A Collection of Hymn Tunes and Anthems (Leach, James)

Sheet Music


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Fynnjamin (2021/1/4)

8 more: Number 2 • Number 3 • Number 4 • Number 5 • Number 6 • Numbers 7-8 • Numbers 9-10 • Numbers 11-12

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Fynnjamin (2021/1/4)

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Fynnjamin (2021/1/4)

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Fynnjamin (2021/1/4)

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Fynnjamin (2021/1/4)

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Fynnjamin (2021/1/4)

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Fynnjamin (2021/1/4)

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Fynnjamin (2021/1/4)

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Fynnjamin (2021/1/4)

Publisher. Info. London: Preston, n.d.
Manchester: composer's widow
Misc. Notes Number 9 includes a handwritten piece (title has been cut off in scan) See how the winged seraphs fly (duet and chorus) with the name "Major Rushforth" appended, either the composer or the copyist.
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General Information

Work Title A Collection of Hymn Tunes and Anthems
Alternative. Title A Collection of Hymn Tunes and Anthems composed and adapted for a full choir, by the late Mr. James Leach. Published for the Benefit of his widow and children
Composer Leach, James
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IJL 2
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's published in 12 numbers
  1. Nativity. Lift up your heads (Hymn. Duet & chorus)
  2. Crucifixtion [sic]. When I survey the wond'rous cross (Set Piece. Duet & chorus)
  3. Resurrection. What hath the world to equal this (Set Piece, with duets, trios and choruses)
  4. Judgement. The Judge of all shall soon come down (Set Piece)
  5. Innocence. Come let us join the host above (Set Piece, with duets and choruses)
  6. Jordan. Guide me O thou great Jehovah (Set Piece. Trio & chorus)
  7. Melody. Lord, that I may sing in thee (Set Piece, with duets, trios and choruses)
  8. Funeral. Farewell, dear friend, a long farewell (Set Piece, with duet and choruses)
  9. New Years Day. Eternal source of ev'ry joy (Set Piece, with duet, solos and choruses)
  10. Animation. Begin the high celestial strain (Set Piece, with trio, solo, duets, and choruses)
  11. The Last Trial. To seal the universal doom (Set Piece, with solo, duet and double chorus)
  12. Ode for Sunday Schools. Blest be the man whose lib'ral heart (Set Piece, with duet, trio and chorus)
  13. Sabaoth. The Lord of Sabbath let us praise (Set Piece, with trios, duet and chorus)
  14. Emanuel. Burst, ye em'rald gates, and bring (Set Piece, duets and solo)
  15. Christmas. Shepherds rejoice, and send your fears away (Set Piece. Chorus, duet, trio and chorus)
  16. Anthem from Psalm XLI. Blessed is he (Chorus, duet, trio, chorus, solo, chorus)
  17. Advent. Hark! the glad sound, the Saviour comes (Set Piece. Trio, duet and chorus)
  18. Anthem from Psalm CXXII. I was glad (Trio, chorus, solo, chorus, solo, chorus)
  19. The Dying Saints Soliloquy. Thou lamp of intellectual ray (Set Piece. Trio, duet, trio, chorus, solo, chorus)
  20. Communion. Worthy, O Lord, art thou alone (Set Piece. Duet and chorus)
  21. Anthem from Matthew, Chapter 6, Verse 19. Lay not up treasure on earth (Solo, duet and chorus)
  22. Gilead. Salvation, O the joyful sound (Set Piece. Chorus, duet, chorus, trio, chorus)
  23. Morning Hymn. The morning breaks, my soul awake (Set Piece)
  24. Asylum. Anthem from Deuteronomy, Chapter 10, Verse 14. Behold, the heav'n and the heav'n of heav'ns is the Lord's (Choruses, trios, solos, duet)
  25. Millenium. Anthem from Isaiah, Chapter 65, Verse 17. Thus saith the Lord, behold I create new heav'ns (Solos, duet, choruses)
  26. Hosannah. Come, angels, tune your harps of gold (Set Piece. Trio and chorus)
  27. Cheetham. As when the weary trav'ller gains (Sacred song)
  28. Incarnation. The prophets to our fathers spake (Set Piece. Trio and chorus)
  29. Bacup. (O God of Glory and of Love - handwritten text) (Hymn tune)
  30. New Sabaoth. Hail, happy day, a day of holy rest (Hymn tune)
  31. Blackburn. (Hymn tune - untexted)
First Publication. 1798 ca.
Language English
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Classical
Piece Style Classical
Instrumentation voices, chorus, continuo; mixed chorus, continuo; voices, chorus, orchestra; voices, 2 mixed choruses, orchestra; voice, treble instrument, continuo

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Strictly speaking, an Anthem takes text from Biblical scripture, whereas a Set Piece uses a metrical stanzaic text