This page is marked for cleanup because entries need to be standardized to match other work lists and formatting needs to be cleaned up..
- This list is manually maintained, therefore some of the available pieces may not yet be linked from this page. For an automatically generated alphabetical list of all available pieces, please see
Category:Verdalle, Gabriel.
A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page.
Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.
- All works are for harp solo unless indicated otherwise.
Works with Opus Number
Opus 1-50
- Op.1. Andante religioso
- Op.2. L'oiseau-mouche
- Op.3. Petite marche
- Op.4. Aubade
- Op.5. Sérénade
- Op.6. Romance sans paroles
- Op.7. Adagio
- Op.8. Valse-Caprice
- Op.9. Mazurka
- Op.10. Barcarolle
- Op.11. Ballade.
- Op.12. Caprice original.
- Op.13. Prière
- Op.14. Air de ballet
- Op.15. Bébé dort!
- Op.16. Canzonetta (D. Rahter, 1898.)
- Op.20–22. Trois Romances sans Paroles No. 1. Op. 20 (F). No. 2. Op. 21 (Dm.). No.3 Op. 22 (F).
- Op.20 also. Larghetto for violin and harp in G (published 1898.)
- Op.23. Saltarelle
- Op.24. Rêverie (violin and harp)
- Op.26. Cantilène for violin and harp
- Op.27. Sevillana
- Op.29. Chant d'Amour for violin and harp
- Op.30. Mélancolie for violin and harp
- Op.32. Larmes et Rires for violin and harp
- Op.33. Invocation
- Op.34. Doux songe
- Op.39. Lucciola
- Op.40. Danse slave
- Op.41. Légende bretonne
- Op.42. Remembrance
- Op.43. Recueillement
- Op.45. Childish March
- Op.46. Leggenda d'amore
Opus 51-100
- Op.67. Primavera
- Op.73. Badinage
- Op.76. Amoroso
- Op.79. Berceuse
- Op.84. Fantasia pour harpe in F (pub. by Izzo, 1901; digitized @ Internet Archive.)
- Op.87. Scherzetto
Works without Opus Number
Incomplete list.