Sheet Music
Publisher. Info.
London: H. Frowde, Oxford University Press, n.d.[1907-13]
Misc. Notes
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General Information
Work Title
Musica Antiquata
Alternative. Title
Musica Antiquata, being Essays in Modal Composition
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
None [force assignment]
4 Parts (see below)
First Publication.
English, Latin
Piece Style
voices, organ
Navigation etc.
Part I
Choral Portions of the Order of Holy Communion. For 4 Voices, the Treble singing the plain song of John Merbecke with the necessary additions. By Harry Ellis Wooldridge.
- Kyrie Eleison
- The Creed
- Offertories
- Let your Light so shine
- Lay not up for yourselves
- Whatsoever ye would
- Not every one that saith unto me
- Sanctus
- Benedictus
- Agnus Dei
- Pater Noster
- Gloria in Excelsis
Appendix of Transpositions
- Offertories
- Let your Light so shine
- Lay not up for yourselves
- Agnus Dei
- Gloria in Excelsis
Part II
The Sentences in the Order for the Burial of the Dead. For 4 Voices. By H. E. Wooldridge.
- Going before the Body
- I am the Resurrection and the Life
- I know that my Redeemer liveth
- We brought nothing into this world
- At the Grave
- Man that is born of a woman
- In the midst of life we are in death
- Yet, O Lord God most holy
- Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts
- I heard a voice from Heaven
Two Anthems for 4 Voices, by Godfrey Edward Pellew Arkwright.
- Happy are those servants
- Hear my Prayer
Part III
The Petitions and Responses of the Litany. By Thomas Tallis.
The Anthem and Suffrages of the Litany. By H. Ellis Wooldridge.
Appendix - Organ Part
Two Anthems for 4 Voices, by H. Ellis Wooldridge.
- Remember not, O Lord, our iniquities
- From the Order for the Visitation of the Sick.
O God, who hast prepared
- The Collect for the 6th Sunday after Trinity.
Two Anthems for 4 Voices, by G. E. P. Arkwright.
- O Lord, who never failest
- Collect for the 2nd Sunday after Trinity.
Grant, we beseech thee, merciful Lord
- Collect for the 21st Sunday after Trinity.
Part IV
Cantiones quattuor vocum auctore H. E. Wooldridge.
- Dominues regit me. Psalm 23.
- Pro hoc cibo
- Laudate Dominum
Cantiones quinque et sex vocum auctore G. E. P. Arkwright.
- Ad te levavi. Psalm 123.
- Omnes gentes. Psalm 47.