Nocturnes, Op.9 (Chopin, Frédéric)





OGG file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/6/9)

OGG file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/6/9)

OGG file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/6/9)

Performer Pages Guiomar Novaes (piano)
Publisher Info. Guiomar Novaes: Chopin: Nocturnes (Complete) — Vol I
New York, N.Y.: Vox, 1956. PL 9632-1.
Misc. Notes Source: Internet Archive
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Nocturnessoundre00chop 001.JPG

MP3 file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/7/25)

MP3 file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/7/25)

MP3 file (audio)
Lucas-coelho (2021/7/25)

Performer Pages Eugene Istomin (piano)
Publisher Info. Columbia Special Products, 1956. P 14197.
Misc. Notes Source: Internet Archive
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TN-PMLP2312-01.01. No. 1 In B-Flat Minor, Op. 9 No. 1-1564.png


MP3 file (audio)
Lumineux (2016/3/18)

MP3 file (audio)
Lumineux (2016/3/18)

Performer Pages Peter Bradley-Fulgoni (piano)
Publisher Info. Peter Bradley-Fulgoni
Misc. Notes Recorded 2015 in St. Paul's Hall, Huddersfield University (Peter Hill, sound engineer)
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MP3 file (audio)
Harryplocker (2017/1/21)

MP3 file (audio)
Harryplocker (2017/1/21)

Performer Pages Harald Vetter (Piano)
Publisher Info. Harald Vetter
Misc. Notes No.1 on Youtube, No.2 on Youtube,
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Larghetto (No.1)

MP3 file (audio)
Cypressdome (2017/6/3)

Performer Pages Olga Gurevich (piano)
Publisher Info. Palo Alto: Musopen.
Misc. Notes Source: Musopen (lossless file also available)
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Andante (No.2)

MP3 file (audio)
Luiskaludin (2022/9/4)

Performer Pages Luis Kolodin (Piano)
Publisher Info. Luis Kolodin, 2021.
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MP3 file (audio)
Cypressdome (2017/6/30)

Performer Pages Aya Higuchi (piano)
Publisher Info. Palo Alto: Musopen.
Misc. Notes Source: Musopen (lossless file also available)
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MP3 file (audio)
BNTT-Piano (2014/11/18)

Publisher Info. Bui-Nguyen Trieu-Tuong
Performers Bui-Nguyen Trieu-Tuong (piano)
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MP3 file (audio)
Thesimon (2013/11/3)

Performer Pages Simone Renzi (Piano)
Publisher Info. Simone Renzi
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MP3 file (audio)
C. Stephan (2013/8/22)

Performer Pages Constantin Stephan (piano)
Publisher Info. Constantin Stephan
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Allegretto (No.3)

MP3 file (audio)
Cypressdome (2017/6/20)

Performer Pages Xuan He (piano)
Publisher Info. Palo Alto: Musopen.
Misc. Notes Source: Musopen (lossless file also available)
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MP3 file (audio)
Lekro (2014/10/12)

Performer Pages Gleb Ivanov (piano)
Publisher Info. Boston: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Misc. Notes File split by the uploader from "Nocturne-Waltz-Scherzo"
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Sheet Music



PDF scanned by US-Cum
piupianissimo (2010/12/6)

Editor First edition (German)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Fr. Kistner, n.d.[1833]. Plate 995.
Misc. Notes Originally scanned at about 180pi color, converted to 600dpi monocrome.
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PDF scanned by piupianissimo
piupianissimo (2009/7/17)

PDF scanned by piupianissimo
piupianissimo (2009/7/17)

Editor Herrmann Scholtz (1845–1918)
Publisher. Info. Sämtliche Pianoforte-Werke, Band I (pp.215-25)
Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d.[(ca.1905)]. Plate 6155.
Misc. Notes Scanned at 1200dpi, cleaned with 4-point algorithm, additional manual cleaning, downsizing to 600dpi (I uploaded the 1200dpi version as well), original page and bordersize. Title pages can be found in Grande Valse Brillante, Op.18
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PDF scanned by HathiTrust
Cypressdome (2011/8/18)

Editor Woldemar Bargiel (1828–1897)
Publisher. Info. Friedrich Chopin's Werke. Band IV (pp.2-13)
Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, n.d.[1880]. Plate C. IV. 1–3.
Misc. Notes The principal editor of the Nocturnes was Woldemar Bargiel. Publication date from Hofmeister's Verzeichnis. Original scans: 300dpi, grayscale jpg2000 images 3100 by 3900 pixels. Converted to black and white tif files, de-skewed, re-sampled to 600dpi, and set uniform margins.
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PDF scanned by US-Wc
Cypressdome (2010/10/4)

Editor Theodor Kullak (1818–1882)
Translator Albert Ross Parsons (1847–1933)
Publisher. Info. Klavierwerke. Instructive Ausgabe, Vol.V: Nocturnes
Berlin: Schlesinger'sche Buch-und Musikhandlung, 1881. Plate S. 7290(1-3).
Co-issue - New York: G. Schirmer, 1881.
Misc. Notes Original scans: 400dpi, black and white, losslessly-compressed tif images, around 4500 by 5500 pixels. Re-sampled to 600dpi, cleaned up, and deskewed.
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PDF scanned by Unknown
Feldmahler (2006/2/26)

Editor Karl Klindworth (1830–1916)
Xaver Scharwenka (1850–1924)
Publisher. Info. Oeuvres pour le piano, Vol.2: Nocturnes
London: Augener, No.6094, n.d.[1883]. Plate 8081.
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PDF scanned by PL-Kj
Feduol (2022/7/22)

Editor Wilhelm Speidel (1826–1899)
Publisher. Info. Stuttgart: J.G. Cotta, 1888. Plate 84.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Submission Project.
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PDF scanned by piupianissimo
piupianissimo (2009/12/26)

Editor Carl Mikuli (1819–1897)
Publisher. Info. Complete Works for the Piano, Vol.4
New York: G. Schirmer, 1894. Plate 11050-11052.
Reissue — 1934. Plate 36378.
Misc. Notes Scanned at 600dpi, cleaned with 2-point algorithm, additional manual cleaning.
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PDF scanned by HathiTrust
Cypressdome (2011/8/5)

Editor Rafael Joseffy (1852–1915)
Publisher. Info. Complete Works for the Piano, Vol.4: Nocturnes (LMC 30) (pp.3-19)
New York: G. Schirmer, 1915. Plate 25438.
Misc. Notes Original scans: 300dpi, grayscale jpg2000 images 2600 by 3500 pixels. Converted to black and white tif files, de-skewed, re-sampled to 600dpi, and set uniform margins.
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PDF scanned by Unknown
Worov (2015/3/5)

Editor Alfred Cortot (1877–1962)
Publisher. Info. Paris: Maurice Senart, n.d.(ca.1916-22). Plate E.M.S. 5142.
Reprinted Paris: Salabert, 1945. - with possibly fraudulent copyright claim.
Misc. Notes Includes comments in French
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PDF scanned by Fugalicious
Fugalicious (2021/6/4)

Editor Jan Ekier (1913–2014)
Paweł Kamiński (b. 1958)
Publisher. Info. National Edition of the Works of Fryderyk Chopin, Series A, Vol.5 (pp.12-34)
Kraków: PWM, 1995. Plate PWM 9235.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here.

In Canada, new editions/re-engravings of public domain works (when not including new original material) should be in the public domain due to failing to meet the threshold of originality. In most European Union countries, these editions (except new original material) are generally protected for no more than 25 years from publication (30 years in Poland), and only if the edition is published after the copyrights of the original creator(s) have expired. In the United States, copyright can only apply to new creative work, and the re-engraving of a public domain piece (not including new additions of creative material) should not qualify for a new copyright, despite copyright claims (which properly would only apply to new material).

You may need to check the publication date and details of the work's first publication in order to determine the work's copyright status, especially for the United States, as the copyright on the original work may not have expired.

More information can be found here.
Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.
Misc. Notes 600 dpi. For information on fingering indications and a link to the source and performance commentary, see the link to the National Edition in the Publisher Information above.
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PDF typeset by editor
Ksnortum (2021/6/23)

ZIP typeset by editor
Ksnortum (2021/6/23)

Editor Knute Snortum (b. 1960)
Publisher. Info. Knute Snortum, 2021.
Misc. Notes LilyPond source files
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PDF scanned by PL-Kj
Feduol (2022/7/22)

PDF scanned by PL-Kj
Feduol (2022/7/22)

Editor Heinrich Germer (1837–1913)
Publisher. Info. Akademische Neuausgabe beliebter Klavierwerke, Vosl.1-2 Nos.4, 24(2)
Leipzig: Friedrich Hofmeister, No.145-6, 1894, 1898. Plate G. 26-7.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Submission Project.
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Larghetto (No.1)

PDF scanned by F-Pn
Morel (2019/12/7)

Publisher. Info. Album Musica, No.47
Paris: Pierre Lafitte, 1906.
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PDF typeset by editor
Pierre Gouin (2011/9/21)

Editor Pierre Gouin - Contact
Publisher. Info. Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2005.
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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Andante (No.2)

PDF scanned by PL-Wu
PMac (2016/10/4)

Editor Carl Mikuli (1819–1897)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Fr. Kistner, n.d. Plate 3251 3253.
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PDF scanned by SDL
Feduol (2023/5/8)

Editor Karl Klindworth (1830–1916)
Publisher. Info. Oeuvres de Fr. Chopin
Moscow: P. Jurgenson, 1873. Plate 1983.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Submission Project.
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PDF scanned by PL-Kj
Feduol (2022/7/21)

Editor Karl Klindworth (1830–1916)
Publisher. Info. Oeuvres de Fr. Chopin
Moscow: P. Jurgenson, n.d.[1880]. Plate 1989.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Submission Project.
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PDF scanned by US-SLug
Gaylord (2017/7/28)

PDF scanned by US-SLug
Emka13 (2023/5/11)

Editor Ernest Richard Kroeger (1862–1934)
Publisher. Info. St. Louis: Thiebes-Stierlin Music Co., 1902. Plate 1550.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Gaylord Library Mirroring Project.
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PDF scanned by PL-Kj
Feduol (2022/7/21)

Publisher. Info. Deutsche Musik-Sammlung
Berlin: Globus Verlag, n.d.(ca.1910). Plate D.M.S. 98.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Submission Project.
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PDF scanned by PL-Wu
PMac (2016/10/4)

Editor Lothar Windsperger (1885–1935)
Publisher. Info. Einzel-Ausgabe, No.06661
Mainz: Schott, n.d.
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PDF scanned by Unknown
Feduol (2024/8/1)

Editor Michael Töpel (b. 1958)
Publisher. Info. Frédéric Chopin: Leichte Klavierstücke und Tänze, No.11
Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1996. Plate BA 6565.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here.

In Canada, new editions/re-engravings of public domain works (when not including new original material) should be in the public domain due to failing to meet the threshold of originality. In most European Union countries, these editions (except new original material) are generally protected for no more than 25 years from publication (30 years in Poland), and only if the edition is published after the copyrights of the original creator(s) have expired. In the United States, copyright can only apply to new creative work, and the re-engraving of a public domain piece (not including new additions of creative material) should not qualify for a new copyright, despite copyright claims (which properly would only apply to new material).

You may need to check the publication date and details of the work's first publication in order to determine the work's copyright status, especially for the United States, as the copyright on the original work may not have expired.

More information can be found here.
Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.
Misc. Notes This file does not include editorial fingerings.
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PDF typeset by EHJ
Ottaviano (2010/4/17)

Editor Carl Mikuli (1819–1897)
Ephraim Hammett Jones
Publisher. Info. Columbia, SC: Richard Johnson Editions, 2010.
Misc. Notes New typeset from Richard Johnson Editions of Karol Mikuli's authoritative version of the works of Chopin published by Kistner in 1879, researched and updated according to recent urtext editions. All works feature complete fingerings and very readable musical text. See title page of individual works for more information.
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PDF typeset by editor
Biberle (2024/8/12)

Editor Viktor Keil
Publisher. Info. Viktor Keil, 2024.
Misc. Notes Created with Lilypond
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Allegretto (No.3)

PDF scanned by MCT
University of A... (2018/8/14)

Publisher. Info. London: Wessel & Co., ?1834. Plate 917.
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PDF scanned by D-Dl
Fynnjamin (2020/5/28)

Editor Adolf von Henselt (1814–1889)
Publisher. Info. St. Petersburg: M. Bernard, n.d. Plate 7419.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions


For Violin and Piano (Hermann)
See: Compositionen für Pianoforte und Violine: Nocturnes (Nos.1-3)

Selections (Nos.1-2)

For Piano 4 Hands (Horn)

PDF scanned by Morel
Morel (2024/6/25)

Arranger August Horn (1825–1893)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Edition Peters, n.d. Plate 6227.
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Andante (No.2)

For Orchestra (Mouton)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/7/7)

11 more: Flute • Oboe • Clarinet 1/2 (B♭) • Bassoon • Horn 1/2 (F) • Timpani • Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos • Basses

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/7/7)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/7/7)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/7/7)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/7/7)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/7/7)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/7/7)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/7/7)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/7/7)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/7/7)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/7/7)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/7/7)

Arranger Hubert Mouton (1872–1954)
Publisher. Info. Paris: Durand, 1912.
Reprinted Miami: Edwin F. Kalmus, n.d.(1971-87). Catalog A6169.
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For Cello and Strings (Choe)

PDF typeset by arranger
TradViolin (2021/9/29)

6 more: Solo Cello • Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos • Basses

PDF typeset by arranger
TradViolin (2021/9/29)

PDF typeset by arranger
TradViolin (2021/9/29)

PDF typeset by arranger
TradViolin (2021/9/29)

PDF typeset by arranger
TradViolin (2021/9/29)

PDF typeset by arranger
TradViolin (2021/9/29)

PDF typeset by arranger
TradViolin (2021/9/29)

Arranger Joshua Choe
Publisher. Info. Joshua Choe, 2014.
Misc. Notes YouTube
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For Strings (Choe)

PDF typeset by arranger
TradViolin (2021/9/20)

5 more: Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos • Basses

PDF typeset by arranger
TradViolin (2021/9/20)

PDF typeset by arranger
TradViolin (2021/9/20)

PDF typeset by arranger
TradViolin (2021/9/20)

PDF typeset by arranger
TradViolin (2021/9/20)

PDF typeset by arranger
TradViolin (2021/9/20)

Arranger Joshua Choe
Publisher. Info. Joshua Choe, 2020.
Misc. Notes YouTube
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For Voice and Piano

PDF scanned by PL-Wu
PMac (2021/6/13)

Arranger Unknown
Publisher. Info. Warszawa: Gebethner and Wolff, n.d.(ca.1865). Plate G 483 W.
Misc. Notes French words "Aspiration" by Jules Ruelle (1834–1892), Polish translation "Cisza nocy" by Jan Chęciński (1826–1874)
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For Instrument and Piano (Larocque)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2016/1/2)

11 more: Complete Score (Oboe) • Complete Score (Clarinet/Soprano Saxophone, in C and B♭ major) • Complete Score (Bassoon) • Complete Score (Alto Saxophone) • Complete Score (Baritone Saxophone) • Flute • Oboe • Clarinet/Soprano Saxophone (C/B♭ major) • Bassoon • Alto Saxophone (E♭) • Baritone Saxophone (E♭)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2016/1/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2016/1/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2016/1/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2016/1/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2016/1/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2016/1/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2016/1/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2016/1/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2016/1/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2016/1/7)

PDF typeset by arranger
Larocque (2016/1/7)

Arranger Jacques Larocque
Publisher. Info. Saint-Maurice, QC: Productions du Moliantegok, 2014-15.
Moli 201050, 211021, 231024, 241121, 241130, 241184
Misc. Notes Those files are part of Moliantegok Catalogue for flute - oboe - clarinet - bassoon - saxophone
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For Trombone or Oboe or Violin or Flute and Piano (Delisse)

PDF scanned by US-R
Icactus (2012/4/18)

PDF scanned by US-R
Icactus (2012/4/18)

Arranger Paul Delisse (1817–1888)
Publisher. Info. Paris: Millereau, n.d. Plate M. 398.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
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For Violin or Cello and Piano (Hofmann)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Stephez12 (2009/4/3)

4 more: Complete Score (violin and piano) • Cello Part • Complete Score • Violin Part

PDF scanned by Unknown
Music Addict (2018/11/17)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Music Addict (2018/11/17)

PDF scanned by afp0815
Afp0815 (2019/5/26)

PDF scanned by afp0815
Afp0815 (2019/5/26)

Arranger Richard Hofmann (1844-1918)
Publisher. Info. Album-Blätter, No.93
Leipzig: Bosworth & Co., n.d. Plate B. & Co. 833.4000.14135.
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For Violin and Piano (Meyer and Hermann)

PDF scanned by PL-Wn
Schalltrichter (2021/4/27)

Arranger Fritz Meyer (1857–1926)
Friedrich Hermann (1828–1907)
Publisher. Info. Einzel-Ausgabe, No.02218
Mainz: Schott, n.d.
Misc. Notes In D major
Included in the category Intermediate Works for Violin.
The violin part(s) is in 1st to 3rd position.
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For Violin and Piano (Kross)

PDF scanned by afp0815
Afp0815 (2019/5/7)

PDF scanned by afp0815
Afp0815 (2019/5/7)

Arranger Emil Kross (1852–1917)
Publisher. Info. Ausgewählte Stücke No.6
Köln: P.J. Tonger, n.d. Plate P.J.T. 5709.
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For Violin and Piano (Sarasate)

PDF scanned by Jurabe
Jurabe (2020/12/17)

Arranger Pablo de Sarasate (1844–1908)
Publisher. Info. Paris: Durand & Fils, n.d. Plate D. & F. 2356.
Misc. Notes From the uploader's library. With dedication : à son ami/Aimé GROS. This is the complete score including the violin part contrary to the uploaded Schirmer version, hereafter.
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PDF scanned by US-Wc
Peter (2006/10/28)

Arranger Pablo de Sarasate (1844–1908)
Publisher. Info. New York: Schirmer, n.d.(ca.1913). Plate 23457.
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For Violin and Piano (Seybold)

PDF scanned by Unknown
LinBoHe (2024/6/12)

Arranger Arthur Seybold (1868–1948)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Anton J. Benjamin, n.d. Plate 4663.
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For Violin and Piano (Sonnenfeld)

PDF scanned by PL-Wn
Schalltrichter (2018/8/14)

Arranger Adolf Gustaw Sonnenfeld (1837–1914)
Publisher. Info. Warsaw: Hoesick, 1901. Plate 30.
Misc. Notes Melodies favorites No.76
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For Violin and Piano (Wilhelmj)

PDF scanned by US-R
Peter (2006/11/17)

PDF scanned by US-R
Music Addict (2018/11/17)

PDF scanned by US-R
Music Addict (2018/11/17)

Arranger August Wilhelmj (1845–1908)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Fr. Kistner, n.d.[1873]. Plate 3897.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
in A major
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For Violin and Piano

PDF scanned by H-DRe
Generoso (2009/11/5)

PDF scanned by H-DRe
Music Addict (2018/11/17)

PDF scanned by H-DRe
Music Addict (2018/11/17)

Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Gebrüder Hug & Co., n.d.(ca.1893). Plate G.H. 596.1319.
Misc. Notes In E major
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For 2 Violins (Schubert)
See: Duos faciles et progressifs, Book 6 No.2
For Viola and Piano (Sarasate-Rehfeld)

PDF scanned by Jorge A Peña P.
Jorge A Peña P. (2012/5/19)

PDF scanned by Jorge A Peña P.
Music Addict (2018/11/17)

PDF scanned by Jorge A Peña P.
Music Addict (2018/11/17)

Arranger Pablo de Sarasate (1844–1908) - violin and piano
Fabian Rehfeld (1842–1920) - viola part
Publisher. Info. New York: Carl Fischer, 1903, 1914. Plate 7480, 18037.
Misc. Notes 300 dpi
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For Cello and Piano (Grützmacher)

PDF scanned by US-R
Generoso (2010/6/1)

PDF scanned by US-R
Generoso (2010/6/1)

Arranger Friedrich Grützmacher (1832–1903)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d.(ca.1880). Plate 6301.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
in C major
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For Cello and Piano (Klengel and Reinecke)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Mark.churchill (2024/7/30)

Arranger Julius Klengel (1859–1933)
Carl Reinecke (1824–1910)
Engraver Leipzig: C.G. Röder.
Publisher. Info. Lyrica (No.21)
Leipzig: Gebrüder Reinecke, 1896. Plate 1166 G. 899 R.
Misc. Notes Lyrica 21
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For Cello and Piano (Popper)

PDF scanned by CZ-Pu
Schalltrichter (2021/9/14)

Arranger David Popper (1843–1913)
Publisher. Info. Perles Musicales No.4
Offenbach: Johann André, n.d. Plate 13199.
Misc. Notes color
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For Cello and Piano (Servais)

PDF scanned by RUS-Mrg
Schalltrichter (2013/5/1)

PDF scanned by RUS-Mrg
Music Addict (2018/11/17)

PDF scanned by RUS-Mrg
Music Addict (2018/11/17)

Arranger Adrien-François Servais (1807–1866)
Publisher. Info. Mainz: Schott, n.d. Plate S. 273.
Misc. Notes in D major
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For Double Bass and Piano (Láska)

PDF scanned by D-SWl
Thingy Person (2018/10/13)

PDF scanned by D-SWl
Thingy Person (2018/10/13)

Arranger Gustav Láska (1847–1928)
Publisher. Info. Bremen: A.E. Fischer, n.d. Plate 3312.
Misc. Notes in D major
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For Double Bass and Piano (Simandl)

PDF scanned by PL-Wn
Schalltrichter (2022/1/7)

Arranger Franz Simandl (1840–1912)
Publisher. Info. Vienna: Kramer, n.d. Plate MK XXIV.
Misc. Notes in E flat
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For Piano and Harmonium (Schneider)

PDF scanned by RTM
RTM (2009/8/4)

PDF scanned by RTM
RTM (2009/8/4)

Arranger Waldemar Schneider (Op.26)
Publisher. Info. Berlin: Carl Simon, 1886. Plate C.S. 1198.
Misc. Notes monochrome, 600 dpi, compr. CCITT group 4
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For Piano left hand (Wurm)
See: Piano Studies for the Left Hand, Op.51 (No.5)
For Clarinet (Di Caro)

PDF typeset by arranger
Charlesdicaro (2014/5/25)

Arranger Charles Di Caro
Publisher. Info. Charles Di Caro
Misc. Notes B clarinet
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For Harmonium (Reger)

PDF scanned by D-Mbs
RTM (2012/3/28)

PDF scanned by D-Mbs
RTM (2012/3/29)

Arranger Max Reger (1873–1916)
Publisher. Info. Manuscript, n.d.(ca.1909). (arranger)
Misc. Notes Monochrome: 600dpi (jpg→Image Conversion).
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For Guitar (Bane)

PDF scanned by CSUN
Stefan Apke (2022/6/11)

Arranger Johnson C. Bane (1861–1925)
Publisher. Info. Indianapolis: Wulschner & Son, 1899. Plate 4.58.
Misc. Notes scordatura: C G d g b d'
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For Guitar (Sagreras)

PDF scanned by GuitarPress
Schneidy (2013/1/16)

Arranger Julio Salvador Sagreras (1879–1942)
Publisher. Info. Buenos Aires: Francisco Nuñez y Cia., n.d.(ca.1920). Plate F. 916 N.
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For Guitar (Tárrega)

PDF scanned by E-Bmi
Town explorer (2023/2/7)

Arranger Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909)
Publisher. Info. Holograph manuscript, n.d.
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PDF scanned by US-SLug
Gaylord (2013/8/21)

Arranger Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909)
Publisher. Info. Madrid: Orfeo Tracio, n.d. Plate 1121.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Gaylord Library Mirroring Project.
Transposed to E major.
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For Guitar (Llobet)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Town explorer (2023/4/16)

Arranger Miguel Llobet (1878–1938)
Publisher. Info. Madrid: Unión Musical Española, 1964. Plate 20376.
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General Information

Work Title Nocturnes
Alternative. Title
Name Translations Nokturny op. 9; Nocturnes Op. 9; Nocturnes, Op. 9; 녹턴, Op. 9; 夜曲Op. 9; Noturnos, Op. 9 (Chopin); 3 Notturni op. 9; Nocturns op. 9; المقطوعة الحالمة Op.9; Ноктюрны; น็อกเทินส์ โอพัสที่ 9 (ชอแป็ง); Nocturne, Op. 9 (Chopin); Nocturnos, Op. 9 (Chopin); 夜曲第 9 作品 (蕭邦); Nokturna, op. 9 (Chopin); Ноктюрни, опус 9 (Шопен)
Name Aliases المقطوعة الحالمة Op.٩ (شوبان); 3 Nocturnes, Op. 9; Three Nocturnes, Op. 9
Authorities WorldCat; Wikipedia; VIAF: 174015807; LCCN: no2001061979
Composer Chopin, Frédéric
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. Op.9
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IFC 65
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 3 nocturnes:
1. Larghetto (B-flat minor)
2. Andante (E-flat major)
3. Allegretto (B major)
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1830-31
First Publication. 1832-33
Dedication à Madame Camille Pleyel (Marie Pleyel, 1811–1875)
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation piano
External Links Wikipedia article
Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina No.1
Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina No.2
Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina No.3
All Music Guide No.1
All Music Guide No.2
All Music Guide No.3
All Music Guide All
Extra Locations Nocturnes edited by Raoul Pugno.

Navigation etc.

See Also
List of Intermediate Piano Repertoire
Piano Music by Frédéric Chopin