Work Title
The Invisible City of Kitezh
Alternative. Title
The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniya (Сказание о невидимом граде Китеже и деве Февронии)
Name Translations
Сказание о невидимом граде Китеже и деве Февронии; La Légende de la ville invisible de Kitège et de la demoiselle Fevronia; La ciudad invisible de Kitege; The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniya; La ciutat invisible de Kitege; Legenda a láthatatlan Kityez városáról és Fevronyija szűzleányról; La leggenda dell'invisibile città di Kitež e della fanciulla Fevronija; Legenden om den osynliga staden Kitezj och jungfrun Fevronija; Сказання про невидиме місто Кітеж і діву Февронію; 匿蹤的的奇鐵茲城以及費芙洛尼亞; 見えざる街キーテジと乙女フェヴォローニャの物語; Die Legende von der unsichtbaren Stadt Kitesch und von der Jungfrau Fewronija; Pověst o neviditelném městě Kitěži a panně Fevronii
Name Aliases
La Légende de la ville invisible de Kitège; Skazanie o nevidimom grade Kiteje i deve Fevroni; La Legende de la ville invisible de Kitege et de la demoiselle Fevronia; Kitège; La llegenda de la ciutat invisible de Kitezh; Легенда про невидимий град Кітеж; De legende van de onzichtbare stad Kitezj en de jonge vrouw Fevronia; Skasanije o newidimom grade Kitesche i dewe Fewronii; Legenda o neviditelném městě Kitěži a panně Fevronii; 透明之城基特师与处女费罗尼佳
WorldCat; Wikipedia; VIAF: 177000496; LCCN: n80065755; GND: 300130945; BNF: 13917910t
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
INR 23
4 acts
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp.
First Performance.
1907-02-20 – St. Petersburg, Maryinsky Theatre
- Ivan Filippov (Prince Yuriy Vsevolodovich)
Andrey Labinsky (Prince Vsevolod Yuryevich) Mariya Kuznetsova-Benois (Fevroniya) Ivan Yershov (Grishka Kuterma) Vasiliy Sharonov (Fyodor Poyarok) Mariya Markovich (Page) Vladimir Kastorsky (gusli player) Grigory Ugrinovich (bear handler) Nikolay Markevich (lead-singer) Ivan Grigorovich (Bedyay) Konstantin Serebryakov (Burunday) Nadezhda Zabela-Vrubel (Sirin) Yevgeniya Zbruyeva (Alkonost) Feliks Blumenfeld (conductor)
First Publication.
1906 – Leipzig: M.P. Belaieff
Vladimir Belsky (1866–1946)
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
Voices, chorus and orchestra
- Prince Yury Vsevolodovich (Князь Юрий Всеволодович) (bass)
Prince Vsevolod Yuryevich (Княжич Всеволод Юрьевич) (tenor) Fevoroniya (Феврония) (soprano) Grishka Kuterma (Гришка Кутерьма) (tenor) Fyodor Poyarok (Федор Поярок) (baritone) Page (Отрок) (mezzo-soprano) Two Gentleman (tenor and bass) Gusli Player (Гусляр) (bass) Bear Handler (Медведчик) (tenor) Lead Singer (Нищий-запевало) (baritone) Bedyay (Бедяй) (bass) Burunday (Бурундай) (bass) Sirin (Сирин) (soprano) Alkonost (Алконост) (contralto)
Mixed Chorus (Silent Roles)
- Well-off People, Beggar Community, People, Tatars
- 3 flutes (3rd also piccolo), 2 oboes, English horn,
- 3 clarinets (3rd also bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon
- 4 horns (F), 2 trumpets, contralto trumpet, 3 trombones, tuba
- timpani, triangle, cymbals, snare drum, bass drum
- tam-tam, tambourine, sleigh bells, glockenspiel
- celesta, 2 harps, strings
Related Works
See also the concert suite arranged from this work by Maximillian Steinberg.
External Links
Wikipedia article Opera Guide