Wenn der Herr Zion erlösen wird (Schein, Johann Hermann)




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For Trumpet and Organ (Rondeau)

MP3 file (audio)
Michrond (2020/5/4)

Publisher Info. Michel Rondeau, 2020.
Performers MIDI
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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Sheet Music


PDF typeset by editor
Ks (2020/5/2)

Editor Klaas Spijker
Publisher. Info. Klaas Spijker, 2020.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions

For Trumpet and Organ (Rondeau)

PDF typeset by arranger
Michrond (2020/5/4)

ZIP typeset by arranger
Michrond (2020/5/4)

Arranger Michel Rondeau (b. 1948)
Publisher. Info. Michel Rondeau, 2020.
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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General Information

Work Title Wenn der Herr Zion erlösen wird
Alternative. Title Messis Christanorum / Der Christen Erndte/Psalm 126
Composer Schein, Johann Hermann
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IJS 216
Key G minor
First Performance. 1624/1/3
First Publication. 1624
Librettist Bible, Psalm CXXVI
Language German
Average DurationAvg. Duration 5 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation soprano, alto, tenor, bass
Extra Information RISM

Navigation etc.

  • Title page:
MESSIS CHRISTIANORUM, Der Christen Erndte/ Psalm. 126. Vber den seligen Hintrit Weiland der Erbarn Ehrntugendsamen Frawen VERONICÆ, Der Ehrwirdigen [!] Achtbarn vnd Hochge=larten Herrn Henrich Höpffners/ der H. Schrifft Doctoris vnd Professoris publ. Canonici Cizensis, vnd der Churfürstl. Sächs. Stipendiaten allhier Inspectoris. Meines insonders günstigen Herrn vnd Förderers Hertzgeliebten ehelichen Hauszfrawen etc. Zu dero letzten Ehren Componirt, Musicirt, vnd Dem hochbetrübten Herrn Witber Zu Trost vnd Bezeigung Christlicher condolentz offerirt, Von Johan-Hermanno Schein/ Grünhain. Direct. Mus. Chori zu Leipzig/ Die exeq. 1. Martij, Anno Christi 1624.
  • RISM (see link above) lists a continuo with this. Tagged both with and without for now, but subject to correction should a manuscript or 1st edition ever be uploaded.