The Invisible City of Kitezh (opera) (Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay)

Ambox notice.pngFor the concert suite from this work, see The Invisible City of Kitezh (suite).



Sheet Music

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HSB1974 (2014/8/25)

Editor Georgy Kirkor (1910-1980)
Publisher. Info. Complete Collected Works (Полное собрание сочинений), Vol.14А, Б
Moscow: Muzgiz, 1962. Plate M. 29460 Г.
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Massacre at Kerzhentz

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Geniusboy98 (2021/7/28)

Publisher. Info. Moscow: Muzyka, 1959. Plate М. 20210 Г.
Reprinted New York: E.F. Kalmus, n.d.(1933–70). Catalog A1921.
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Massacre at Kerzhentz

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Geniusboy98 (2021/7/28)

13 more: Oboe 1, 2, English Horn • Clarinet 1, 2 (A/B♭), Bass Clarinet (B♭) • Bassoon 1, 2, Contrabassoon • Horn 1, 2, 3, 4 (F) • Trumpet 1, 2 (B♭), 3 (contralto F) • Trombone 1, 2, 3, Tuba • Timpani • Cymbals, Snare Drum, Bass Drum, Triangle • Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos • Basses

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Geniusboy98 (2021/7/28)

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Geniusboy98 (2021/7/28)

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Geniusboy98 (2021/7/28)

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Geniusboy98 (2021/7/28)

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Geniusboy98 (2021/7/28)

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Geniusboy98 (2021/7/28)

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Geniusboy98 (2021/7/28)

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Geniusboy98 (2021/7/28)

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Geniusboy98 (2021/7/28)

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Geniusboy98 (2021/7/28)

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Geniusboy98 (2021/7/28)

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Geniusboy98 (2021/7/28)

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Geniusboy98 (2021/7/28)

Publisher. Info. Moscow: Muzyka, 1959. MPR
Reprinted New York: E.F. Kalmus, n.d.(1933–70). Catalog A1921.
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Vocal Scores

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Music Addict (2018/3/31)

4 more: Preliminaries - Act I • Act II • Act III • Act IV

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Massenetique (2012/5/28)

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Massenetique (2012/5/28)

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Massenetique (2012/5/28)

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Massenetique (2012/5/28)

Language Russian
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: M.P. Belaieff, 1906. Plate 2613.
Misc. Notes Foliation: iv, 5-326
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Music Addict (2018/3/31)

4 more: Introduction and Act I, with preliminaries and editor's preface • Act II • Act III • Act IV, with contents and colophon

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Lyle Neff (2009/4/9)

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Lyle Neff (2009/4/9)

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Lyle Neff (2009/4/9)

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Lyle Neff (2009/4/9)

Editor Georgy Kirkor (1910–1980)
Language Russian
Publisher. Info. Complete Collected Works (Полное собрание сочинений), Vol.42
Moscow: Muzgiz, 1962. Plate M. 29462 Г.
Misc. Notes Foliation: [i]-xvi, [1]-361
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General Information

Work Title The Invisible City of Kitezh
Alternative. Title The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniya
(Сказание о невидимом граде Китеже и деве Февронии)
Name Translations Сказание о невидимом граде Китеже и деве Февронии; La Légende de la ville invisible de Kitège et de la demoiselle Fevronia; La ciudad invisible de Kitege; The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniya; La ciutat invisible de Kitege; Legenda a láthatatlan Kityez városáról és Fevronyija szűzleányról; La leggenda dell'invisibile città di Kitež e della fanciulla Fevronija; Legenden om den osynliga staden Kitezj och jungfrun Fevronija; Сказання про невидиме місто Кітеж і діву Февронію; 匿蹤的的奇鐵茲城以及費芙洛尼亞; 見えざる街キーテジと乙女フェヴォローニャの物語; Die Legende von der unsichtbaren Stadt Kitesch und von der Jungfrau Fewronija; Pověst o neviditelném městě Kitěži a panně Fevronii
Name Aliases La Légende de la ville invisible de Kitège; Skazanie o nevidimom grade Kiteje i deve Fevroni; La Legende de la ville invisible de Kitege et de la demoiselle Fevronia; Kitège; La llegenda de la ciutat invisible de Kitezh; Легенда про невидимий град Кітеж; De legende van de onzichtbare stad Kitezj en de jonge vrouw Fevronia; Skasanije o newidimom grade Kitesche i dewe Fewronii; Legenda o neviditelném městě Kitěži a panně Fevronii; 透明之城基特师与处女费罗尼佳
Authorities WorldCat; Wikipedia; VIAF: 177000496; LCCN: n80065755; GND: 300130945; BNF: 13917910t
Composer Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. INR 23
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 4 acts
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1903–04
First Performance. 1907-02-20 – St. Petersburg, Maryinsky Theatre
Ivan Filippov (Prince Yuriy Vsevolodovich)
Andrey Labinsky (Prince Vsevolod Yuryevich)
Mariya Kuznetsova-Benois (Fevroniya)
Ivan Yershov (Grishka Kuterma)
Vasiliy Sharonov (Fyodor Poyarok)
Mariya Markovich (Page)
Vladimir Kastorsky (gusli player)
Grigory Ugrinovich (bear handler)
Nikolay Markevich (lead-singer)
Ivan Grigorovich (Bedyay)
Konstantin Serebryakov (Burunday)
Nadezhda Zabela-Vrubel (Sirin)
Yevgeniya Zbruyeva (Alkonost)
Feliks Blumenfeld (conductor)
First Publication. 1906 – Leipzig: M.P. Belaieff
Librettist Vladimir Belsky (1866–1946)
Language Russian
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation Voices, chorus and orchestra
Prince Yury Vsevolodovich (Князь Юрий Всеволодович) (bass)
Prince Vsevolod Yuryevich (Княжич Всеволод Юрьевич) (tenor)
Fevoroniya (Феврония) (soprano)
Grishka Kuterma (Гришка Кутерьма) (tenor)
Fyodor Poyarok (Федор Поярок) (baritone)
Page (Отрок) (mezzo-soprano)
Two Gentleman (tenor and bass)
Gusli Player (Гусляр) (bass)
Bear Handler (Медведчик) (tenor)
Lead Singer (Нищий-запевало) (baritone)
Bedyay (Бедяй) (bass)
Burunday (Бурундай) (bass)
Sirin (Сирин) (soprano)
Alkonost (Алконост) (contralto)

Mixed Chorus (Silent Roles)

Well-off People, Beggar Community, People, Tatars


3 flutes (3rd also piccolo), 2 oboes, English horn,
3 clarinets (3rd also bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon
4 horns (F), 2 trumpets, contralto trumpet, 3 trombones, tuba
timpani, triangle, cymbals, snare drum, bass drum
tam-tam, tambourine, sleigh bells, glockenspiel
celesta, 2 harps, strings
Related Works See also the concert suite arranged from this work by Maximillian Steinberg.
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Operas by Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov