- A Bird in Hand (Röckel, Joseph Leopold)
- A Christmas Carol (Russell, Henry)
- A Day in the Country (Sartorio, Arnoldo)
- A Dream of My Mother and My Home (Foster, Stephen)
- A Life on the Ocean Wave (Russell, Henry)
- A Nation Mourns Her Martyred Son (Winner, Septimus)
- A Penny for Your Thoughts! (Foster, Stephen)
- A Soldier in de Colored Brigade (Foster, Stephen)
- A Thousand Miles from Home (Foster, Stephen)
- Against the Stream (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Ah! I Remember That Sweet Hour (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Ah! May the Red Rose Live Alway! (Foster, Stephen)
- Alice, Where Art Thou? (Ascher, Joseph)
- All in the Mist of the Morning (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Amboss-Polka, Op.91 (Parlow, Albert)
- Amilie Quadrilles (Dodworth, Allen)
- Amy Robsart to the Earl of Leicester (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- An Elegiac Impromptu Fantasia (Heinrich, Anthony Philip)
- And Ye Shall Walk in Silk Attire! (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Anna Maryè (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Are You Angry Mother (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- As It Fell Upon a Day (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Atlantic City Polka (Bellak, James)
- Aunt Harriet Becha Stowe (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Baron Fritz (Glover, Charles William)
- Be My Mother Till I Die (Coates, Elmer Ruan)
- Beauregard's Charleston Quickstep (Schreiner, Hermann L.)
- Beautiful Child of Song (Foster, Stephen)
- Beautiful Isle (Drake, James G.)
- Beautiful Venice! (Knight, Joseph Philip)
- Because You Told Me So (Stults, Robert Morrison)
- Berceuse, Op.47 (Gottschalk, Louis Moreau)
- Better Days (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Better Times Are Coming (Foster, Stephen)
- Bid me discourse (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Bird of the Angel Wing (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Blanche & Lisette (Glover, Charles William)
- Blue Bell (Morse, Theodore F.)
- Blue-Eyed Bell (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Bohemian Girl Quadrilles (Dodworth, Allen)
- Bonnie Bessie Gray (Glover, Charles William)
- Bonny Eloise (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Bow of Promise (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Breathe Those Tender Words Again (Stults, Robert Morrison)
- Breckinridge March, Op.1628 (Bellak, James)
- Bright Be the Place of Thy Soul (Glover, Stephen Ralph)
- Bring My Brother Back to Me (Foster, Stephen)
- Bulls and Bears (Stults, Robert Morrison)
- Bury Me in the Morning, Mother (Foster, Stephen)
- Buy a Broom! (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Cairn's Quick Step (Dodworth, Allen)
- California Gold Fever Galop (Strakosch, Maurice)
- Canary Bird (Hays, William Shakespeare)
- Celebration Quick Step (Haskell, D. H.)
- Centennial Hymn, Op.27 (Paine, John Knowles)
- Cheer Boys Cheer (Russell, Henry)
- Cheer Up My Own Jeannette (Glover, Charles William)
- Child of the Wave (Knight, Joseph Philip)
- Cincinnati Air Line R.R. Galop (Vaas, A.J.)
- Clara Polka (Bellak, James)
- Col. Ellsworth Requiem March (Vaas, A.J.)
- Columbia Rules the Sea (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Columbia's Plaint (Heinrich, Anthony Philip)
- Come Again, Sweet Love (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Come Back to the Farm (Work, Henry Clay)
- Come Brothers Arouse (Russell, Henry)
- Come where the Violets Blow (Iucho, Wilhelm)
- Complaints (Hobson, M.)
- Comrades, Touch the Elbow (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Contraband's Song of Freedom (Winner, Joseph Eastburn)
- Cora Dean (Foster, Stephen)
- Crosby's Opera House Waltz (Root, Frederic Woodman)
- Crossing the Grand Sierras (Work, Henry Clay)
- Darling Leonore (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Darling Nelly Gray Polka (Bellak, James)
- Days of Glorious Washington (Sporle, Nathan James)
- Dear Summer Morn! (Glover, Stephen Ralph)
- Delavau's Quick Step (Grafulla, Claudio S.)
- Die Industriellen, Op.44 (Gungl, Joseph)
- Died in the Streets (Winner, Joseph Eastburn)
- Dixie's Nurse (Anonymous)
- Do Not Heed Her Warning (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Do You Ever Think of Me (Sporle, Nathan James)
- Do You Think the Moon Could Have Seen Us? (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Dolly Day (Foster, Stephen)
- Don't Bet Your Money on de Shanghai (Foster, Stephen)
- Don't Forget the Old Folks (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Don't Leave Your Mother When Her Hair Turns Gray (Symons, Ernest J.)
- Douglas' Funeral March (Hewitt, George Washington)
- Down Among the Cane-Brakes (Foster, Stephen)
| D cont.
- Eilleen Allanna (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Einzug der Gladiatoren, Op.68 (Fučík, Julius)
- Eisenbahn-Dampf-Galopp, Op.5 (Gungl, Joseph)
- El Dorado Polka (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Empire March Two-Step (Logan, Frederic Knight)
- Empire State Grand March (Schreiner, Hermann L.)
- Empire State Quick Step (Blessner, Gustav)
- Enchantress March (Maylath, Henry)
- Englishmen in India (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Enterprise Polka (Daniell, Charles Addison)
- Et Cetera (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Eulalie (Foster, Stephen)
- Ev'ry Land My Home (Sporle, Nathan James)
- Evening Prayer (Abbot, John M.)
- Evenings at Science Hill, 1st Series (Kappes, J. Henry)
- Ever My Spirit Lingers with Thee (Glover, Charles William)
- Ever of Thee (Hall, Foley)
- Fantaisie à la Paganini (Moscheles, Ignaz)
- Far on the Deep Blue Sea (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Far, Far from Me My Lover Flies (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Far, Far Upon the Sea! (Russell, Henry)
- Farewell Mother Dear (Foster, Stephen)
- Farewell my fatherland (Glover, Charles William)
- Farewell Song (Rohbock, Henry)
- Farewell Sweet Mother (Foster, Stephen)
- Father Breathe an Evening Blessing (Abbot, John M.)
- Favorite Polka (Hohnstock, Adele)
- Ferris' Quick Step (Dodworth, Allen)
- Few Day's (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Fire Fiend (Bollman, Henry)
- Fleur des Alpes (Weckerlin, Jean-Baptiste)
- Fließet schnell Thränen mein (Abt, Franz)
- Flora's Festival (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Fly to the Mountains (Studley, Samuel L.)
- For the Dear Old Flag I Die (Foster, Stephen)
- For Thee, Love, for Thee (Foster, Stephen)
- Fort Donelson Grand March, Op.86 (Viereck, John Conrad)
- Francis Skiddy Polka (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Free Banner of the Brave (Bellak, James)
- Freedom's Muster Drum (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Fremont Hussars (Fradel, Charles)
- Friendship Quick Step (Grafulla, Claudio S.)
- Funeral March (Seipp, J. H.)
- Gay Young Clerk in a Dry-Goods Store (Hays, William Shakespeare)
- Gen. Scott's Grand Review March (Glover, Stephen Ralph)
- General Grant's the Man (Tucker, Henry L.)
- General Rosecrans' Grand March (Mack, Edward)
- General Townsend (Underner, Charles L.)
- General Worth's Grand March (Perabeau, Charles)
- Get Out of Mexico! (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)
- Get Up and Shut the Door (Hays, William Shakespeare)
- Gift Polka (Dodworth, Allen)
- Give the Stranger Happy Cheer (Foster, Stephen)
- Give This to Mother (Foster, Stephen)
- Give Us Back Our Old Commander (Winner, Septimus)
- Go and Ask My Mother (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Go My Love (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Go Youth Beloved (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- God Bless the 'Old Sixth Corps' (Ryder, Thomas Philando)
- God Bless Us Every One (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Good Bye! But Come Again (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Governor Porter's March (Glover, Stephen Ralph)
- Grand Vocal Medley (Bliss, Philip Paul)
- Guillaume Tell (Rossini, Gioacchino)
- Had I the Wings of a Fairy Gay (Sanford, Samuel L.)
- Hail Columbia (Phile, Philip)
- Happy Be Thy Dreams (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Happy Faces! (Sporle, Nathan James)
- Happy Hours at Home (Foster, Stephen)
- He Got Right up on the Wagon (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Hear Dem Bells (McCosh, David Snowberger)
- Heather Flowers (Iucho, Wilhelm)
- Hold the Fort (Bliss, Philip Paul)
- Home and Friends (Winner, Septimus)
- Home Is Home (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Home, Love & Liberty (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Home, Sweet Home! (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Hotel St. Francis March (Heller, Herman)
- How Are You Maximillian? (Winner, Joseph Eastburn)
- How Young! How Bright! How Beautiful! (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Hurrah for General Grant! (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)
- Hymn for the Night (Beale, Henry Wolfgang Amadeus)
- I Am a Yale Girl (Cassard, Reese)
- I Am Far from My Native Home (Hewitt, John Hill)
- I Cannot Sing To-Night (Foster, Stephen)
- I Have Missed You Mollie Darling (Tucker, Henry L.)
- I Love the Night (Russell, Henry)
- I Love Thee Yet (Glover, Charles William)
- I Love, I Love the Free (Russell, Henry)
- I Saw Thee Weep (Malibrán, María)
- I Stood Amid the Glittering Throng (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- I Wandered In the Woodland (Saroni, Herrman S.)
- I Want to See Mamma Once More (Mack, Edward)
- I Wish I Was by That Dim Lake (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- I Wonder (Sousa, John Philip)
- I Wonder If You Ever Think of Me (Stults, Robert Morrison)
- I Would I Were a Star (Glover, Stephen Ralph)