers.
  • Op.856 - Air from "La Favorita," with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.4 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano.
  • Op.860 - The Dearest Spot on Earth to Me is Home, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857. Reprinted, 1885).
  • Op.863 - Bird of Beauty, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.43 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.865 - Beautiful Blue Violets (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1857. Reprinted, 1872). No.72 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs, with Easy and Pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.867 - Oh! Whisper what thou Feelest, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.73 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs, with Easy and Pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.869 - Three Bells, with variation and finale (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1857). No.9 in the collection Grobe's World of Music.
  • Op.870 - The Herdsman's Mountain Home, with variations and finale (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1857). No.10 in the collection Grobe's World of Music.
  • Op.873 - The Queen of Night. Brilliant Variation on "Meet Me by Moonlight Alone" (Baltimore: Geo. Willig, Jr., 1857).
  • Op.875 - The Pirate's Chorus from "The Enchantress," with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1855). No.7 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.878 - "In Happy Moments" from "Maritana," with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.8 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe. From the opera by William Vincent Wallace.
  • Op.880 - Syracuse Polka, with brilliant variations and finale (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). On cover page: Les Bords du Niagara. Original polka by J.A. Fowler.
  • Op.881 - Passing Rainbow's Dream. Brilliant Variations on Serious Family Polka (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857).
  • Op.884 - Grand Waltz. with variation and finale (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1857). No.2 in the collection Beauties of Beethoven. A Selection of admired Airs with Brilliant Variations by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.888 - Giorno d'Orrore from "Semiramide", varied (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.10 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.890 - Celebrated duett from "Linda", with variation and finale (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.11 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.892 - Ernani! Ernani! Involami, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.13 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.895 - Hear me Norma, varied (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.21 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.897 - Hunters Chorus from "Der Freischütz," varied (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.22 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe.


  • Op.901 - The Dying Warrior, with variation (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1857). No.11 in the collection Grobe's World of Music.
  • Op.909 - We'll Laugh and Sing (Libiamo) from "La Traviata," with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.27 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.910 - "The Anvil Chorus from Il Trovatore Brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). On cover page: Sounds from the Catskills.
  • Op.911 - "In Whispers Soft and Light" from "La Traviata" (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.28 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.912 - The Lone Starry Hours, with variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857. Reprinted, 1885). On the cover: Birthday Congratulation.
  • Op.919 - The Spanish Retreat, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.59 in the collection Melodies of the Day, A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano-Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.921 - The Indian's Prayer, with variation and finale (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.74 in the collection Melodies of the Day, A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano-Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.922 - The Hero's Quick Step, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.75 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.924 - The Blind Girl, with variation and finale (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.77 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.925 - Fredonia March, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.78 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.927 - Stride la Vampa, from "Il Trovatore," with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.29 in the collection Operatic Tit Bits Arranged with Easy Variations for Piano by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.928 - The Lament of the Irish Emigrant, with brilliant variations (Boston: Russell and Richardson, 1857). No.4 from the collection Signs of Love: Six Beautiful Melodies with Brilliant Variations.
  • Op.929 - Rosalie the Prairie Flower, with brilliant variations (Boston: Russell and Richardson, 1857). No.5 in the collection Signs of Love: Six Beautiful Melodies with Brilliant Variations.
  • Op.930 - He Doeth All Things Well, with brilliant variations (Boston: Russell and Richardson, 1857). No.6 in the collection Signs of Love: Six Beautiful Melodies with Brilliant Variations.
  • Op.931 - Beautiful Star , with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.79 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.933 - The Prize Banner Quick Step, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.81 in the collection Melodies of the Day, A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano-Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.936 - Les Bords du Bosphore. The Sultan's Polka with brilliant variations and finale (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1857).
  • Op.956 - Yankee Doodle, with brilliant variations (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1857). Published with a second piece under the collective title The Continent is Ours. Brilliant Variations on Yankee Doodle and Hail Columbia for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.957 - Honor thy Father and Mother, with variation (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1857). No.74 in the collection Buds and Blossoms: 100 Sacred Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano.
  • Op. 964 - Home, Sweet Home
  • Op.974 - Alice Gray with Variation and Finale (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co, 1855). No.87 in the collection Melodies of the Day.
  • Op.976 - Old Hundred with Variations. (1858 pub.)
  • Op.980 - Boarding-School Life. Its Lights and Shades, A descriptive Potpourri for the Piano Forte (Baltimore: Miller & Beacham, 1858).
  • Op.984 - Darling Nelly Gray" with brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1858).
  • Op.991 - Smile on" Brilliant Variations on Wallace's Beautiful Melody "Katie Strang" (New York: Wm. Hall & Son, 1858).
  • Op.1001 - Mary of Argyle : with brilliant variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1858. Brilliant variations on favorite melodies of by-gone days by Ch. Grobe, no.4.) (recorded by John Gillespie in the 1970s).
  • Op.1014 - General Percifor F. Smith's Funeral March (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1858).
  • Op.1046 - Bright Dreams of the Past. Brilliant Variations on "Ever of Thee" (Cleveland: S. Brainard's Sons, n.d.).
  • Op.1050 - Parted Hours. Brilliant Variations on Geo. R. Poulton's Celebrated Song "Willie Bell" (New York: William A. Pond & Co., 1858).
  • Op.1056 - Austria, with Brilliant Variations (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1857). No.90 in the collection Buds and Blossoms: 100 Sacred Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano.
  • Op.1090 - The Tolling Bell Approaching Mount Vernon (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1859).
  • Op.1091 - Air from "The Swiss Family", with brilliant variations (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1858). No.23 in the collection Lindiana: A Choice Selection of Jenny Lind Songs with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Op.1098 - Cheer! Boys, Cheer! with Brilliant Variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1859).
  • Op.1100 - New Method for the Piano (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1859).
  • Op.1113 - March from Moses in Egypt, with brilliant variation & finale (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1859). No.26 in the collection Lindiana: A Choice Selection of Jenny Lind Songs with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.


  • Op.1202 - The Prince Royal, Polka brillante (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1860). Published in the compilation Beauties of the Dance.
  • Op.1204 - The Union Bell Polka (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1860).
  • Op.1209 - Lincoln Quick Step (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1860).
  • Op.1212 - Douglas Schottisch (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1860).
  • Op.1214 - Breckinridge Schottische (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1860).
  • Op.1250 - ''Dixie's Land, with brilliant variations (New York: Firth, Pond & Co., 1860).
  • Op.1275 - Annie LIsle, with variations (Ditson, 1860)
  • Op.1285 - Battle of Port Royal (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1885). Published in a compilation entitled Piano-forte Boudoir. Most likely was originally published during the Civil War.
  • Op.1312 - Major R. Anderson's Grand March (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1861).
  • Op.1339 - Over the Waveless Sea" Brilliant Variations on the Beautiful Neapolitan Barcarole "Santa Lucia" (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1861).
  • Op.1348 - "Music of the Union; Medley on American National Airs" (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1861). Alternate title on first page American Medley. Includes Star spangled banner; Red, white and blue; Hail Columbia; Washington's march; and Yankee Doodle.
  • Op.1352 - The Girl I Left Behind Me, varied (Reprint. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1879). No.96 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs With Easy and Pleasing Variations Arranged for the Piano-Forte.
  • Op.1358 - The Army Grand March. Introducing the popular melody "Glory, Hallelujah" and "Hail to the Chief" (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1861).
  • Op.1375 - Hopeless not Heartless: No One To Love, variations and finale. For piano published in an edition by Ditson by L. Orth in 1908. (First pub. Lee & Walker, Philadelphia, ca.1861.)
  • Op.1385 - "Battle of Port Royal or Bombardment of Forts Walker & Beauregard" (Boston: Oliver Ditson, [1861?]).
  • Op.1395 - The Battle of Roanoke Island, Story of an Eye Witness Musically Portrayed (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1862). Alternate title on first page The Battle of Roanoke.
  • Op.1396 - Capture of Fort Donelson, a musical description (Boston: Henry Tolman & Co., 1862). Alternate title on the first page The Capture of Fort Donelson. Reprinted in collection Popular Marches, Battle Pieces, Etc. for Piano or Organ (Chicago: S. Brainard's Sons Co., 1884).
  • Op.1400 - The Battle of Winchester, March 22d and 23d 1862 (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1862). No.1 in the collection Pictures of the War; A Collection of descriptive pieces Arranged for the Piano Forte by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.1401 - The capture of Island No. 10, April 8th 1862 (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1862). No.4 in the collection Pictures of the War; A Collection of descriptive pieces Arranged for the Piano Forte by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.1402 - The Battle of Shiloh, or Pittsburgh Landing, April 6th and 7th 1862, Musically Photographed by Charles Grobe (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1862).
  • Op.1406 - The Bombardment and Surrender of Fort Pulaski April 10, & 11, 1862 (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1862). No.5 in the collection Pictures of the War; A Collection of descriptive pieces Arranged for the Piano Forte by Ch. Grobe.
  • Op.1412 - The Battle of New Orleans, Musically Illustrated (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1862).
  • Op.1415 - Maryland! My Maryland, transcribed for the piano by Charles Grobe (Baltimore: Miller & Beacham, 1862).
  • Op.1420 - Glory Hallelujah, with brilliant variations (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1862).
  • Op.1422 - The Battle Prayer by Himmel, Transcription for the Piano by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1862).
  • Op.1450 - Maryland, My Maryland! Brilliant variations (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1863).
  • Op.1459 - Bonnie Blue Flag, with brilliant variations (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1863).
  • Op.1470 - Hope on-Hope Ever! Briliant Variations on Henry Tucker's Beautiful Song, "When This Cruel War is Over" (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1863).


  • Op.1504 - Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still
  • Op.1512 - The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" with brilliant variations (Louisville: D.P. Faulds, 1864).
  • Op.1515 - Lorena, with brilliant variations. (Ditson, 1864. Plate 3457-7. Copy at U. Alabama Libraries.)
  • Op.1524 - Dear Mother, I've Come Home to Die, with brilliant variations (New York: Firth, Son & Co., 1864).
  • Op.1529 - Paul Vane, or Lorena’s Reply, with variations. (Same source as op.1554,1570. Worldcat mentions quite a few settings of this theme and a recording of someone else’s setting on the same CD as a work by Grobe, but not Grobe’s setting...)
  • Op.1535 - Expectation. Brilliant Variations on the beautiful melody "Down by the Gate" (Boston: G.D. Russell & Co., 1865).
  • Op.1554 - The New Star-Spangled Banner. (Mentioned in May 1893 Musical Record as having been submitted for copyright renewal before term had expired - by whom?- may be the same work as "The Star-Spangled Banner" preserved in a collection with The Gothamite Quick-Step and other dances published by Geo. Reed.?)
  • Op.1560 - "Thou Art So Near and Yet So Far", with Brilliant Variations (Melodies of the People, No.15) (ca.1865 - renewal term of 28 years expired in 1893)
  • Op.1570 - There’s a Sigh in the Heart. (Melodies of the People, No.20, translated by Charles Grobe. Mentioned in May 1893 Musical Record as having been submitted for copyright renewal etc. - by whom?- but seems to have disappeared?)
  • Op.1580 - Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! Variations (Reprinted in the collection Popular Marches, Battle Pieces, etc for the Piano or Organ. Chicago: S. Brainard’s Sons, 1884. A Worldcat search also reveals op.1580 given to Tenting on the Old camp ground, published in 1866 by Ditson, plate 23109, at a U. Alabama library.)
  • Op.1782 - The Gipsy's Warning (pub. 1864, D.S. Holmes)


  • Op.1830 - Write a Letter from Home, variations on a theme by Will S. Hays (William Shakespeare Hays, 1837–1907). Published by J.L. Peters, ca.1867.
  • Op.1881 - Whippoorwill’s Echo Song, with Brilliant Variations. Mentioned in "The Musical Record" as re-entered for copyright before expiration in 1897.
  • Op.1895 - To the Charge. Transcription on "The Watch on the Rhine" (Boston: G. D. Russell & Co., 1870).
  • Op.1900 - Then and Now. The Fall of Paris "The Capitol of Civilization." Musically Delineated by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1871). A monologue with piano.
  • Op.1901 - Germany and France (A.D.1779 to 1871), Descriptive Fantasie on Old and New Tunes (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1871).
  • Op.1910 - Moet and Shandon for Me, Song Waltz (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1871). Noted as being transcribed for the piano by Grobe. Also published in a 4-hand arrangement.
  • Op.1931 - Little Maggie May (Cleveland: S. Brainard's Sons, 1873). No.2 in the collection Wayside Roses! A Choice Collection of Popular Melodies, Transcribed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.1947 - When the Corn is Waving, Annie Dear (Blamphin), with brilliant variaions and finale (Cleveland: S. Brainard & Sons, 1873). No.7 in the collection Wayside Roses! A Choice Collection of Popular Melodies, Transcribed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.1951 - How the Gates came Ajar (Eastburn) (Cleveland: S. Brainard & Sons, 1873). No.9 in the collection Wayside Roses! A Choice Collection of Popular Melodies, Transcribed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.1955 - The Little Ones at Home (Lockwood), with Brilliant Variations (Cleveland: Brainard & Sons, S., 1873). No.11 in the collection Wayside Roses! A Choice Collection of Popular Melodies, Transcribed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.1958 - Kiss Me Mother, Kiss Your Darling (Geo. F. Root), with brilliant variations and finale (Cleveland: Brainard & Sons, S., 1873). No.12 in the collection Wayside Roses! A Choice Collection of Popular Melodies, Transcribed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.1960 - Gathering Home (Lockwood) (Cleveland: S. Brainard & Sons, 1873). No.18 in the collection Wayside Roses! A Choice Collection of Popular Melodies, Transcribed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Op.1965 - Non è ver. Serenade by Tito Matei. Fantasia for Piano (San Francisco: M.Gray, 1873).
  • Op.1970 - The Tempest, or The Interrupted Picnic (San Francisco: M.Gray, 1873).
  • Op.1980 - Killarney. Fantasie for piano (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1874).
  • Op.1983 - Old Folks at Home" Liberal Variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1875).
  • Op.1984 - You and I, with Liberal Variations (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1875).
  • Op.1985 - The Danube River Mazurka (New York: C.H. Ditson & Co., 1875).
  • Op.1986 - Centennial Memorial March (Philadelphia: Mirsalis & Hamel, 1875).
  • Op.1988 - Come back to Erin. Fantasie for Piano (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1876).
  • Op.1990 - The Old Oaken Bucket, Restrospective Mazurka (New York: C.H. Ditson & Co., 1876).
  • Op.1993 - Who's at My Window? Mazurka (Marshall: J.S. White, 1877).
  • Op.1994 - Sweet By and By (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1878).
  • Op.1995 - The Little Old Cabin in the Lane (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1878).
  • Op.1996 - Take this letter to my mother (New York: C. H. Ditson, 1878).
  • Op.1997 - It was a Dream (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1878).
  • Op.1998 - Sweet Spirit, Hear my Prayer (1879).

Works without opus number (by year of first publication then alphabetically)


  • Marche pour le Piano Forte composée sur des motifs de l'opera "E Capuletti i Montecchi" par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1841).


  • Diane. Rondeau de Chasse pour le Piano Forte Composeé sur un Motif Allemand par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1842).
  • L'Etoile du Matin, Valse pour le Pianoforte (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1842).
  • Les L'Armes de l'Auroree, valse sur des motifs de l'opera "Anna Bolena" Composée pour le Piano Forte par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1842).
  • Les Nymphes, Quadrilles de Contre Danses pour le Piano Forte Arrangés sur des motifs du Ballet "La Chatte Métamorphosée en Femme" par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1842).
  • El Sinsonte del Camagüey. Rondino pour le Piano Forte sur un motif favori D'Auber (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1842). (Introduction on a theme from Auber's "La sirène", AWV 37 (which however is from 1844... there's probably an explanation there...), and main theme seems to be from his La Fiancée (AWV 17, no.18).)
  • Le Plus Beau de Mes Jours en Amerique, Galop Brillant pour le Piano Forte Composée par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1842).
  • La Tendresse. Rondoletto Facile. Composée pour le Pianoforte par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1842).
  • Marche d'amazones pour le Piano Forte Composée sur des motifs de l'opera "Lucia di Lammerrmoor" par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1842).
  • Mnemosyne, Valse Brillante Pour le Piano Forte Arrangée d'apre l'ouvre 8 de F. Liszt par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1842).
  • Sans Souci. Valse Brillante pour le Piano Forte Composé sur les motifs les plus favori de l'opera "Luci di Lammermoor" par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1842).
  • Souvenir de Cape Man. Valse Pour le Piano Forte sur des motifs de l'opera "E Capuletti i Montecchi" par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1842).


  • Cologne Water Waltz for the Piano Forte composed on Favorite Motives (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1843).
  • Cuba March for the Piano Forte Composed on a Favorite Cuba Air (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1843).
  • El caballero. The gentleman. A Spanish Waltz arranged for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1843).
  • Ice Cream Galop (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1843).
  • Pine Apple Galop for the Piano Forte Composed on Favorite Motives by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1843).


  • Adieu et Retour. Marche Caracteristique Pour Le Piano Forte Sur des Motifs de l'Opera Lucia di Lammermoor (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1844).
  • Chateau en espagne. Valse pour le Piano Forte Composee sur un motif Espagnol (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1844).
  • Louisville Gallopade (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1844). No.26 in the collection Evenings at Home. A Collection of Popular and esteemed Airs Arranged ad Duets for the Performance on the Piano Forte.
  • Miss Lucy Neale, Galopade, Composed for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1844).
  • Saratoga Polka sur des motifs de Donizetti composé pour le piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1844).
  • Venetian Gallopade (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1844). No.25 in the collection Evenings at Home. A Collection of Popular and esteemed Airs Arranged ad Duets for the Performance on the Piano Forte.


  • Barcarole waltz from Balfe's Opera "The Daughter of St. Mark" (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1845). Arranged for the piano by Grobe.
  • Bellone. Polonaise à la Militaire composeé par Ole Bull. Arrangeé pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1845).
  • L'Hortensia, Galop Brillante sur l'air favori "I Cannot Dance to Night" Composée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1845).
  • Fausta Galop (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1845).
  • The Ladies Smile. Favorite Waltz in the opera "The Brides of Venice" Arranged for the Piano by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1845).
  • La Belle du Sud (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1845). No.27 in the collection Evenings at Home. A Collection of Popular and esteemed Airs Arranged ad Duets for the Performance on the Piano Forte.
  • La Mode, Polka Brillante sur des motifs de l'opera "Lecoq" composée pour le Piano par Charles (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1845).
  • Lucrezia Borgia Grand March (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1845). Arranged for the pianoforte by Grobe.
  • Ole Bull's Dream. Waltz Sentimental (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1845). Arranged for the pianoforte by Grobe.
  • Orsini waltz from Donizetti's Opera of Lucrezia Borgia (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1845). Arranged for the pianoforte by Grobe.
  • La Rose Blanche. Valse Brillante sur des motifs de l'opera "La part du diable" Composée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1845).
  • Potpourri Waltz on favorite airs from the opera "The Bohemian Girl" (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1845).
  • Souvenir de Belleville. Valse sur l'air favori "A Home that I Love" Arrangée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1845).


  • L'Amarante Valse, sur l'air favori "Queen of My Soul" composée pour le piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1846).
  • Captain Walker's Quick Step (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846).
  • The Celebrated Court Ball Waltz by Struass & Lanner Arranged for the Piano by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846).
  • La Confiance, Valse sur une favorite polka Arrangée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846).
  • Figurante Galop Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1846).
  • General Taylor's Grand March (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846).
  • La Génoise, Arrangée pour le Piano Forte par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1846).
  • Grand March from the Celebrated Opera "The Brewer of Preston" Arranged for the Piano by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846).
  • Hand in Hand Waltz. Music by Etienne Arnaud Arranged for the Piano by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846).
  • Libella Grand March arranged for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1846).
  • The London Polka Quadrilles with appropriate figures arranged for the Piano Forte by Stephen Glover, Arranged for two performers by Charles Grobe. (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846).
  • Maritana Galop Arrangée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846).
  • Matamoras Waltz sur une polka favorite Arrangée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846).
  • Le Retour des Heros. Marche Triomphale de l'opera "Gemma di Vergy" de Donizetti Arrangée pour le Piano A Quatre Mains par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1846).
  • La Soirée des Sylphes, Valse sur des motifs de l'opera "Linda di Chamounix" Arrangée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1846).
  • Le Vent d'Amont. Valse de P. Wagner (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846). No.2 in the collection Les Vents. Quatre Valses Faciles Arrangées pour le Piano a quatre mains par Charles Grobe.
  • Le Vent du Nord. Valse sur Une Polka Favorite (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846). No.1 in the collection Les Vents. Quatre Valses Faciles Arrangées pour le Piano a quatre mains par Charles Grobe.
  • Mazeppa. Grande Valse de la Prince de la Moscawa Arrangée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846). Alternate title The Prince of Moscowa Waltz.
  • Monterey Waltz. sur une Polka favorite Arrangée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846).
  • "Oh Summer Night" from the opera "Don Pasquale" Arranged as a Waltz by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1846).
  • Old Rough and Ready Quick Step. Arranged for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1846).


  • The Banisher of Sadness. Galop Sur des Motifs de l'Opera "Les Quattre Fils Aymon" (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1847).
  • The Favorite Ethiopian Melody Philadelphia Gals, Arranged as a Quick Step by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: George Willig, 1847).
  • Mirror Dances or Les Sauvages de la Miroir, or Pas de Miroir (Lee & Walker, 1847)
  • The Ray of Joy Galop sur des motifs de l'opera "Der Wildschutz" arrangée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1847).
  • The Sentinel. Galop sur des motifs de l'opera "Les Quattre Fils Aymon" Composé pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1847).
  • Soirée Gallop from the opera "La Figurante" (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1847). No.1 in the collection Friendship and Love. Six beautiful Pieces Arranged as easy Duetts for Two Performers on the Piano by Charles Grobe
  • The Unassuming Galop sur des motifs de l'opera "Il bravo." Composée pour le Piano par Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1847).


  • The Guadalquiver Waltz Arranged from the Favorite Ballad in the Opera "Linda di Chamounix" (Donizetti) (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1848).
  • I Can't Make Up My Mind, Words from Hood's Magazine Adapted to a Melody by F. Otto and Arranged for the Piano by Charles Grobe (Baltimore: George Willig, 1848). For voice and piano.
  • Kindred Hearts, written by Mrs. Hemans, adapted to a German melody, arranged for the piano by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1848). For voice and piano. (The Leap-Year polka Op.248 is also called "Kindred Hearts" and may be related.)
  • Look! How the stars like jewels glisten. The words from the Poetry of Flower by F. S. Osgood Adapted to a French Melody Arranged for the Piano by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1848). For voice and piano.
  • Love Me - Not with Fancy! The words from the Literary World adapted to a melody by G. Nauenburg Arranged for the Piano by Charles Grobe (Baltimore: George Willig, Jr., 1848). For voice and piano.
  • The Poet by Christian Friedrich Nohr (after text by Edward Augustus Brackett, arranged by Charles Grobe) Adapted to a Melody by F. Nohr. Arranged for the Piano by Charles Grobe (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1848). Arranged for voice and piano. (Original source of melody by Nohr- entire piece or portion of piece - unspecified.)
  • Sunset on the Sea. The Poetry of Charles P. Shiras, Esq. Adapted to a melody by F. Otto. Arranged for the Piano by Charles Grobe (Baltimore: George Willig, 1848). For voice and piano.


  • Alpine Rose. Waltz (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1849).
  • Aurora Borealis Polka (Philadelphia: Edward L. Walker, 1849).
  • Is Not God Upon the Ocean? or The Ballad of the Tempest written by G.T. Field Adapted to a Melody by Briccialdi. Arranged for the Piano by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Edward L. Walker, 1849). For voice and piano.
  • The Lily Polka (Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1849). Arranged for piano by Grobe.
  • Lucilla Polka (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1849).
  • Romanesca Polka (New York: Wm. Hall and Son, 1849).
  • The Sabbath Bells. The words from the "City Item" by Helena. Adapted to a beautiful melody by Kuecken. Arranged for the Piano by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1849). For voice and piano.
  • The Spring Flower. An Easy Waltz Arranged for the Piano by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1849).
  • Strawberry Galop. Arranged for the Piano by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1849).
  • Virginia Rose-bud Quickstep (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1849).
  • Wissahikon Waltz (Philadelphia: Edward L. Walker, 1849). Arranged for piano by Grobe. (Note: Under the spelling Ouisahiccon, this same river was also the inspiration for a piano work by Anthony Philip Heinrich published in 1854.)


  • The Emerald Waltz (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850). No.10 in the collection Grobe's Omnibus. A Selection of Favorite Pieces Arranged as Duetts for Two Performers on the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Evening Star Waltz (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850). No.4 in the collection Grobe's Omnibus. A Selection of Favorite Pieces Arranged as Duetts for Two Performers on the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Georgia Waltz (New York: Wm. Hall and Son, 1850).
  • Henrietta Polka (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850). No.8 in the collection Grobe's Omnibus. A Selection of Favorite Pieces Arranged as Duetts for Two Performers on the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Hohnstock's Polka (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850). No.1 in the collection Grobe's Omnibus. A Selection of Favorite Pieces Arranged as Duetts for Two Performers on the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Kate's Waltz, arranged for the piano forte by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850).
  • Mollie's Dream Waltz (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850). No.2 in the collection Grobe's Omnibus. A Selection of Favorite Pieces Arranged as Duetts for Two Performers on the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Morning Star Waltz (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850). No.3 in the collection Grobe's Omnibus. A Selection of Favorite Pieces Arranged as Duetts for Two Performers on the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • The National Schottisch (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850). No.5 in the collection Grobe's Omnibus. A Selection of Favorite Pieces Arranged as Duetts for Two Performers on the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • The Ray of Hope, or The Dream of Love Waltz. Arranged for the Pianoforte by Charles Grobe (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850).
  • Redowa Waltz (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850). No.6 in the collection Grobe's Omnibus. A Selection of Favorite Pieces Arranged as Duetts for Two Performers on the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Sounds from Home by Gung'l (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850). No.7 in the collection Grobe's Omnibus. A Selection of Favorite Pieces Arranged as Duetts for Two Performers on the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Souvenir of Germany. A New Schottisch (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1850). No.9 in the collection Grobe's Omnibus. A Selection of Favorite Pieces Arranged as Duetts for Two Performers on the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • The Sunshine of Love Polka (New York: Wm. Hall and Son, 1850).


  • Pet Waltz. Introducing the Favorite Aria "Call Me Pet Names" (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1851). Noted as being arranged by Grobe.


  • Alpine Horn Grand March (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1852). No.2 in the collection Grobe's Parlour Music. Lessons for Ladies on the Piano Forte..
  • Charity Waltz (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1852). No.1 in the collection Grobe's Carpet Bag. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Gallops, Polkas, Marches, &c, for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • The Flying Cloud Gallop (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1852). No.2 in the collection Grobe's Carpet Bag. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Gallops, Polkas, Marches, &c, for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Hail to the Chieftain and Statesman! Whig Nomination Quick Step for 1852 (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1852).
  • Home of My Heart Waltz (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1852). No.5 in the collection Grobe's Carpet Bag. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Gallops, Polkas, Marches, &c, for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Love's Influence, Rondo alla Valse sur un motif d'Adam (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1852). No.4 in the collection Grobe's Parlour Music. Lessons for Ladies on the Piano Forte.
  • March from "Lucia de Lammermoor" (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1852). No.8 in the collection Grobe's Carpet Bag. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Gallops, Polkas, Marches, &c, for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • The Lone Star Waltz (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1852). No.9 in the collection Grobe's Carpet Bag. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Gallops, Polkas, Marches, &c, for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • My Heart and Lute Polka (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1852). No.5 in the collection Grobe's Carpet Bag. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Gallops, Polkas, Marches, &c, for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Pestal Quick Step (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1852). No.6 in the collection Grobe's Carpet Bag. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Gallops, Polkas, Marches, &c, for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • The Pet Waltz (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1852). No.12 in the collection Grobe's Omnibus. A Selection of Favorite Pieces Arranged as Duetts for Two Performers on the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Potpourri en forme de rondeau sur La Favorite (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1852). No.5 in the collection Grobe's Parlour Music. Lessons for Ladies on the Piano Forte.
  • The Snow Flake Waltz (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1852). No.7 in the collection Grobe's Carpet Bag. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Gallops, Polkas, Marches, &c, for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • The Spider and the Fly. March (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1852). No.4 in the collection Grobe's Carpet Bag. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Gallops, Polkas, Marches, &c, for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • The White Violet Polka (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1852). No.3 in the collection Grobe's Parlour Music. Lessons for Ladies on the Piano Forte.


  • All's Well that Ends Well Quick Step (New York: William Hall & Son, 1853). No.12 in the collection The Ladies' Pets. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Marches, Polkas, etc. Arranged in an Easy style for the Piano.
  • Bornea Mazurka (New York: William Hall & Son, 1853). No.10 in the collection The Ladies' Pets. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Marches, Polkas, etc. Arranged in an Easy style for the Piano.
  • Desdemona Waltz (New York: William Hall & Son, 1853). No.5 in the collection The Ladies' Pets. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Marches, Polkas, etc. Arranged in an Easy style for the Piano.
  • Diomed Gallop (New York: William Hall & Son, 1853). No.2 in the collection The Ladies' Pets. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Marches, Polkas, etc. Arranged in an Easy style for the Piano.
  • Eagle Gallop (New York: William Hall & Son, 1853). No.9 in the collection The Ladies' Pets. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Marches, Polkas, etc. Arranged in an Easy style for the Piano.
  • Fanny Fern Waltz (New York: William Hall & Son, 1853). No.1 in the collection The Ladies' Pets. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Marches, Polkas, etc. Arranged in an Easy style for the Piano.
  • Good Temper Waltz (New York: William Hall & Son, 1853). No.11 in the collection The Ladies' Pets. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Marches, Polkas, etc. Arranged in an Easy style for the Piano.
  • Grace Greenwood Polka (New York: William Hall & Son, 1853). No.3 in the collection The Ladies' Pets. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Marches, Polkas, etc. Arranged in an Easy style for the Piano.
  • Guttenberg March (New York: William Hall & Son, 1853). No.4 in the collection The Ladies' Pets. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Marches, Polkas, etc. Arranged in an Easy style for the Piano.
  • Minesota Waltz (New York: Wm. Hall and Son, 1853). No.8 in the collection The Ladies' Pets. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Marches, Polkas, Etc. Arranged in an Easy style for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Ox Minuet by J. Haydn (New York: William Hall and Son, 1853). No.6 in the collection The Ladies' Pets. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Marches, Polkas, Etc. Arranged in an Easy style for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • The Pope He Leads a Happy Life (New York: William Hall and Son, 1853). Two versions arranged by Grobe: for voice and guitar, for voice and piano.
  • Silver Cloud Quick Step (New York: Wm. Hall and Son, 1853). No.7 in the collection The Ladies' Pets. A Series of Beautiful Waltzes, Marches, Polkas, Etc. Arranged in an Easy style for the Piano by Charles Grobe.


  • The Blue Bird Schottisch (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1854). No.2 in the collection Grobe's Musical Ladder: A Selection of Polkas, Waltzes, Marches, Ect Arranged in an Easy Style for the Piano by Chs. Grobe.
  • Cheerfulness Gallop (New York: William Hall and Son, 1854). No.8 in the collection Grobe's Inexhaustible Maitre de Plaisir. A Choice Collection of Polkas, Marches, Waltzes, etc. Arranged in Brilliant Style for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • The Companion Polka (New York: William Hall and Son, 1854). No.7 in the collection Grobe's Inexhaustible Maitre de Plaisir. A Choice Collection of Polkas, Marches, Waltzes, etc. Arranged in Brilliant Style for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • The Champion Quick Step (New York: William Hall and Son, 1854). No.10 in the collection Grobe's Inexhaustible Maitre de Plaisir. A Choice Collection of Polkas, Marches, Waltzes, etc. Arranged in Brilliant Style for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • The Conqueror March (New York: William Hall and Son, 1854). No.6 in the collection Grobe's Inexhaustible Maitre de Plaisir. A Choice Collection of Polkas, Marches, Waltzes, etc. Arranged in Brilliant Style for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • The Cupid Polka (New York: William Hall and Son, 1854). No.1 in the collection Grobe's Inexhaustible Maitre de Plaisir. A Choice Collection of Polkas, Marches, Waltzes, etc. Arranged in Brilliant Style for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • The Dew-drop Waltz (New York: William Hall and Son, 1854). No.9 in the collection Grobe's Inexhaustible Maitre de Plaisir. A Choice Collection of Polkas, Marches, Waltzes, etc. Arranged in Brilliant Style for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • The Dove Schottisch (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1854). No.10 in the collection Grobe's Musical Ladder: A Selection of Polkas, Waltzes, Marches, Ect Arranged in an Easy Style for the Piano by Chs. Grobe.
  • The Drum Gallop (New York: William Hall and Son, 1854). No.2 in the collection Grobe's Inexhaustible Maitre de Plaisir. A Choice Collection of Polkas, Marches, Waltzes, etc. Arranged in Brilliant Style for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • The Echo Quick Step (New York: William Hall and Son, 1854). No.4 in the collection Grobe's Inexhaustible Maitre de Plaisir. A Choice Collection of Polkas, Marches, Waltzes, etc. Arranged in Brilliant Style for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • The End Crowns the Means Schottisch (New York: William Hall and Son, 1854). No.11 in the collection Grobe's Inexhaustible Maitre de Plaisir. A Choice Collection of Polkas, Marches, Waltzes, etc. Arranged in Brilliant Style for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Evening Prayer [and] Prayer (Philadelphia: Jas. Couenhoven, 1854). No.5 in the collection Hours of Devotion. A collection of Sacred Melodies arranged in easy style for the Piano or Melodeon by Chas. Grobe. Consists of two separate works.
  • Eve's lamentation (and) Grateful Notes (Philadelphia: Jas. Couenhoven, 1854). No.1 in the collection Hours of Devotion. A collection of Sacred Melodies arranged in easy style for the Piano or Melodeon by Chas. Grobe. Consists of two separate works.
  • Fear not! But Trust in Providence [and] Sanctus (Philadelphia: Jas. Couenhoven, 1854). No.3 in the collection Hours of Devotion. A collection of Sacred Melodies arranged in easy style for the Piano or Melodeon by Chas. Grobe. Consists of two separate works.
  • The Gray Eagle March (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1854). No.5 in the collection Grobe's Musical Ladder: A Selection of Polkas, Waltzes, Marches, Ect Arranged in an Easy Style for the Piano by Chs. Grobe.
  • The Humming-bird Galop (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1854). No.12 in the collection Grobe's Musical Ladder: A Selection of Polkas, Waltzes, Marches, Ect Arranged in an Easy Style for the Piano by Chs. Grobe.
  • The Jewel Waltz (New York: William Hall and Son, 1854). No.3 in the collection Grobe's Inexhaustible Maitre de Plaisir. A Choice Collection of Polkas, Marches, Waltzes, etc. Arranged in Brilliant Style for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • Jolification Gallop (Philadelphia: J. E. Gould, 1854). No.6 in the collection The Lilliputians, A selection of beautiful Waltzes, Polkas, Marches, Rondos, etc. Arranged in an Easy style for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • The Lark Galop (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1854). No.7 in the collection Grobe's Musical Ladder: A Selection of Polkas, Waltzes, Marches, Ect Arranged in an Easy Style for the Piano by Chs. Grobe.
  • Lilly Dale by H. S. Thompson (Philadelphia: J. E. Gould, 1854). No.2 in the collection The Two Fairies. A choice selection of Favorite Melodies arranged for Four Hands by Charles Grobe.
  • The Mad-cap Schottisch (New York: William Hall and Son, 1854). No.5 in the collection Grobe's Inexhaustible Maitre de Plaisir. A Choice Collection of Polkas, Marches, Waltzes, etc. Arranged in Brilliant Style for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe.
  • The Mockingbird Polka (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1854). No.1 in the collection Grobe's Musical Ladder: A Selection of Polkas, Waltzes, Marches, Ect Arranged in an Easy Style for the Piano by Chs. Grobe.
  • The Nightingale Polka (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1854). No.6 in the collection Grobe's Musical Ladder: A Selection of Polkas, Waltzes, Marches, Ect Arranged in an Easy Style for the Piano by Chs. Grobe.
  • The Petrel Quick Step (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1854). No.9 in the collection Grobe's Musical Ladder: A Selection of Polkas, Waltzes, Marches, Ect Arranged in an Easy Style for the Piano by Chs. Grobe.
  • The Postscript Polka (New York: William Hall and Son, 1854). No.12 in the collection Grobe's Inexhaustible Maitre de Plaisir. A Choice Collection of Polkas, Marches, Waltzes, etc. Arranged in Brilliant Style for the Piano Forte by Charles Grobe
  • The Quail's Waltz (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1854). No.3 in the collection Grobe's Musical Ladder: A Selection of Polkas, Waltzes, Marches, Ect Arranged in an Easy Style for the Piano by Chs. Grobe.
  • The Robin Quickstep (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1854). No.4 in the collection Grobe's Musical Ladder: A Selection of Polkas, Waltzes, Marches, Ect Arranged in an Easy Style for the Piano by Chs. Grobe.
  • Rossini's First Love (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1854). No.3 in the collection Grobe's World of Music.
  • Ruth and Naomi (and) Ever Since the World Began (Philadelphia: Jas. Couenhoven, 1854). No.4 in the collection Hours of Devotion. A collection of Sacred Melodies arranged in easy style for the Piano or Melodeon by Chas. Grobe. Consists of two separate works.
  • The Swan March (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1854). No.11 in the collection Grobe's Musical Ladder: A Selection of Polkas, Waltzes, Marches, Ect Arranged in an Easy Style for the Piano by Chs. Grobe.
  • Tyrolese evening hymn and Alma redemptoris (Philadelphia: Jas. Couenhoven, 1854). No.2 in the collection Hours of Devotion. A collection of Sacred Melodies arranged in easy style for the Piano or Melodeon by Chas. Grobe. Two separate items published together.
  • The Whippoorwill Waltz (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1854). No.8 in the collection Grobe's Musical Ladder: A Selection of Polkas, Waltzes, Marches, Ect Arranged in an Easy Style for the Piano by Chs. Grobe.


  • Allessandro Stradella by Flotow (New York: William Hall and Son, 1855).
  • Ambassador of Love Rondino (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.4 in the collection A Spell of Sunshine: 12 Beautiful Pieces Arranged in easy & progressive style for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Blooming Youth Polka (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.1 in the collection A Spell of Sunshine: 12 Beautiful Pieces Arranged in easy & progressive style for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Belinda Galop (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.2 in the collection A Spell of Sunshine: 12 Beautiful Pieces Arranged in easy & progressive style for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • Cavatina alla Polacca [from] "Linda di Chamounix" by Donizetti (New York: William Hall and Son, 1855).
  • Charity (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.1 in the collection Peaceful Hours: Recreative Hours with Classical Authors. Selections from Standard Sacred Works Arranged for the Piano for 4 Hands by Chas. Grobe.
  • The Coxcomb Quick Step (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.5 in the collection A Spell of Sunshine: 12 Beautiful Pieces Arranged in easy & progressive style for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • See Das Nachtlager in Granada (A Night Camp in Granada) (New York: William Hall and Son, 1855). Transcription/somewhat free arrangement of the Romanze from act 1 of this opera of Kreutzer.
  • Ellen Bayne with variations (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1855). No.8 in the collection The Beautiful Melodies Composed by Stephen C. Foster arranged with Variations for the Pianoforte by Charles Grobe.
  • Evening song to the Virgin (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.2 in the collection Peaceful Hours: Recreative Hours with Classical Authors. Selections from Standard Sacred Works Arranged for the Piano for 4 Hands by Chas. Grobe.
  • Il barbiere de Sevilla by Rossini (New York: William Hall and Son, 1855). A two page allegro molto for piano.
  • I Lombardi by Verdi (New York: William Hall and Son, 1855). A two page allegro moderato for piano.
  • I Know that My Redeemer Lived (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.51 in the collection Buds and Blossoms: 60 Sacred Melodies with Brilliant Variations for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Il Trovatore by Verdi (New York: William Hall and Son, 1855). A two page allegro for piano.
  • The Jester March (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.6 in the collection A Spell of Sunshine: 12 Beautiful Pieces Arranged in easy & progressive style for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • La Favorita by Donizetti (New York: Wm. Hall and Son, 1855). No.7 in the collection The Operatic Circle, Gems from the Favorite Operas of Donizetti, Verdi, Meyerbeer, Rossini, Auber & others Arranged in a Familiar Manner by Charles Grube(sic).
  • Le Pré aux Clercs by Herold (New York: William Hall and Son, 1855). A two page allegro for piano.
  • Lucrezia Borgia by Donizetti (New York: William Hall and Son, 1855). No.1 in the collection Operatic Scintillations. Gems from the Favorite Operas of Donizetti, Verdi, Meyerbeer, Rossini, Auber & others Arranged in a Familiar Manner by Charles Grube(sic).
  • Old Dog Tray, with brilliant variations (New York: Firth, Pond and Co., 1855. Reprinted. New York: William A. Pond & Co., 1883). No.6 in the collection The Beautiful Melodies Composed by Stephen C. Foster arranged with Variations for the Pianoforte by Charles Grobe.
  • Romanze from the opera "Robert le Diable" by Meyerbeer (New York: William Hall and Son, 1855). Arrangement for piano.
  • The Rose of the Desert, Romance from the opera "Zemire et Azore" by Spohr (New York: William Hall and Son, 1855). No.2 in the collection Operatic Scintillations. Gems from the Favorite Operas of Donizetti, Verdi, Meyerbeer, Rossini, Auber & others Arranged in a Familiar Manner by Charles Grube.
  • Serenade from the opera "Don Pasqual" by Donizetti (New York: William Hall and Son, 1855). Arrangement for piano.
  • Sextuor from "Lucia di Lammermoor" by Donizetti (New York: William Hall and Son, 1855). Arrangement for piano.
  • Sounds from Russia, Potpourri (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.6 in the collection Grobe's World of Music.
  • Terzetto and Finale from the opera "Attilla" by Verdi (New York: William Hall and Son, 1855). No.1 in the collection The Operatic Circle, Gems from the Favorite Operas of Donizetti, Verdi, Meyerbeer, Rossini, Auber & others Arranged in a Familiar Manner by Charles Grube.
  • The Wings of a Dove (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.3 in the collection Peaceful Hours: Recreative Hours with Classical Authors. Selections from Standard Sacred Works Arranged for the Piano for 4 Hands by Chas. Grobe. This is a cut/compressed and otherwise _somewhat_ changed (e.g. the end) version of Op.222 arranged for piano duet.
  • Yes! Schottisch (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1855). No.3 in the collection A Spell of Sunshine: 12 Beautiful Pieces Arranged in easy & progressive style for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.


  • Natalie: Polka-mazurka (New York: Cook & Bro.) (This has been recorded on a New World Records CD, Come and Trip It: Instrumental Dance Music 1780s-1920s. Composer's name spelled as Charles Grube (this may indeed be by a composer named Charles Grube, though library listing counts it as "misspelled" - Schissel) Indeed, uploaded under Charles H. Grube.)


  • Annie o' the Banks o'Dee, with variation (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.48 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • If with All Your Hearts (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1857). No.28 in the collection Melodies of the Day. A Collection of Popular Airs with easy and pleasing Variations Composed for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Progress. Quickstep (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1857). No.12 in the collection Crimson Buds. 12 Beautiful Pieces Arranged in Easy Style for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.
  • The Screamer. Polka (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1857). No.3 in the collection Crimson Buds. 12 Beautiful Pieces Arranged in Easy Style for the Piano by Chas. Grobe.


  • Columbia The Gem of the Ocean (Baltimore: Miller & Beacham, 1859). No.3 in the collection American National Airs. Arranged for 4 hands for the Piano by Charles Grobe.
  • Yankee Doodle (Baltimore: Miller & Beacham, 1859). No.4 in the collection American National Airs. Arranged for 4 hands for the Piano by Charles Grobe.


  • Cadet Quick Step (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1861). No.11 in the collection Grobe's Parlor Music.
  • Columbia, The Gem of the Ocean (Philadelphia: Lee and Walker, 1861).


  • Major Genl. Wallace's Grand March (Cincinnati: A.C. Peters & Bro., 1862). No.8 in the compilation Saloon Pieces by Various Authors.


  • Prince of Wales' favorite polka (Philadephia: Lee & Walker, 1863). No.2 in the collection The Bridal Bouquet for the Piano.


  • Liberty and Union Schottisch (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1865).


  • Meet Me at the Lane (New York: William A. Pond & Co., 1867). No.1 in the collection Trifles Light as Air. Twelve Popular Melodies Arranged for the Piano in a Very Easy Style by Charles Grobe.


  • Forest Fairy Waltz (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1871). Arrangement.


  • Falling Leaves (New York: William A. Pond, 1877). From the collection Parlor Organ Selections. Arranged by Grobe for Parlor Organ.