The Treasury of Musick (Playford, John)

Sheet Music


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Publisher. Info. London: printed by William Godbid for John Playford, 1669.
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Publisher. Info. London: W. Godbid for John Playford, 1659.
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Publisher. Info. London: W. Godbid for John Playford, 1659.
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General Information

Work Title The treasury of musick
Alternative. Title The treasury of musick containing ayres and dialogues to sing to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol. Composed by Mr Henry Lawes ... and other eminent masters
Composer Playford, John
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 4 sections:
  • Airs for 1 or 2 voices and continuo
  1. Lanier: Like Hermit poor
  2. Wilson: Take, o take those lips away
  3. Lawes: Come lovers all to me
  4. Webb: She that loves me for myself
  5. Lawes: About the Sweet Bag of the Bee
  6. Coleman: Wake my Adonis, do not die
  7. Coleman: Stay, stay, o stay, that heart
  8. Coleman: Bring back my comfort and return
  9. Coleman: Why dearest should you weep
  10. Savile: No more blind boy, for see my heart
  11. Lawes: He that will not love, must be my scholar
  12. Dering: In vain fair Chloris you design
  13. Lawes: Tis not in th’ pow’r of all thy scorn
  14. Brewer: Mistake me not, I am as cold as hot
  15. Playford: Catch me a star that’s falling from the sky
  16. Playford: Love I must tell thee, I’ll no longer be a victive
  17. Johnson: As I walked forth one summer’s day
  18. Webb: Come, come noble nymphs and do not hide
  19. Cenci: Fuggi, fuggi, fuggi da lieti amanti (alternate lyrics set to Fuggi, fuggi, fuggi da questo cielo)
  20. Anonymous: Amor merere, che d’amor merere (A French Ayre)
  21. Lawes: Why should thou swear I am forsworn
  22. Lanier: Thou art not fair for all thy red and white
  23. Lawes: Phillis, why should we delay
  24. Lawes: If the quick spirit of your eye
  25. Lawes: Among the myrtles
  26. Lawes: A willow garland thou didst send
  27. Webb: Victorious beauty! through your eyes
  28. Lawes: Ladies, you that seem so nice
  29. Lawes: Let longing lovers sit and pine
  30. Lawes: Take heed fair Chloris, how you tame
  31. Lawes: Tell me not I my time misspend
  32. Lawes: I love thee for thy fickleness
  33. Lawes: He that loves a rosy cheek
  34. Lawes: Dear, leave thy home and come with me
  35. Lawes: I do confess th'art smooth and fair
  36. Lawes: While I listen to thy voice, Chloris
  37. Lawes: A lover once I did espy
  38. Lawes: Come from the dungeon to the throne from The Royal Slave (1636)
  39. Lawes: Come my sweet, whilest ev'ry strain calls from The Royal Slave (1636)
  40. Lawes: Were thou yet fairer than thou art
  41. Lawes: To love thee without flattery
  42. Wilson: I prithee turn that face away
  43. Lawes: Bid me but live
  44. Coleman: Bright Aurelia, I do owe
  45. Lawes: Ladies fly from love's smooth tale
  46. Lawes: Come Cloris, leave thy wandering sheep
  47. Coleman: Ambitious love, farewell
  48. Anonymous: Lay that sullen garland by thee
  49. Coleman: Change platonicks, change for shame
  50. Lawes: Little love serves my turn
  51. Lawes: See, see, how careless men are grown
  52. Lawes: Come Adonis, come away
  53. Lawes: I can love for an hour when I’m at leisure
  54. Lawes: I am confirmed a woman can
  55. Lawes: Fain would I Chloris e're I die
  56. Lawes: How long shall I a martyr be
  57. Lawes: Tell me you wandering spirits of the air
  58. Lawes: How cool and temperate I am grown
  59. Anonymous: In faith I cannot keep my sheep
  60. Webb: Of the kind boy I ask no red and white
  61. Webb: Go, go, and bestride the southern wind
  62. Lawes: By all thy glories willingly I go
  63. Lawes: No, no, fair heretic, it cannot be
  64. Wilson: Fain would I Chloris whom my heart adores
  65. Lawes: What means this strangeness now of late
  66. Mr. Warner: I wish no more thou shoudst love me
  67. Brewer: Tell not I die, or that I live
  68. Lawes: Ask me why I send you here
  69. Anonymous: Go little winged archer and convey
  70. Lawes: Come lovely Phillis since it thy will is
  71. Lawes: Cloris, farewell, I now must go
  72. Wilson: Chloris' false love made Clora weep
  73. Wilson: I love a lass, but cannot show it
  74. Savile: I will not trust thy tempting graces
  75. Lawes: Let not thy beauty make thee proud
  76. Lawes: Tell me no more her eyes are like
  77. Anonymous: Silly heart forbear, those are murdering eyes
  78. Coleman: When Celia I intend to flatter you
  79. Coleman: How am I changed from what I was
  80. Wilson: Since love hath in thine and mine eye
  81. Anonymous: Faith be no longer coy
  82. Anonymous: How happy'rt thou and I that never knew
  83. Lawes: Beauty and love once fell at odds
  84. Lawes: Come, o come, I brook no stay
  85. Lawes: The Angler's Song
  86. John Goodgroome: Dost see how unregarded now
  87. John Goodgroome: Brightest, since your pitying eye
  88. Anonymous: From hunger and cold who liveth more free
  89. Lawes: No, no, I never was in love
  90. Lawes: The Excellency of Wine (Tis wine that inspires)
  91. Carissimi: Vittoria, mio core
  92. Anonymous: Con bel se gella de se credezza (An Italian Ayre for two voices)
  • Dialogues for 2 voices and continuo
  1. Anonymous: I prithee keep my sheep for me
  2. Coleman: Dear Silvia, let thy Thirsis know
  3. Coleman: Did not you once Lucinda vow
  4. Lawes: Come my Daphne, come away
  5. William Smegergill: Forbear fond swain, I cannot love
  6. Lanier: Tell me shepherd dost thou love
  7. Lanier: Shepherd in faith I cannot stay
  8. Lawes: Vulcan, Vulcan, o Vulcan, my love
  9. Lawes: Charon, o gentle Charon! let me woo thee
  10. William Smegergill: Thyrsis, kind swain, come near
  • Glees for 2-3 voices
  1. Coleman: To Bacchus, we to Bacchus sing
  2. Wilson: Bring out the cold chine
  3. Wilson: The Tinker (He that a tinker would be)
  4. Ives: Fly boy, fly boy to the cellar's bottom
  • Airs and Ballads for 2-3 voices
  1. Webb: I wish no more thou shouldst love me
  2. Lanier: Though I am young and cannot tell
  3. Lawes: Come Chloris, hie we to the bower
  4. Wilson: When Troy Town for ten years' wars
  5. Wilson: From the fair Lavinian shore
  6. Wilson: Where the bee sucks there suck I
  7. Wilson: When love with unconfined wings
  8. Wilson: Do not fear to put thy feet
  9. Wilson: In the merry month of May
  10. Lawes: O my Clarissa! thou cruel fair
  11. Lawes: Gather your Rosebuds
  12. Lawes: Fear not, dear love, that I'll reveal
  13. William Tompkins: Fine young folly, though you wear
  14. Lawes: Sing fair Clorinda, fair Clorinda sing
  15. Cobb: Smiths are good fellows
  16. William Smegergill: Music, music, thou queen of souls
  17. Jenkins: See, see, see the bright light shine
  18. Brewer: Turn Amarillis to thy swain
  19. Ives: Now that we are met, let's merry be
First Publication. 1669
Librettist Various poets (mostly unattributed), including
William Shakespeare
Richard Lovelace
Robert Herrick
Language English, Italian
Dedication All Lovers of Vocall Musick
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation 1-3 voices, continuo (theorbo-lute or bass-viol (unfigured bass)); 3 voices; 2 voices; voice, chorus, continuo
Related Works This collection is an enlarged second edition of Select Musicall Ayres and Dialogues (1652). It was published in 1659 under the title "Select Ayres and Dialogues - composed by John Wilson, Charles Colman, Henry Lawes, William Lawes, Nicholas Laneare, William Web" and reprinted as "The Treasury of Musick containing Ayres and Dialogues" in 1669. Not to be confused with the Select Ayres and Dialogues edited by Henry Lawes.

Navigation etc.

Not to be confused with at least three other similarly-titled collections: Ayres and Dialogues for 1-3 Voices (Lawes, Henry), The Theater of Music (Playford, John) and Select Ayres and Dialogues (Lawes, Henry) - though contents appear to overlap somewhat. In fact, this collection is Book 1 of the latter.

Composers without IMSLP pages:

  • Mr. Warner
  • Mr. William Caesar/William Smegergill
  • William Tompkins
  • John Goodgroome