Spěwna radosć (Various)

Sheet Music


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Jsmus555 (2023/11/6)

Editor First edition
Dr. Jaroměr (Friedrich) Wild
Publisher. Info. Bautzen: Maćica Serbska, 1880.
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Jsmus555 (2023/11/6)

Editor Appendix
Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ (1835–1917)
Publisher. Info. Budyšin: Smolerjec knihićišćeŕnja, 1880.
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General Information

Work Title Spěwna radosć
Alternative. Title Sangeslust
Composer Various
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Language Upper Sorbian, German
Piece Style Traditional (folk)
Instrumentation 2 voices (in some cases single voice)

1st edition 1880

The most of the songs presented in this edition have libretti in German and Upper Sorbian. In some cases German and Upper Sorbian versions are given separately but with the same number. Only the authors of Upper Sorbian libretti are given in the book.

1. (Composer not specified): Winters Ankunft / Zymy přikhad (translation: Handrij Zejler)
2. Folk Songs: Mailied / Mejski spěw (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
3. Hering: Das Steckenpferd / Konik (translation: Kulman)
4. Folk Songs: Das A-B-C / A-b-c (translator is not specified)
5. Folk Songs: Die Biene / Pčoła (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
6. Weimar (now attributed to Reichardt): Wiegenlied / Kolebawka (translation: Jan Arnošt Smoleŕ)
7. Folk Songs: Winters Abschied / Božemje zymje (translation: Jan Arnošt Smoleŕ)
8. Folk Songs: Gott sorgt / Bóh so stara (translation: Handrij Zejler)
9. Folk Songs: Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär' / Hdy bych był ptačatko (translation: Jan Arnošt Smoleŕ)
10. Zelter: Der Kukuk und der Esel / Kokuła a wosoł (translation: Kulman)
11. Anschütz: Das Schäfchen / Jehnjatko (original libretto: Ernst Anschütz, translation: Kulman)
12. Folk Songs: Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohlen / Liška, husycu sy kradła (original libretto: Ernst Anschütz,translation: Jan Arnošt Smoleŕ)
13. Folk Songs: Räthsel / Hudančko (translation: Jan Arnošt Smoleŕ)
14. (Composer not specified): Alle Vögel sind schon da / Wšitke ptački přišłe su (translation: Kulman)
15. Folk Songs: Die schönsten Schäfchen / Najrjeńše wowcki (Translation: M. Brühl)
16. Nägeli: Die Abendsonne / Wječorne słónco (translation: Handrij Zejler)
17. Folk Songs: Frühlingsbotschaft / Nalětne póselstwo (translation: Kulman)
18. Folk Songs: Jäger und Hase / Hajnik a zaječk (translation: Jan Wehla)
19. (Composer not specified): Weihnachtsfreude / Hodowne wjesele (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
20. (Composer not specified): Der Weihnachtsmann / Bože dźěćo (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
21. (Composer not specified): Die Blumen / Kwětki (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
22. Mozart: Sehnsucht nach dem Mai / Žadanje za meju (reduced version of Sehnsucht nach dem Frühling, K.596, original libretto: Christian Adolph Overbeck, translation: Handrij Zejler)
23. Weber: Schützenlied / Hońtwaŕski spěw (original libretto: Friedrich Schiller, translation: Handrij Zejler)
24. Schulz: Der Lenz / Nalěćo (original libretto: Wilhelm Gottlieb Becker, translation: Handrij Zejler)
25. Schulz: Die Kinder bei der Krippe (music like in #24; librettist is not specified)
25. Schulz: Dźěći při žłobje (translation: M. Brühl; this song is an Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous one)
26. Nägeli: Das Christuskind / Dźěćo Khrystus (translation: M. Brühl)
27. Kocor (written in German as "C. A. Katzer"): Des Kindes Engel / Dźěsćowy jandźel (translation: Handrij Zejler)
28. Kücken: Der Kleine Rekrut / Mały rekruta (original libretto: Friedrich Wilhelm Güll, translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
29. Spiellieb: Der Bauer
29. Spiellieb: Burik (translation: Jan Wehla; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
30. Anschütz: Die Mühle / Młyn (original libretto is also attributed to Ernst Anschütz, translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
31. Folk Songs: Der gute Kamerad / Dobry towaŕš (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
32. Italian Folk Music: Die drei christlichen Feste (translator is not specified)
32. Italian Folk Music: Tři křesćijanske swjedźenje (translation: Handrij Zejler; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
33. Folk Songs: Vaterlandsliebe / Wótčinska lubosć (translation: Handrij Zejler)
34. Carey: Den König segne Gott! / Krala Bóh požohnuj! (Upper Sorbian translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ; German and Upper Sorbian adaptations of God Save the King)
35. Folk Songs: O Straßburg / O Strasburg (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
36. Folk Songs: Abschied / Dźělenje (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
37. Weber: Sommerlied / Lětni spěw (translation: Handrij Zejler)
38. Becker (also attributed to Hůrka with the title "An den Abend"): Abendlied / Wječorny spěw (translation: Jan Arnošt Smoleŕ)
39. Nägeli: Loblied / Khwalbny khěrluš (translation: Handrij Zejler)
40. Bernhard Klein: Mein Vaterland / Mój wótcny kraj (translation: Handrij Zejler)
41. Nägeli: Unser Vaterland / Naš wótcny kraj (translation: Handrij Zejler)
42. Righini: Sehnsucht nach der Heimath
42. Righini: Žedźenje po domiznje (translation: Jan Wehla; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
43. Hering: Frühlings Ankunft / Nalěća přikhad (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
44. Weber: Wiegenlied / Kolebny spěw (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
45. Folk Songs: Abschied von der Heimath / Dźělenje wot domizny (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
46. (Composer not specified): Aufforderung zur Fröhlichkeit / Wabjenje k radosći (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
47. Swabian Folk Song: Sehnsucht nach dem Unterland / Žadanja do Delan (translation: Jan Wehla)
48. Hering: Auf hoher Alp / Tež na horach (translation: Jan Arnošt Smoleŕ)
49. Folk Songs: Der Tannenbaum / Jědla (translation: Handrij Zejler)
50. Folk Songs: Abendglöcklein / Wječorny zwónčk (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
51. Haydn: Das Lied der Deutschen (German libretto: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben; the 3rd stanza of this song with Haydn's melody is the national anthem of Germany)
52. Folk Songs: Die heilige Nacht / Boža nóc (translation: Handrij Zejler; according to later research the authors of this song are Gruber (music) and Joseph Mohr (original German libretto), see Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht, H.145)
53. Silcher: Die Lorelei / Rjana knježna (original libretto: Heinrich Heine, translation: Jan Arnošt Smoleŕ)
54. Fink: Frühlingseinzug
55. Silcher: Vöglein im hohen Baum / Ptačatko na štomje (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
56. Folk Songs: Der Herbst / Nazymnje (translation: Handrij Zejler)
57. (Composer not specified): Reiters Morgenlied / Jězdneho rańši spěw (translation: Handrij Zejler)
58. Wilhelm: Die Wacht am Rhein / Rheinska straž (original libretto: original libretto: Max Schneckenburger, translation: Handrij Zejler)
59. Otto: Gott sei mit dir, mein Sachsenland / Budź z tobu Bóh, Saxonia (original libretto: M. Hallbauer, translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
60. Hering: Wie lieb' ich dich, mein Sachsenland! / Će, krajo sakski, lubo mam! (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
61. C. Kloß: Im Grabe ist Ruh'
61. C. Kloß: : W rowje je měr (translation: Jan Kilian; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
62. Graun: Die Auferstehung / Horjestawanje (original libretto: Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, translation: Handrij Zejler)
63. Neefe: Grabgesang / Pohrjebny spěw (translation: Handrij Zejler)
64. Mendelssohn: Gottes Rath und Scheiden / Boža rada a dźělenje (original libretto: Ernst von Feuchtersleben translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
65. Schulz: Trost / Trošt (translation: Jan Wehla)
66. Schulz: Beim Jahresschlusse
66. Schulz: Wobzanknjenje lěta (translation: Jan Wehla; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
67. Malan (written as "Melan"): Harre des Herrn! / Twaŕ na Boha! (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)

Druhe wotdźělenje
A. Delni rjad

68. Silesian Folk Song: Mops und Möpschen / Móras a Mórask (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
69. Schumann: Der kleine Soldat / Mały wojak (Soldatenlied, WoO 7, translation: Křesćan Bohuwěr Pful)
70. Kern: Frau Schwalbe / Knjeni łastojčka (original libretto: Christian Dieffenbach, translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
71. Mozart: Treu' und Redlichkeit (libretto: Ludwig Christoph Heinrich Hölty)
71. Mozart: Swěrnosć a sprawnosć (translation: Kulman; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
72. Schulz: Canon / Kanon (translation: Kulman)
73. (Composer not specified): Canon / Kanon (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
74. Claudius: Sommerabendlied / Lěćny wječorny spěw (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
75. Nägeli: Freut euch des Lebens
75. Nägeli: Wužiwaj radosć (translation: Handrij Zejler; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
76. Fesca: Wanderlied / Pućowanski spěw (Vögel singen, Blumen blühen; original libretto: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben, translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
77. Folk Songs: Das Lied von den zwei Hasen / Spěw wo dwěmaj zajacomaj (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
78. Folk Songs: Abendlied / Wječorny spěw (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
79. Irish Folk Music: Wiegenlied (translator is not specified)

B. Horni rjad

80. Himmel: Gesellschaftslied / Towaŕšny spěw (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
81. Folk Songs: Turnermarsch / Turnaŕske přezpolo (translation: Křesćan Bohuwěr Pful)
82. Zöllner: Des Müllers Lust / Młynkowa radosć (#1 in Des Müllers Lust und Leid, original libretto: Wilhelm Müller, translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
83. "After Jul. Stern": Soldaten-Abschied / Wojeŕske božemje (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
84. Folk Songs: Wanderlied / Pućowanski spěw (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
85. Silcher: Mitten in's Herz / Srjedź do wutroby (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
86. Folk Songs: Soldaten-Nachtlied / Wojeŕski nócny spěw (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
87. Lvov: Gebet für Kaiser und Reich / Modlitwa za khěžora a kraj (Upper Sorbian translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ; German and Upper Sorbian adaptations of God Save the Tsar)
88. Folk Songs: Der alte Feldmarschall
89. Folk Songs: Der Wandrer in der Sägemühle
89. Folk Songs: Pućowaŕ w rězaku (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
90. Folk Songs: Die Mühle im Thale / Młyn w dole (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
91. Folk Songs: Wanderlust / Radosć pućowanja (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
92. F. Schneider (now attributed to Silcher): Das Waldhorn / Lěsanróžk (original libretto: Christoph von Schmid, translation: Handrij Zejler)
93. Weber: Im Walde / W lěsu (original libretto: Pius Alexander Wolff, translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
94. A. Rebling: Abschied vom Walde / Dźělenje wot lěsa (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
95. Mühling: Sonnenuntergang / Khowanje słónca (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
96. Mendelssohn: Im Walde (libretto: Joseph von Eichendorff)
96. Mendelssohn: W lěsu (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
97. Hering: Der Wachtelschlag / Pocpuline wołanje (translation: Handrij Zejler)
98. Neefe: Zufriedenheit
98. Neefe: Spokojnosć (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
99. Hiller: Frohsinn / Radosć (original libretto: Rudolf Löwenstein, translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
100. Werner: Das Haidenröslein / Róžička na holi (=Sah ein Knab' ein Röslein stehn; original libretto: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, translation: Handrij Zejler)
101. Gersbach: Lied der Treue / Spěw swěrnosće (=Ein getreues Herze wissen; original libretto: Paul Fleming, translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
102. Irish Folk Music: Letzte Rose / Zbytkna róža (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
103. Zöllner: Die Heimath / Doma, doma rjenje je (translation: Handrij Zejler)
104. Folk Songs: Abschied von der Heimath
104. Folk Songs: Dźělenje wot domu (translation: Handrij Zejler; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
105. Weber: Gebet
105. Weber: Modlitwa (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
106. Folk Songs: Ein geistliches Abendlied
106. Folk Songs: Duchowny wječorny khěrluš (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
107. (Composer not specified): Des Morgens / Ranje (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
108. (Composer not specified): Danklied
108. (Composer not specified): Dźakowny khěrluš (translation: Handrij Zejler; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
109. (Composer "from the 17th century", not specified): Loblied
109. (Composer not specified): Khwalbny khěrluš (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
110. Reichardt: Lobgesang
110. Reichardt: Khwalospěw (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)
111. Fink: Dem Unveränderlichen
111. Fink: Njepřeměnjacemu (translation: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ; Upper Sorbian adaptation of the previous song)

Appendix to the 1st edition

Contains 25 songs (sorted by theme) of various authors. In contrast to the main collection (containing mostly non-Sorbian songs with translated libretti), the most songs presented in the Appendix are originally Sorbian.

A. Šula

1. Zejler: Khodźenje do šule (libretto: Handrij Zejler)

B. Počasy a přiroda

2. Folk Songs: Nalětni spěw (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
3. Wólf: Nalěćo (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
4. Zejler: Lěćo Handrij Zejler
5. Kocor: Žnjeński spěw (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
6. Kocor: Chor žnjeńcarjow (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
7. Smoleŕ (written as "J. K. Smoleŕ"): Khwalba hole (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
8. Kocor: Nazyma (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
9. Folk Songs: Stysk a trošt (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
10. Wólf: Zyma (libretto: Handrij Zejler)

Serbski kraj a lud

11. Kocor: Na serbsku Łužicu (better known as Sorbian national anthem Rjana Łužica; libretto: Handrij Zejler)
12. Folk Songs: Na Łužicu (libretto: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
13. E. Frencl: Mój wótcny kraj (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
14. Škroup: Mój statok (libretto: Jan Arnošt Smoleŕ)
15. Folk Songs: Wrót do Serbow (libretto: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ after Křesćan Bohuwěr Pful)
16. Zejler: Wostań w kraju (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
17a. Folk Songs: Serbow strowjenje (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
17b. Folk Songs: Přeća (music like in #17a; libretto: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)

Spěwy wšelakeho wopřijeća

18. Folk Songs: Dźěćatstwo (libretto: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
19. Folk Songs: Radosć spěwanja (libretto: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
20. Kocor: Wuznaće (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
21. Zejler: Khwalba burstwa (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
22. Folk Songs: Hajńk a ptačatko (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
23. Kocor: Róža a ptačik (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
24. Folk Songs: Jeruzalem (libretto: Jan Wehla)
25. Kocor: Po swjatoku (libretto: Jan Wehla)