Select Ayres and Dialogues (Lawes, Henry)

Sheet Music


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Bassani (2010/11/19)

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Bassani (2010/11/19)

Publisher. Info. London: W. Godbid for John Playford, 1669.
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Fynnjamin (2021/1/1)

Publisher. Info. London: W. Godbid for John Playford, 1659, 1669.
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General Information

Work Title Select Ayres and Dialogues
Alternative. Title
Composer Lawes, Henry
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 2 books:
  • Book 2:
  • English airs for solo voice and continuo
  1. Lawes: A Storm
  2. Lawes: No Reprieve
  3. Lawes: A Tale out of Anacreon
  4. Lawes: To his Mistress going to Sea
  5. Lawes: Venus redress a wrong
  6. Lawes: Careless of love and free from fears
  7. Lawes: Gaze not on swans
  8. Lawes: Dearest, do not now delay me
  9. Lawes: Give me more love or more disdain
  10. Lawes: It is not that I love you less
  11. Lawes: Am I despised because you say
  12. Lawes: Cloris since first our calm of peace
  13. Lawes: Yes, yes, 'tis Chloris sings
  14. Lawes: O how I hate thee now
  15. Lawes: If when the sun at noon displays
  16. Lawes: Seek not to know my love
  17. Lawes: I prithee sweet to me be kind
  18. Lawes: Canst thou love me and yet doubt
  19. Lawes: A lover once I did espie
  20. Lawes: Come, come, thou glorious object of my sight
  21. Lawes: Pleasure, beauty, youth attend ye
  22. Lawes: The Lark
  23. Lawes: Amarillis tear thy hair
  24. Lawes: What shall I do? I've lost my heart
  25. Lawes: Ladies, fly from love's smooth tale
  26. Lawes: I laid me down upon a pillow soft
  27. Lawes: You think that love can convey
  28. Lawes: I loved thee once, I'll love no more
  29. Lawes: Death cannot yet extinguish that entire pure flame
  30. Lawes: When this fly lived she used to play
  31. Lawes: I was foretold your rebel sex
  32. Lawes: When thou, fair Celia! Like the setting sun
  33. Lawes: Come, come, sad turtle, mateless, moaning
  34. Lawes: Behold and listen whilst the fair breaks
  35. Lawes: No more of tears, I’ve now no more
  36. Lawes: The Nightingale
  37. Lawes: That flame is born of earthly fire
  38. Lawes: Whether so gladly and so fast
  39. Lawes: Transcendent beauty! thou that art light
  40. Lawes: Weep not, my dear, for I shall go
  41. Lawes: On this swelling bank
  42. Lawes: Delicate beauty, why should you disdain
  43. Lawes: Come, my Lucatia, since we see
  44. Lawes: But that I knew before we met
  45. Lawes: The Rose
  46. Lawes: Tell me no more ‘tis love
  47. Lawes: Can so much beauty own a mind?
  48. Lawes: Art thou in love? It cannot be
  49. Lawes: ‘Tis Christmas now (A Glee at Christmas)
  50. Lawes: Where shall a man an object find
  51. Lawes: Orpheus Hymn
  52. Wilson: Why, lovely boy, why fly’st thou me
  53. Wilson: Black maid, complain not that I fly
  54. Wilson: When I am dead, and thou wouldst try
  55. Wilson: Boast not, blind boy, that I’m thy prize
  56. Anonymous: Still to be neat, still to be dressed
  57. Coleman: Wilt thou be gone, thou heartless man?
  58. Lanier: The Marigold
  59. Lanier: No more shall meads be decked with flowers
  60. Lanier: Fire, fire, lo here I burn in such desire
  61. Lanier: No, no, I tell thee no
  62. Lanier: Stay, silly heart, and do not break
  63. Lanier: The Lilly
  64. John Goodgroome: For that one glance I wounded lie
  65. Ives: Be not proud, pretty one
  66. Alphonso Marsh: Wake all ye dead, what hoo!
  67. Alphonso Marsh: Sure ‘twas a dream, how long, fond man
  68. Alphonso Marsh: That herald he was but a dull ass
  69. Alphonso Marsh: If you will love, know this to be
  70. Alphonso Marsh: Ah! Cloris, would the gods allow
  71. Alphonso Marsh: Oft have I searched both court and town
  72. Alphonso Marsh: Up, ladies, up, prepare your taking faces
  73. Alphonso Marsh: Fall dew of slumbers in a gentle stream
  74. William Gregory: Indeed, I never was but once so mad
  75. Roger Hill: Cloris, ‘twill be for eithers rest
  76. Roger Hill: Admit, thou darling of mine eyes
  77. Roger Hill: No more will I contemplate love
  78. Anonymous: She that would not, I would choose
  79. Moss: Awake my lute, arise my string
  80. Moss: Cruel Celia, did you know
  81. John Goodgroome: Will Cloris cast her sun-bright eye
  82. Playford: Thou sensed to me a heart was crowned
  83. Playford: Yes, I could love, could I but find
  84. Anonymous: Not that I wish my mistress or more
  85. Hilton: Well, well, ‘tis true, I now am fallen in love
  86. Playford: No more, no more, fond love
  87. Edward Coleman: The glories of our birth and state
  88. Lawes: Beauties, have ye seen a toy
  89. Playford: Though you are young and I am old
  90. Anonymous: I never knew what Cupid meant
  91. Thomas Blagrave: What conscience say is it in thee
  92. Lawes: Farewell despairing hopes, I’ll love no more
  93. Lawes: If still Theora you wear this disguise
  94. Lawes: Clear stream, who dost with equal pace
  95. Lawes: Ah, ah, mighty love!
  96. Lawes: Strike, strike, sweet Licoris
  97. Lawes: I had a Cloris, my delight
  98. Lawes: And must our tempers ever be at war?
  99. Lawes: O fairest lights! whose clear aspect
  100. Lawes: Madam, your beauty I confess
  101. Lawes: Disdain not, fair once, since we know
  102. Lawes: Though Silvia’s eyes a flame could raise
  103. Lawes: You ask, my dear, if I be well
  104. Lawes: Love me no more, or else with scorn
  105. Lawes: Cupid’s no god, a wanton child
  106. Lawes: If thou wilt know the reason why
  107. Lawes: When I taste my goblet deep
  108. Roger Hill: The thirsty earth sucks up the rain (The Greek’s Song)
  109. Roger Hill: Poor Celia once was very fair
  • Italian airs for 1-2 voices and continuo (specifies theorbo)
  1. Anonymous: Dove corri mio cori
  2. Anonymous: Intenerite voi, lagrime mie
  3. Anonymous: Occhi belle o’ve imperai
  4. Rossi: Ah che lasso crederò
  5. Anonymous: S’io morrò, che dira
  6. Vittori: Amanti a consiglio from Arie a voce sola
  7. Rossi: Si tocchi tamburo from Il palazzo incantato (1642)
  8. Anonymous: Si guarde che puo
  9. Anonymous: Fugite l’inganni d’amore
  10. Anonymous: De’quei begli occhi
  • English dialogues for 2 voices and continuo
  1. Lawes: Sweet lovely nymph! whose eyes do move me
  2. Jenkins: Why sighs thou Shepherd?
  3. Lawes: Haste you nymphs, make haste away
  4. Lawes: Charon, o Charon, draw thy boat to th’shore
  5. Lawes: Charon, o Charon! hear a wretch oppressed
  6. Lawes: This mossy-bank they pressed
  7. Ives: Shepherd well met, I prithee tell


  • Book 3:
  • Airs for 1 voice and continuo
  1. Lawes: See, see! my Chloris
  2. Lawes: Oft have I sworn I'd love no more
  3. Lawes: Chloris, when e're you do intend
  4. Lawes: In love? away, you do me wrong
  5. Lawes: Come fil's a cup of sherry
  6. Lawes: What? wilt thou pine or fall away
  7. Lawes: Go young man, let my heart alone
  8. Lawes: I prethee love take heed
  9. Lawes: Did I once say that thou wert fair
  10. Lawes: Take heed bold lover, do not look
  11. Lawes: Beauty once blasted with the frost
  12. Lawes: Amintor's Welladay
  13. Lawes: O now I find 'tis nought but fate
  14. Lawes: Go fair enchantress
  15. Lawes: When shall I see my captive heart
  16. Lawes: Black as thy lovely eyes and hair
  17. Lawes: Let me alone, I'll love no more
  18. Lawes: Alas poor Cupid! thou art blind?
  19. Lawes: Love thee? Goodsooth not I
  20. Lawes: Fond woman, thou mistak'st thy mark
  21. Lawes: Though thou hast wit and beauty too
  22. Lawes: See, Chloris, see, how nature brings
  23. Lawes: Fain would I love, but that I fear
  24. Lawes: Why up so early in the world
  25. Lawes: Forgive me love, what I have done
  26. Lawes: Have you e're seen the morning sun
  27. Lawes: Stay, stay, ye greedy merchants, stay
  28. Lawes: O tell me love! O tell me fate!
  29. Lawes: As sad Amintor in a meadow lay
  30. Lawes: Mourn, mourn with me, all true enamored hearts
  • Dialogues for 2 voices and continuo
  1. Lawes: Among thy fancies, tell me this
  2. Lawes: I love a Nymph
  3. Lawes: Come, come, Amaryllis, I am tied by oath
  4. Lawes: Awake, awake, fair Floramell
  • Short airs for 1, 2, or 3 voices
  1. Lawes: Once Venus cheeks that shamed the morn
  2. Lawes: I have praised with all my skill
  3. Lawes: When doth love set forth desire?
  4. Lawes: Trust the form of ayrie things
  5. Lawes: Dear, throw that flattering glass away
  6. Lawes: Do not delay me, though you have the power
  7. Lawes: If you can find a heart sweet love
  8. Lawes: Sure thou framed wert by art
  9. Lawes: Go Phoebus, clear thy face
  10. Lawes: I prethee send me back my heart
First Publication. 1669
Librettist Various poets, most unattributed. Includes
William Shakespeare
Robert Herrick
Thomas Carew
Henry Hughes
Henry Harington
Language English, Italian
Dedication Book 1: All lovers of vocal music
Book 3: Lord Colrane
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation 1-3 voices, theorbo-lute or bass-viol (unfigured continuo); 3 voices; voice, chorus, continuo
Related Works Not to be confused with "Select Ayres and Dialogues - composed by John Wilson, Charles Colman, Henry Lawes, William Lawes, Nicholas Laneare, William Web" (1659) which was later reprinted under the title The Treasury of Musick. Book 3 (the 11/19/2010 upload) is entirely composed by Lawes, and appears to have the same contents as Book 3 of Ayres and Dialogues for 1-3 Voices

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Composers without IMSLP pages:

  • Alphonso Marsh
  • William Gregory
  • Roger Hill
  • John Goodgroome
  • Edward Coleman
  • Thomas Blagrave