Musica Antiquata (Various)

Sheet Music


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Fynnjamin (2012/5/17)

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Fynnjamin (2012/5/17)

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Fynnjamin (2012/5/17)

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Fynnjamin (2012/5/17)

Publisher. Info. London: H. Frowde, Oxford University Press, n.d.[1907-13]
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
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General Information

Work Title Musica Antiquata
Alternative. Title Musica Antiquata, being Essays in Modal Composition
Composer Various
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 4 Parts (see below)
First Publication. 1907-13
Language English, Latin
Piece Style Renaissance
Instrumentation voices, organ

Navigation etc.


Part I

Choral Portions of the Order of Holy Communion. For 4 Voices, the Treble singing the plain song of John Merbecke with the necessary additions. By Harry Ellis Wooldridge.

Kyrie Eleison
The Creed
Let your Light so shine
Lay not up for yourselves
Whatsoever ye would
Not every one that saith unto me
Agnus Dei
Pater Noster
Gloria in Excelsis

Appendix of Transpositions

Let your Light so shine
Lay not up for yourselves
Agnus Dei
Gloria in Excelsis
Part II

The Sentences in the Order for the Burial of the Dead. For 4 Voices. By H. E. Wooldridge.

Going before the Body
I am the Resurrection and the Life
I know that my Redeemer liveth
We brought nothing into this world
At the Grave
Man that is born of a woman
In the midst of life we are in death
Yet, O Lord God most holy
Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts
I heard a voice from Heaven

Two Anthems for 4 Voices, by Godfrey Edward Pellew Arkwright.

Happy are those servants
Hear my Prayer
Part III

The Petitions and Responses of the Litany. By Thomas Tallis.
The Anthem and Suffrages of the Litany. By H. Ellis Wooldridge.
Appendix - Organ Part
Two Anthems for 4 Voices, by H. Ellis Wooldridge.

Remember not, O Lord, our iniquities
From the Order for the Visitation of the Sick.
O God, who hast prepared
The Collect for the 6th Sunday after Trinity.

Two Anthems for 4 Voices, by G. E. P. Arkwright.

O Lord, who never failest
Collect for the 2nd Sunday after Trinity.
Grant, we beseech thee, merciful Lord
Collect for the 21st Sunday after Trinity.
Part IV

Cantiones quattuor vocum auctore H. E. Wooldridge.

Dominues regit me. Psalm 23.
Pro hoc cibo
Laudate Dominum

Cantiones quinque et sex vocum auctore G. E. P. Arkwright.

Ad te levavi. Psalm 123.
Omnes gentes. Psalm 47.