
Typical early cover (1890s)
Typical decorative cover (1930s)



Weekes & Co. (or A. Weekes & Co) of London was a long-lived firm with a fairly small output, operating from 1870 until 1960. It published many works for organ, but also songs and piano pieces, all by British composers.

In the 1870s the main composer was Gerard Francis Cobb (songs), then in the 1890s Somervell (songs), 1900s Coleridge-Taylor (organ) Easthope Martin, Hamish MaCunn, 1910s Goodhart-Rendell (songs) 1930s Margaret Fry (songs) 1940s Laurence Ager (1904-) (songs). In 1960 the firm was sold to Augener, which in turn was absorbed by Galliard, then Stainer & Bell in 1972.


Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Weekes & Co
  • A. Weekes & Co 1920-60

Plate Numbers

Weekes' plate numbers are in the format of W. ####. Dates in italics are estimated.

Plate Composer Work Year
0800a Hoyte Andante
1690 Wesley 12 Voluntaries, Op.6 (vol.1)
1824 Birch Fantasias on Popular National Airs
1889 Hollins Concert Overture No.1 in C major 1885
1916 Sangster Andante in D major
2353 Anger Impromptu
3306 MacLean Ballade in E-flat major
3386 Matthay Elves 1911
3879 McAlpin The Penitent 1902
4483 Godfrey Legend of the North, Op.23 (vocal score) 1905
4943 Martin Evensong in E major 1910
5114 Merle Ave Maria 1912
5376 Mellarde 2 Morceaux (No.1) 1907
5382 Coleridge-Taylor 3 Impromptus, Op.78 (arr. for piano) 1914
5752 Alcock A Song of Dawn 1917
6008 Allitsen Bindra the Minstrel (vocal score) 1912
6054 Elliott Dream Visions 1922
6110 Elliott The Lure of Arcady 1923
Plate #Full PlateComposerWorkIMSLP #Full YearYear


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