- 2 Anthems for Church Service, Op.8 (Leslie, Ernest)
- 2 Antiphone, WoO 71 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)
- 2 Geistliche Gesänge, Op.3 (Kromolicki, Joseph)
- 2 Motets, Op.29 (Brahms, Johannes)
- 2 Motetten, Op.131 (Lachner, Franz Paul)
- 2 Psalmen, Op.32 (Becker, Albert)
- 2 Psalms, H.117 (Holst, Gustav)
- 2 Single Chants for the Venite (Elgar, Edward)
- 20 Psalms (Tremain, Thomas)
- 21 Pseaumes de David (Vallet, Nicolas)
- 21 Vier-Stimmige Psalmen (Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon)
- 24 Psalm Tunes, 2 Hymns, an Ode and 3 Anthems (Shoel, Thomas)
- 2e verset du 41e Psaume (Alkan, Charles-Valentin)
- 3 Asperges me, 2 Vidi aquam, Op.47 (Kromolicki, Joseph)
- 3 Eight-Part Motets, Op.69 (Woyrsch, Felix)
- 3 Geistliche Gesänge, Op.69 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)
- 3 Motets, Op.38 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)
- 3 Motets, Op.55 (Nielsen, Carl)
- 3 Offertories, Op.91 (Buck, Dudley)
- 3 Psalm Paraphrases (St. Pierre, Anthony)
- 3 Psalmen, Op.102 (Lachner, Franz Paul)
- 3 Psalmen, Op.109 (Gulbins, Max)
- 3 Psalmlieder, Op.13 (Cornelius, Peter)
- 3 Psalms (Sowerby, Leo)
- 3 Psalms, H.144 (Honegger, Arthur)
- 31 Psalmes (Certon, Pierre)
- 33ster Psalm, Op.7 (Bendix, Victor)
- 35 Interludes on Hymn Tunes (Clokey, Joseph Waddell)
- 6 Anthems (Bond, Capel)
- 6 Anthems, Op.53 (Buck, Dudley)
- 6 Anthems, Op.54 (Buck, Dudley)
- 6 Cantiques (La Tombelle, Fernand de)
- 6 Liturgische Psalmen (Kellermann, Albert)
- 6 Motetten für gemischten Chor, Op.82 (Kiel, Friedrich)
- 6 Psalmen, Op.25 (Rietz, Julius)
- 6 Psalms, Hob.XXIII:suppl. (Haydn, Joseph)
- A Book of New Anthems (Reading, John)
- A Collection of Hymn Tunes and Anthems (Leach, James)
- A New and Easie Method to Learn to Sing by Book (Rogers, William)
- A Psalm of Victory, Op.8 (Stanley, Albert Augustus)
- A Selection of 12 Psalms and Hymns (Monzani, Tebaldo)
- A Short Requiem (Davies, Walford)
- A Te, Signor, innalzo l'anima mia, Op.33 (Spada, Luca)
- A Volume of Sacred Musick containing 30 Anthems (Hubbard, John)
- A Wanderer's Psalm, Op.50 (Parker, Horatio)
- Ab inferno (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein, BWV 2 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Ach Herr, strafe mich nicht, TWV 7:1 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)
- Ach Herr, strafe mich nicht, TWV 7:3 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)
- Ach, Herr, straf mich nicht, SWV 24 (Schütz, Heinrich)
- Ad placitum (Raselius, Andreas)
- Ad te levavi oculos meos (Couperin, François)
- Ad te levavi oculos meos (Pedersøn, Mogens)
- Ad te levavi oculos meos (Rore, Cipriano de)
- Ad te levavi oculos meos, LV 405 (Lassus, Orlande de)
- Ad te levavi oculos meos, PdPWV Mot178 (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)
- Ad te levavi oculos, S.6 (Lalande, Michel Richard de)
- Adjutor et susceptor meus (Cherubini, Luigi)
- Adjuva nos Deus (De Roy, Simon)
- Alleluia 'Fa' risplendere' (Scapin, Massimo)
- Alleluia 'Faciem tuam' (Scapin, Massimo)
- Alleluia 'Mostraci, Signore' (Scapin, Massimo)
- Alleluia (Donella, Valentino)
- Alleluia - O happy man (Tailour, Robert)
- Alleluia! O Come, Let Us Sing (Titcomb, Everett)
- Alleluja singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, TWV 7:4 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)
- Allor che il giogo barbaro (Martinez, Marianne)
- Altura stupenda (Donella, Valentino)
- An den Flüssen Babylons (Kirnberger, Johann Philipp)
- An Wasserflüssen Babylon (Righetti, Benjamin)
- An Wasserflüssen Babylon (Tunder, Franz)
- Andiamo con gioia alla casa del Signore (Tallini, Gennaro)
- Anthem 'Hear me O God' and Ode 'Vital Spark', Op.5 (Jackson, William)
- Anthem from Psalm 108, Op.1 (Wilbraham, Maria)
- Arise, Shine, for Thy Light is Come, HWC 369 (Willan, Healey)
- As chased Hart (Tailour, Robert)
- As the hart panteth (Cooke, Benjamin)
- Ascendit Deus (St. Pierre, Anthony)
- Asperges me, A 695 (Donizetti, Gaetano)
- Asperges me, LV 528 (Lassus, Orlande de)
- Asperges me, LV 529 (Lassus, Orlande de)
- Asperges me, WAB 4 (Bruckner, Anton)
| A cont.
- Attend Mine Humble Prayer, T 252 (Byrd, William)
- Au creuset de ton cœur, Op.96 (Roullet, Hervé)
- Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr, zu dir, BWV 131 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Op.43 (Riccius, August Ferdinand)
- Aus der Tiefe, Op.30 (Henschel, George)
- Aus der Tiefe, SWV 25 (Schütz, Heinrich)
- Aus der Tiefen (Bach, Johann Ernst)
- Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, BWV 38 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Avenger Great (Tailour, Robert)
- Awake Up, My Glory (Rogers, James Hotchkiss)
- Awake Up, My Glory (Wise, Michael)
- Be Glad, O Ye Righteous (Smart, Henry Thomas)
- Beati immaculati in via (Walter, Johann)
- Beati omnes (Donella, Valentino)
- Beati omnes in G minor, S.25 (Heinichen, Johann David)
- Beati omnes qui timent Dominum (Lusitano, Vicente)
- Beati omnes qui timent Dominum, LV 553 (Lassus, Orlande de)
- Beati omnes qui timent I (Senfl, Ludwig)
- Beati omnes qui timent II (Senfl, Ludwig)
- Beati omnes, H.178 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)
- Beati quorum remissæ sunt iniquitates (Gabrieli, Andrea)
- Beato l'uom che dietro a'rei consigli, S.601 (Marcello, Benedetto)
- Beato l'uomo (Donella, Valentino)
- Beato l'uomo che confida nel Signore (Stella, Simone)
- Beatus vir (Donizetti, Gaetano)
- Beatus vir (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- Beatus vir (Merula, Tarquinio)
- Beatus Vir (Pelleschi, Luigi)
- Beatus vir (Provenzale, Francesco)
- Beatus vir qui timet Dominum (Bourgeois, Thomas-Louis)
- Beatus vir, H.154 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)
- Beatus vir, H.175 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)
- Beatus vir, H.199 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)
- Beatus vir, H.224 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)
- Beatus vir, Op.56 (Spada, Luca)
- Beatus vir, S.39 (Lalande, Michel Richard de)
- Beatus vir, SV 268 (Monteverdi, Claudio)
- Befiehle dem Herren (Bahr, Johann)
- Befiel dem Herrn deine Wege, Op.85 (Rinck, Christian Heinrich)
- Behold I Have Given You Every Herb (Harris, Cuthbert)
- Behold My God (Cooke, Benjamin)
- Behold Now Praise The Lord (Velu, Charles)
- Behold Now, Praise the Lord (Titcomb, Everett)
- Behold, O God Our Defender (Sowerby, Leo)
- Benedic anima mea (Du Mont, Henry)
- Benedicat vobis Dominus (Duparc, Henri)
- Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel et Miserere, LV Anh.8-9, 11 (Lassus, Orlande de)
- Benedictus Dominus Deus meus, S.44 (Lalande, Michel Richard de)
- Benedixisti Domine, H.181 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)
- Blessed are All They That Fear the Lord (Sowerby, Leo)
- Blessed are They that Considereth the Poor, HWV 268 (Handel, George Frideric)
- Blessed are They that Dwelleth in Thy House (Tours, Berthold)
- Blessed are Those (Hill, Malcolm)
- Blessed Be the Lord My Strength (Hall, Henry)
- Bonum est confiteri Domino (Gabrieli, Andrea)
- Bonum est confiteri Domino, H.185 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)
- Bow Down Thine Ear, O Lord (Dickinson, Clarence)
- Bringet dem Herrn (Zumsteeg, Johann Rudolf)
- Bringet dem Herrn Ehre seines Namens, BWV 148 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- By Babel streams (Tailour, Robert)
- By the Waters of Babylon (Clarke-Whitfeld, John)
- By The Waters of Babylon (Graham, J. Lee)
- By the waters of Babylon, Op.21a No.1 (Chesnokov, Pavel)
- By thy unwearied strength (Cooke, Benjamin)
- Call to Remembrance (Cooke, Benjamin)
- Cantata 'Rejoice in the Lord', Op.16 (Ngo, Ethan)
- Cantate Domino (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- Cantate Domino (Praetorius, Michael)
- Cantate Domino (Reager, John)
- Cantate Domino (St. Pierre, Anthony)
- Cantate Domino canticum novum (Gervais, Charles-Hubert)
- Cantate Domino canticum novum, BuxWV 12 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)
- Cantate Domino, H.176 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)
- Cantate Domino, Op.22 (Indy, Vincent d')
- Cantate Domino, SV 292 (Monteverdi, Claudio)
- Cantate Domino, SV 293 (Monteverdi, Claudio)
- Canticles for Jerusalem (Fine, Vivian)
- Canticum sacrum, K086 (Stravinsky, Igor)
- Canto dell'attesa escatologica (Donella, Valentino)
- Carmina sacra, WoO 7 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)
- Chantez a Dieu, SwWV 96 (Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon)
- Chiedi a me (Cattaneo, Pietro)
- Church Harmony, Sacred to Devotion (Stephenson, Joseph)
- Chvalte Boha silného, ZWV 165 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)
- Chwalcie Pana wszystkie narody (Harasimiuk, Piotr Tomasz)
- Ci benedica Dio, fonte dell'amore (Donella, Valentino)
- Come la cerva anela (Donella, Valentino)
- Come le limpide onde (Martinez, Marianne)
- Come, Let us Sing! (Stopford, Robin)
- Come, ye children (Higgs, Henry Marcellus)
- Comfort, O Lord, The Soul of Thy Servant (Crotch, William)
- Concord (Bird, Peter)
- Confitebor angelorum in C major (Furlanetto, Bonaventura)
- Confitebor tibi Domine (Gabrieli, Andrea)
- Confitebor tibi Domine (Le Quoynte, Louis)
- Confitebor tibi Domine (Willaert, Adrian)
- Confitebor tibi Domine a 8 (Willaert, Adrian)
- Confitebor tibi Domine, H.151 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)
- Confitebor tibi Domine, H.220 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)
- Confitebor tibi Domine, H.225 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)