Work Title
Christmas Carols New and Old
Alternative. Title
Stainer, John
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
None [force assignment]
70 carols (in 3 series). (carols marked with an asterisk are included in Stainer's arrangement for male chorus):
- God Rest You, Merry Gentlemen *
- Steggall: The Manger Throne (Like silver lamps in a distant shrine) *
- A Virgin Unspotted *
- Elvey: Come, Ye Lofty, come ye lowly *
- Ouseley: Come, Tune Your Heart
- The First Nowell *
- Stainer: Jesu, Hail! O God most holy *
- Good Christian Men, Rejoice (In dulci jubilo) *
- Dykes: Sleep, Holy Babe *
- Good King Wenceslas *
- Barnby: When I View the Mother Holding
- The Seven Joys of Mary (The first good joy that Mary had) *
- Dykes: On the Birthday of the Lord
- What Child is This? (Greensleeves) *
- Tiddeman: Glorious, Beauteous, Golden-bright
- Hamerton: Waken! Christian Children
- A Child this Day is Born
- Ouseley: Carol for Christmas Eve (Listen, Lordings, unto me) *
- Brown: When Christ was Born of Mary Free *
- Barnby: 'Twas in the Winter Cold (Christmas Morning Hymn) *
- A Carol for Christmas Eve (The Lord at first had Adam made) *
- Smart: Jesus in the Manger (Why, most highest, art thou lying)
- The Holly and the Ivy *
- The Wait's Song (The Moon shines bright) *
- Steggall: The Virgin and Child (On yester night I saw a sight) *
- The Incarnation (The great God of heaven) *
- Stainer: Christmas Day (Wake all music's magic powers)
- The Cherry Tree Carol (Joseph was an old man) *
- God's Dear Son
- Goss: Hymn for Christmas Day (See amid the winter's snow)
- The Babe of Bethlehem (The babe in Bethlem's manger laid)
- Ouseley: In Bethlehem, that Noble Place
- Barnby: A Cradle-Song of the Blessed Virgin (The Virgin stills the crying) *
- Dykes: Christmas Song (Once again, O blessed time)
- Jacob's Ladder (As Jacob with travel was weary one day) *
- Barnby: The Story of the Shepherd (It was the very noon of night)
- The Wassail Song (Here we come a-wassailing) *
- Dykes: In terra pax (Infant of days, yet Lord of Life)
- Dives and Lazarus (As it fell out upon a day) *
- Dykes: From far away we come to you
- Sullivan: Carol for Christmas Day (All this night bright angels sing)
- Stainer: The Child Jesus in the Garden (Cold was the day when in a garden bare)
- What Soul-Inspiring Music
- Hine: In the Country nigh to Bethlehem
- Hopkins: We Three Kings of Orient Are
- Gadsby: Emmanuel, God with Us (Joy fills our inmost heart today)
- Steggall: New Prince, New Pomp (Behold a simple tender babe)
- A Babe is Born all of a maid
- Come Let Us all Sweet Carols Sing
- Calkin: Let Music Break on This Blest Morn
- Brown: Carol for New Year's Day (The old year now away is fled)
- The Angel Gabriel from God was sent to Galilee
- Brown: The Shepherds Amazed
- Noel! Noel! ('Tis the day, the blessed day)
- I Sing the Birth was Born Tonight
- Brown: Christmas Night (On Christmas night true Christians sing)
- Prout: The Christmas Celebration (Now to God on high be glory)
- Brown: Arise, and Hail the Sacred Day
- The Holy Well (As it fell out one May morning)
- Thorne: The Angel and the Shepherds (Now rise up, ye shepherds)
- The Coventry Carol (Lullay, thou little tiny child)
- Bridge: The Morning Star (See! the morning star is dwelling)
- Barnett: The Shepherds Went Their Hasty Way
- I Saw Three Ships
- Cummings: Mountains, Your Heads Bow Majestic
- Higgs: Luther's Carol (From highest heav'n I come to tell)
- Monk: The Boy's Dream (Last night as I was laid and slept)
- Bridge: Legends of the Infancy (Come forth, ye wond'ring children all)
- The Black Decree (Let Christians all with one accord rejoice)
- For Christmas Day (Immortal babe, who this dear day)
First Publication.
- Traditional, ed. Bramley
- 2, 14, 46. William Chatterton Dix
- 4. Archer Gurney
- 5. translated Frances Elizabeth Cox
- 7, 11, 22, 27, 43, 49. translated Bramley
- 8, 10. John Mason Neale
- 9, 30. E. Caswell
- 15. Anna M. E. Nichols
- 16. S. C. Hamerton
- 17. Arthur Gurney
- 18, 26, 60. Henry Ramsden Bramley
- 20. C. J. Black
- 34. William Bright
- 36. translated by Archdeacon Churton, after Gongora
- 38. Mrs Alderson
- 40. William Morris
- 41. William Austin
- 42. John Stainer
- 44. Kate Bartlett
- 45. John Henry Hopkins
- 47. Robert Southwell
- 50. Grace Dickinson
- 53, 56, 58. A Good Christmas Box (Dudley, 1847)
- 55. Ben Jonson
- 60. Bishop Joseph Hall
- 63. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- 65. Stoke-upon-Tern Hymn-Book
- 66. translated Bramley, after Martin Luther
- 68. E. L. Hervey
English, some Latin refrains
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
voices, piano (or organ) - or chorus a capella
External Links
CCEL page